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Published byIsabel Eleanore Palmer Modified over 9 years ago
Deb Erskine Instructional Human Resource Senior Manager February 16, 2011
Today’s Goal Today’s goal is to help you to understand what HRMS is, and how to: initiate follow verify changes in a Research employee’s record in the Human Resources component of Wolverine Access (HRMS). 2
What is HRMS? HRMS is the abbreviation for the M-Pathways Human Resource Management System Accessible through Wolverine Access, it is often simply referred to as Wolverine Access, WA, or “the system” It is used for Academic and Non-Academic Research appointments. 3
Instructional HR Appointment Paperwork Flowchart For Appointment Request Forms (new hire paperwork) and Wolverine Access Submittal Forms (appointment changes) HRRIS (Records) Puts appt or change on line and makes it effective. Deb/Tom are liaison to HRRIS for LSA instructional appointments. Deb Faculty (Lecturers and professors), visitors and research appointments All LSA Departments Questions Path of instructional HR paperwork All instructional appointment and appointment change paperwork for LSA units must be routed through Divisional Affairs via Deb Erskine or Tom Hart. Appointment paperwork is usually initiated by the department. Some appointments and/or changes require prior approval by the LSA EC and possibly a Regents Communication. Academic personnel changes are effective only after HRRIS receives the signed paperwork from the College and data-enters the change on Wolverine Access. Questions Heavy arrow = flow of paperwork PLEASE REMEMBER to consider Deb and Tom your liaison to HRRIS and Academic Human Resources for LSA instructional appointments. Our goal is to process all instructional paperwork through to HRRIS within 48 working hours of receipt in the Dean’s Office. Peak times at the beginning of the term or highly complex problems may extend that turnaround time. Tom GSI/GSRA appointments, Peoplepay payments 4
What actions should units initiate via the HRMS system? New hires Additional appointments Appointment changes, including: Effort changes Department Budget Earnings (DBE) changes: e.g., short code changes and split funding Additional pay on active appointments (pay that does not generate effort) Terminations REMEMBER: HRMS is a “dead” system; you do not enter data directly. You use the submittal screens on Wolverine Access (such as the Job Data and Department Budget Earnings Changes screens) to create and print a paper submittal form. 5
Generating HR Paperwork Chart 6
The department creates and prints the submittal form and secures the appropriate departmental signatures. The submittal is sent to Divisional Affairs to be checked and approved. If needed, Divisional Affairs asks the department to make corrections to the paperwork. After approval, Divisional Affairs sends the paper submittal to HRRIS. HRRIS data-enters the information into HRMS. Department verifies appointment accuracy in Wolverine Access. The Flow of an HR change 8 Department regularly checks Gross Pay Register to confirm correct pay.
New Hire Paperwork Faculty, Lecturers, Researchers GSA (GSI, GSSA, GSRA) Appointment Request Form (Form 36400) Approved Pool Report (tenure track) Offer Letter Faculty Personnel Record (Form 30002) Supplemental Appointment Information (Form 36100) Must be notarized on Page 1 Page 3 must be completed I-9 Optional: Payroll forms (e.g. W-4, Direct Deposit Request) Appointment Request Form (Form 36400). Fraction Calculation Form (Form 30010) for GSI, GSSA only (not needed for GSRA) Educational Assistant Personnel Record (Form 36510) Supplemental Appointment Information (Form 36100) Must be notarized on Page 1 Page 3 must be completed I-9 Optional: Payroll forms (e.g. W-4, Direct Deposit Request) All forms MUST be most recent version. Download from HRRIS website ( REMEMBER: SS# required only upon hire, on Appointment Request form, and not thereafter on any HR forms. If Empl ID is known, SS# should NOT be provided. 9
Reappointments/Renewals Assistant Professors/Assistant Research Scientist Research Fellows Reappointed following successful third- year review. Require Wolverine Access submittal, prepared by department to change end date. Annual renewal up to three years. If an extension is needed a request should be sent to the Divisional Associate Dean three months prior to the termination date and should include a current CV and a letter of support by the Chair. Visiting Research Faculty Appointments are for one year. If an extension is needed a request should be sent to the Divisional Associate Dean three months prior to the termination date and should include a current CV and a letter of support by the Chair. Dry Appointments All Research Faculty submitting proposals must have at a minimum 5% effort from non- sponsor funds. Dry appointments are rarely granted. If you need to give someone an affiliation only this program through Rackham might work for them. M-Community Sponsor System. ( See webpage /) / 10 Senior Lecturers, Collegiate or Endowed Professors, Thurnau Professors Distinguished University Professor 5-year terms. LSA Executive Committee approval required for (re)appointment. Require Wolverine Access submittal, prepared by department. An ongoing title, once awarded. Established by Rackham and Office of Budget and Planning (not LSA).
