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Published byShannon Chrystal Gardner Modified over 9 years ago
1 Wrexham Community Cohesion Strategy 2011-14 Equality Information and Outcomes
2 Background to cohesion in Wrexham Strategy development – Equality duties Performance monitoring Results Based Accountability – theory Results Based Accountability – reality! Putting it all together – performance framework that includes equality monitoring Overview of presentation:
3 Strategic Objective/Actions Performance Indicators/Milest ones Target Lead Organisation / Partnership Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4 4. Integration 4.2 Continue to develop network of third party reporting centres to report and record and respond where appropriate to hate incidents both within the communities of Wrexham and within the workplace. 4.2.1 TPRCs engaged in an active support network 25 (including 9 LSB organisatio ns) Wrexham Community Safety Partnership Actu al LSB trainin g undert aken 28 TPRC s - Includ es LSB organi sation s 31 Includ es Conta ct Wrexh am Colo ur Green 4.2.2 Diverse communities engaged in the anti hate project LGBTWrexham Community Safety Partnership Actu al LGBT group commi tment Disabili ty Comm unity Faith Comm unity – initial meetin gs held Work ongoin g Colo ur Green 4.2.3 Increase in reported hate crime From 50 to 70 per year Wrexham Community Safety Partnership Actu al 27Less report s 46 Colo ur GreenAmberGreen
7 Continue to deliver the priorities taken forward through the current community cohesion strategy; Increase the level of engagement with children and young people around the cohesion debate, including building good relations through play; Develop more explicit links with the equalities agenda; Explore in more detail community cohesion issues in relation to disability and develop options for increased engagement; Develop a better understanding of the links and shared priorities with community regeneration work; Continue to mainstream community cohesion wherever possible; and Improve monitoring and evaluation by adopting a ‘Results Based Accountability’ approach. Key consultation feedback
8 What are the quality of life conditions we want for the children, adults and families who live in our community? RESULTS What would these conditions look like I we could see them INDICATORS How can we measure theses conditions? PERFORMANCE MEASURES How are we doing on the most important of our measures? Who are the partners that have a role to play in doing better? What works to do better, including no-cost and low- cost ideas? What do we propose to do? PROJECTS Results Based Accountability [RBA]
9 – what we are aiming at……. Result Indicator Project Performance Measures Project Performance Measures Indicator Project Performance Measures Project Performance Measures
10 Short term / Year 1 Medium term / year 2 Long term / year 3 Very important Urgent Create a baseline Underpin future work Lower degree of urgency Require underpinning work in years 1 + 2 Require further investigation Dependant on other issues / activities Long list of ideas, ambitions, blue sky thinking…….
11 ‘Wrexham is a peaceful and harmonious place where people have a sense of belonging and get on well together’ Quality of Life Condition i.e. the Result people want:
12 Wrexham is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together Wrexham is a place where community tensions are understood and are peacefully resolved at an early stage Indicators [how we will recognise the Result]:
13 Wrexham is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together Minority communities are represented on strategic partnerships Public, voluntary and community sector staff understand who our communities are and what they need Different communities come together in everyday situations Wrexham is a place where community tensions are understood and are peacefully resolved at an early stage People are confident to report community tensions * Children and young people influence the community cohesion agenda Children and young people are confident to mix together Strategic Action Plan [the actions we will take that have a reasoned chance of improving the Result]
14 How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? RBA Performance Measures [how well are we delivering the actions]:
15 OutcomeWhat this will look like How we will achieve this [projects] Performance measure How much we did How well we did it Is anyone better off People are confident to report community tensions Community tensions are reported Continue to develop the Anti Hate project to ensure that children, young people and adults from all communities can access the support service. Continue to raise awareness of the Community Tension Monitoring process No of TPRCs targeting people with protected characteristics No of anti hate awareness raising activities [agencies, TPRCs, communities, young people] No of reports by protected characteristic / age No of tension monitoring awareness raising activities No of Community Tension Monitoring reports received No of tension reports escalated to the Community Tension Monitoring Group % customer satisfaction with anti hate project [TPRCs, agencies, helping agencies, victims /age] % customer satisfaction with awareness raising activities % of tension reports / geographic and agency spread No and % of victims who feel the Anti Hate project had helped them / protected characteristic / age [Key Performance Indicator] No and % of agencies who feel the Anti Hate project has helped them characteristic / age No and % of agencies who feel the Tension Monitoring Project has helped them No and % of cases that would not have been resolved under the previous system
16 Putting it all together: Wrexham is a peaceful and harmonious place where people have a sense of belonging and get on well together Wrexham is a place where people from Different backgrounds get on well together Project Performance Measures Project Performance Measures Wrexham is a place where community tensions are understood and are peacefully resolved at an early stage Community Tension Monitoring How much? How well? Anyone better off? Third Party Reporting Centres How much? How well? Anyone better off?
17 Gill Grainger – Community Cohesion Manager Tel: 01978 298736 Mo Caldecott – Community Cohesion Officer Tel: 01978 298735 Contact details
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