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Building Your Activist Base Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Your Activist Base Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Your Activist Base Paid for by Democracy for America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

2 2 People Powered Campaigns Volunteers give a campaign life Campaigns activate people who can help build the progressive movement Think about the first campaign you ever volunteered on.

3 What’s Your Motivation? 3 Why do people volunteer? Personal connection (R) Inspiring candidate (Id) Inspiring opponent (Av) Particular issue or interest (Ax) Sound familiar?

4 What’s Your Motivation? 4 Another way to think about it: C ommunity O pportunity P olicy S ocial Which are you?

5 5 Where to look? Super Dem Activists - Early touch to the D “base” - Party org’s: county, local Dem club - Vol. requirement for voting privileges? Allied groups and organizations - Labor unions - Campus groups - Issue groups (LGBT, Immigration, Environmental, etc.) - Where in your community?

6 6 What kind of people? People with a vested interest: - Relatives - Donors People who are: - Busy - Already volunteer elsewhere - (food banks, local clubs, scouts) - Social/have good social networks “give a busy person a task…”

7 Tactics: How to ask 7 More personal = more effective & more time consuming - Face to face, over the phone Less personal = less effective & less time consuming - Email, social media, flyering Target super-volunteers early

8 8 The 5 C’s of an Ask

9 9 1. Connect Make a connection to the person

10 10 The 5 C’s of an Ask 2. Context Explain how this activity will help us win

11 11 The 5 C’s of an Ask 3. Commit Make a solid “ask” to get a firm yes

12 12 The 5 C’s of an Ask 4. Catapult Throw the volunteer into their commitment

13 13 The 5 C’s of an Ask 5. Confirm Reminder calls to everyone the day before

14 Say Thank You …and never stop

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