11 The “Before” section for empl record #1, displays the appointment information as it is now. (Continues on next screen.) The Employee Record Summary displays basic appointment information as it is now. The Visa Permit Data Summary indicates if I9 is current. Assistant Professor Reappointment Submittal (Joint appointment)
12 The “Before” section for empl record #1 (continued from previous screen) displays the appointment information as it is now. The “After” section for empl record #1 displays only the changes to the appointment information. The Job Comment section is important to help the Dean’s Office understand your intentions. However, HRRIS usually will be guided by the entries in the “After” section, not by the comment. Assistant Professor Reappointment Submittal (continued)
13 The “Before” section for empl record #2 (continued from previous screen), displays the appointment information as it is now. The “After” section for empl record #2 displays only the changes to the appointment information (continued on next screen). Assistant Professor Reappointment Submittal - Joint appointment (continued)
14 Assistant Professor Reappointment Submittal - Joint appointment (continued) The “After” section for empl record #2 displays only the changes to the appointment information (continued from previous screen).
GSA Reappointment Submittal 15 The Visa Permit Data Summary indicates if I9 is current. The Employee Record Summary displays the basic appointment information as it is now. Look here to verify that student has ANY empl records that are active or on work break. (If not, new hire paperwork is required.) The “Before” section displays the appointment information as it is now. (Continues on next screen.)
GSA Reappointment Submittal (continued) 16 The “After” displays only the changes to the appointment information. The Job Comment section is important to help the Dean’s Office understand your intentions. However, HRRIS usually will be guided by the entries in the After section, not by the comment. The “Before” DBE section displays the DBE information from the previous appointment. A new DBE Row is required for a GSA Reappointment The “After” section displays the new dates and short code for the reappointment.
When will I see my new appointment or change on the system? Under normal circumstances during the term, you can look for your appointment or change on Wolverine Access approximately 5-7 business days AFTER delivery to Divisional Affairs (Deb or Tom). Exceptions to “normal circumstances” are: Unusual appointments or unusual appointment changes. Errors in paperwork or missing forms. The busiest times of the year (September and January, the beginning of each term). REMEMBER: New appointments always take longer than most changes to existing appointments. 17
An Error with Appointment or Pay? First determine: Is the appointment correct in HRMS? YES? If the appointment is correct in HRMS: Contact the Payroll Office to see why the appointment didn’t pay as you expected. Contact Deb or Tom if that doesn’t resolve the issue. NO? If the appointment is not correct in HRMS: Check your file copy of the appointment paperwork or change submittal. Is it correct? If the submittal was incorrectly data entered into HRMS, contact Divisional Affairs (Deb or Tom). Please do NOT contact HRRIS. Submittal incorrect? New submittal needed. 18
Faculty Summer Appointments Reasons for summer pay: Active effort – teaching or research “Ninths” as promised in offer letter The summer empl record is the mechanism for appointing and compensating instructional, U-Year faculty during the summer. Note these restrictions on summer pay: A maximum of 2/9 ths salary is allowed in one summer on general funds. Sponsored funds may not be charged in the month of May as summer salary. 19
Summer Appointments – The Process Department creates a new, summer empl record#, if one doesn’t already exist. Points to remember when creating a U-Year summer empl record: Mirror appointment period and begin and end dates (if applicable) of original appointment. Determine monthly dollars/effort by dividing original salary by 9 (U-YR) or 8 (U-YRT) or 4 (Term) to determine maximum monthly salary allowed. Term IIIA submittals: Submit by May 1 Term IIIB submittals: Submit by July 1 20
