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COMMON PERFORMANCE MEASURES & REPORTING. New legislation requires the use of three outcome performance measures that are used in all ETA youth programs.

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2 New legislation requires the use of three outcome performance measures that are used in all ETA youth programs The system for data collection will be developed through a process that allows for public comment Background

3 YouthBuild grants are subject to the common measures policy through the legislation, which is consistent with ETA’s other youth workforce development program performance measures. There will be an MIS reporting system that YouthBuild grantees are expected to participate in. Background

4 To provide program operators and front- line staff with information for decision- making and continuous improvement To provide DOL w/ information to ensure program accountability and to assist in identifying TA needs To demonstrate program success The Need for Program Performance Data

5 Job Training Common Measures for Youth Programs 1)Placement in Employment, Education, or Training 2) Attainment of a Degree/Certificate 3) Literacy/Numeracy Gains

6 Definition of Placement Measure Placement in Employment or Education Of those who were not in a placement at participation date, demonstrates the number of youth placed into employment, post-secondary education, or advanced training/occupational skills training by the first quarter after exiting the program.

7 Attainment of a Degree or Certificate Definition of Degree Attainment Measure Of those who did not have a diploma, GED, or certificate at the participation date, demonstrates the number of youth who attain a diploma, GED, or certificate by the third quarter after exiting the program.

8 Definition of Literacy/Numeracy Gains Measure Literacy and Numeracy Gains Of those youth who are considered basic skills deficient, demonstrates the number of youth who increase one or more educational functioning levels over the course of one year of participation in the program.

9 Training on MIS & Performance Measures Once awards are granted, there will be additional training to grantees to ensure full understanding of the MIS system being utilized and the common measures.

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