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Orange Tech Solutions, an eight years old partnership firm specialized in IT, Non – IT focused recruitment and Training with strong track record of offering.

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Presentation on theme: "Orange Tech Solutions, an eight years old partnership firm specialized in IT, Non – IT focused recruitment and Training with strong track record of offering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orange Tech Solutions, an eight years old partnership firm specialized in IT, Non – IT focused recruitment and Training with strong track record of offering exciting careers. At Orange Tech Solutions, we recognize that the success of our projects depend upon a sizeable extent on knowledge transfer. We are working round the clock and round the year to provide better future by giving best in class training and apposite employment. We Orange Tech Solution invite students from schools and Junior Colleges to participate in ‘SUPRHOUR 2015’. We will be conducting competitive exams to enrolled the students on their regular class topics and general knowledge in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) An initiative by Orange Tech Solutions

2 Aspire For indentifying and nurturing the inborn talents and potentialities of the students, we are conducting a talent examination at an outstanding level for the students of 5 th standard to 12 th standard of CBSC, ICSC and State Board. It will enable the students to face with confidence in any situation in his personal life as well as the examinations like entrance or other competitive occasions. These examinations intend to offer such intellectually challenging questions and other test items that may stimulate and motivate the children to start utilizing their mental capabilities

3 Examination Process: The preloaded application Tab device with 45 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to answer in 60 minutes. All evaluations are performed by application (APP) and results will be announced within 2 days. The target region is Bangalore and divided into 4 zones viz: East, West, South and North. Groups for Competition: The competitors are divided into two Groups: Junior Group Senior Group Junior Group: The students from 5th standard to 8th standard Senior Group: The students from 9th standard to 12th standard

4 Examination Stages: There are THREE stages of examination for each Group. 1.Primary Level Here all enrolled students will appear for the exam in their respective schools/colleges and one topper from each group and from each school will be qualified for the Zonal Level. 2. Zonal Level: The selected students from primary level will undergo Zonal level and two topper students from each group from different zones will be qualified for final level. So the total number of students will be 8 i.e., 4 juniors and 4 seniors. OTS will identify the examination centers in each zone for Zonal Level which will be convenient for all participants to travel.

5 Final Event: Final QUIZ and A cultural event with Concert from SONU NIGAM The 8 semi finalist’s are the contests for Final QUIZ, in White Orchid Bangalore and one from each group will be the “SUPRHOUR WINNER” The winners of the event will be honored with CASH PRIZE as below :JUNIOR: I Prize : Rs. 2,00,000/- II Prize: Rs. 1,00,000/- III Prize: Rs. 20,000/- each for final two participantsSENIOR: I Prize : Rs. 2,00,000/- II Prize: Rs. 1,00,000/- III Prize: Rs. 20,000/- each for final two participants

6 “ BEST SCHOOL AWARD ” “ BEST SCHOOL AWARD ” This award will be given for the school zonal wise based on enrolled student’s performance/result. “BEST PERFORMANCE AWARD” Five performer (individual or group) will be given chance to perform in the grand finale at Palace Ground and will be awarded.

7 Cultural Mega Event and Concert by SONU NIGAM A cultural event is a performance from selected students of different schools, who participated in the “SUPRHOUR program” along with a Concert from “SONU NIGAM and team”, has been arranged in White Orchid-Manyata Embassy Business park, after the QUIZ program. Expected about 20000 audiences will be enjoying this occasion.

8 Cause Why we do this Program? “Let’s sacrifice our today so that our Children can have a better tomorrow” “Let’s sacrifice our today so that our Children can have a better tomorrow” --- Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam --- Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam If we provide quality education and better learning facilities for Angawadi kids will definitely enhance their learning capability and interest where the child will very begin its institutional life. This in turn will minimize the school dropouts and build better nation tomorrow If we provide quality education and better learning facilities for Angawadi kids will definitely enhance their learning capability and interest where the child will very begin its institutional life. This in turn will minimize the school dropouts and build better nation tomorrow.

9 Orange Tech Solutions has conducted a survey and identified that lot of Anganawadi Kendra’s (Preschool) in Karnataka are not well equipped and facing dent in infrastructure facility. This made us to arrange this award program to improve the facilities in Anganawadi Kendra’s across rural Karnataka. As a first initiation we found ANGANWADI centers in Kolar district which is very next to Bangalore city and is a drought area where almost all Anganawadi Kendra’s are underdeveloped and looking for better facilities. drought

10 ANGANWADI’s centers at present :-



13 Future ANGANWADI’s centers Future ANGANWADI’s centers : Following activities are planned to improve Anganawadi Kendra’s in Kolar:  Free capacity building Sessions for ANGANWADI teachers:  Provide drinking water facility:

14  Provide lavatory facility:  Supply necessary utensils for Anganawadi Kitchens:  Create a healthy environment by improving the building and surrounding areas:

15  Supply required toys and learning instruments :  Regular health check up for Anganwadi kids:  Upgrade to solar lighting system:

16  To provide writing tables: Orange Tech Solutions would like to reiterate its commitment to maintain highest standards of transparency, integrity and business ethics in all our engagements and compliances.

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