Supplemental Pay to Instructional Staff Empl Status=Active or Leave With Pay Empl Status= Unpaid leave (or work break), or if all Empl Records are terminated Must pay supplemental pay via Additional Pay Submittal (Wolverine Access) Must pay via Peoplepay process (not via Wolverine Access). ALL Peoplepay forms paid by LSA departments must be submitted to the Dean’s Office for approval. Peoplepay to instructional employees, or for instruction related services (guest speakers, honoraria) are approved by Tom Hart. Peoplepay for non-instructional people or non-instructional services are approved by Diane Benson. When in doubt of who should approve your Peoplepay form, send it to either Diane Benson or Tom Hart. 21
22 The Employee Record Summary displays the empl status as it is now Determining Empl Status (whether to pay supplemental pay through Additional Pay or Peoplepay) is accomplished most easily by going into a submittal form page. (REMEMBER you can’t use sponsor funds for additional pay— those funds require effort.) Supplemental Pay to Instructional Staff (continued)
STATUS of empl record must be active or leave with pay. Otherwise, must be paid via Peoplepay. EARNINGS CODE must be appropriate. (See acronyms list.) EARNINGS AMOUNT = Monthly amount. EFFECTIVE AND END DATE = Beginning and end dates of pay periods in which monthly amount will pay. ADDITIONAL PAY SUBMITTAL SAL Salary Supplement 23
Current Research Faculty aren’t eligible for Leaves. Options available to them: Vacation timeLeave without Salary Medical/Sick Leaves through Work Connections 24
Retirements The Emeritus Title Granted by the Regents as a result of the official request which takes the form of the retirement memoir, prepared by the department. Draft memoirs are due approximately 60 days prior to retirement date. Reminders are sent each term from Dean’s Office to all units. Timely submission of the memoir AND the HR termination paperwork ensures timely conferral of emeritus status. 25
Resignations/Terminations/Reduction in Force (RIF) for anyone with a 12-month appt. Verify vacation time before requesting RIF status. Non-reappointments, retirements, resignations, and deaths all require that the Layoff and Termination Form be submitted to the Dean’s Office. End date of appointment = end date of benefits FYI - Pay ends with June 30 check (for UYear appointments). Please make sure that employee effort certifies. (Refer to CRO and LSA Research web pages for instructions and details.) 26
Reduction in Force (RIF) PROCESS LSA Process Template documents are available for use to transmit request to College and OVPR. A third template for letting the Research Faculty member know the decision once approved by OVPR and College ( ). OVPR asks that we follow the RIF procedure which is provided in the next slide. So packet which includes the DivAD letter, the request to OVPR, and the draft RIF memo to the candidate should be sent to the Research Office for review and forwarding to OVPR. 27
Reduction in Force (RIF) PROCESS LSA Process 15. Reduction-in-Force Research faculty reduction-in-force (RIF, layoff) actions are governed by Standard Practice Guide (SPG) 201.72 – Reduction-in-Force. In addition to the requirements established by SPG 201.72, the joint approval of OVPR and the Office of Academic Human Resources (AHR) is required before a unit may issue a RIF notification to a research faculty member. The appointing unit must submit the RIF proposal to OVPR, which will work jointly with AHR to review the proposal. All proposed RIF actions should be submitted to OVPR with sufficient lead-time to allow for the appropriate coordinated review. Additional requirements are provided below: For all research faculty, appointing units must provide a minimum notice of 90 days before a RIF takes effect. For RIF proposals that would affect research faculty with less than three years of service, the appointing unit must provide substantial documentation of why the unit is unable to fulfill its original three-year commitment. At a minimum, appointing units should provide the information on the list below in an RIF proposal: Offer letter and hiring Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); Funding history; Status of all current sources of funds; Role (PI or Co-PI) on active grants, term of award and funding commitment; Role (PI or Co-PI), funding level and probability of success on all pending grants; and Other known pending grants with support for research faculty member. 28
Some Common HR Acronyms Leaves: DOCDuty off campus leave LWOSLeave without salary (no dollars/no benefits) SABSabbatical leave SALScholarly activity leave (generates medical coverage regardless of effort) TOATopping off award (relates to scholarly activity leave—more info on LSA Research Webpage) Additional Pay Earnings Codes: ADMAdministrative differential (requires administrative title) SALSalary supplement (for GSI substitutions and one-time recruitment or retention payment; carries retirement contribution) FELFellowship – pay for research fellows on training grant LEOAdditional pay related to LEO appointment LEPLEO only: late layoff notice payment LERLEO only: lump-sum payment to adjunct lecturer following successful review UNSAdditional pay unrelated to appointment (NO retirement contribution) Others: DBEDepartment Budget Earnings HRRISHuman Resources Records and Information Services RIFReduction in Force P-ModPerson modifier - screen in HRMS for viewing leaves since fall ‘01, title, etc. 29
Contact Information Deb Erskine (derskine) Phone: 647-1484; 2156 LSA, 1382 Tom Hart (tjhart) Phone: 615-5545 2160 LSA, 1382 HRRIS Forms Website 30
Questions 31
Finding your way through HRMS “Breadcrumbs” 32
Breadcrumbs: Effort Changes Job Information Submittal Form Pages Job Data Changes Dept Budget Earnings Changes Submittal Workforce Administration 33
Breadcrumbs: DBE Changes Job Information Submittal Form Pages Dept Budget Earnings Changes Submittal Workforce Administration 34
DBE Change submittal 35
Breadcrumbs: New Empl Record Job Information Submittal Form Pages New Employment Record Job Data New Employment Record Dept Budget Earnings Submittal Workforce Administration 36
Breadcrumbs: Mini-Submittal Workforce Administration Job Information Submittal Form Pages Submittal Form 37
Mini-Submittal 38
Breadcrumbs: Additional Pay Job Information Submittal Form Pages Additional Pay Changes Submittal Workforce Administration 39
Detailed MyLinc Instructions for Additional Pay Submittal Creation Wolverine Access Home Page University Business MyLinc Search: Additional Pay Additional Pay Changes: (Submittal Form Creation) 40
Breadcrumbs: Person Modifier (P-mod) Person Information Review Job Information Modify a Person In Person Modifier, you can view leave history since fall 2001, titles, admin department, etc. Workforce Administration 41
To View Last Paycheck Distribution Job Information Review Job Information Employee Payroll/Leave Data (Not for Faculty leave history. Go to Pmod for faculty leave history.) Workforce Administration 42 Note: You will only see the LAST paycheck distributed to the employee on this screen.
As Needed Effort Certification Report Workforce Reports As Needed Effort Certification For terminating and terminated employees only. The CRO requires on-line certification for all active employees. Create a Run Control ID if necessary. If you already have a Run Control ID for As Needed Effort Certification Reports, enter the first few letters of your Control ID and click SEARCH. Enter UMID for employee, dates for certification period, and select “Run to Window”. Report will run and appear in a new window. Workforce Administration 43
Employee Total Picture Workforce Reports Employee Total Picture Most of the data goes back to July 2001 ONLY (the beginning of Wolverine Access). This can be a complex report to interpret, but it is useful for employment start date, for example. Create a Run Control ID if necessary. If you already have a Run Control ID for As Needed Effort Certification Reports, enter the first few letters of your Control ID and click SEARCH. Enter UMID for employee, “as of” date, and type of data requested. Select “Run to Window”. Report will run and appear in a new window. Workforce Administration 44
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