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Published byPamela Sparks Modified over 9 years ago
1 Department of Home Affairs Caring, compassionate and responsive Department Business Plan 1 April 2006 - 31 March 2009 Presentation to Portfolio Committee 23 August 2006
2 Contents Business Planning Process National Policy Drivers Improving the Business Plan Organisation of the DHA Business Plan Planning levels: Head Office and Provinces Key strategic Deliverables Business Plan by Strategic objectives
Business Planning Process 06 – 0708/ 09 Business Planning Process 06 – 07 / 08/ 09 29 May 06Strategic Plan 2006 – 2009 discussed with the Portfolio committee; requests a DHA business plan that show specific target dates. 30 May 06Strategic Plan 2006 – 2009 approved with the Budget Speech 9 Jun 06Plans for all business units completed 26 Jun 06First draft of DHA business plan July/ AugRevision and alignment with Performance Agreements with support of Intervention team 21 Aug 06Business plan submitted after revision process
4 National Policy Drivers/ DHA priorities Developmental state; sustained economic development Bring 2 economies together; integrated planning ASGISA / JIPSA Input to integrated planning (Integrated development plans/ nodal points, etc.) Enabling documents allow access to economic resources Scarce skills – migration system Building democracy/ national identity Identity of citizens – DHA custodian Efficient state that can deliver services effectively across all tiers of government Cooperative governance Fighting corruption Batho Pele oriented service delivery Provision of enabling documents – core business of the DHA Access to services (Batho Pele) Counter corruption measures Technology-enabled systems developed Work with all the Clusters Integrity of state Including state/ borders and managing migration; 2010 ; tourism Leading role in BCOCC, border control Managing migration system and policy development 2010 project
5 Improving the business plan Support Intervention Team and relevant planning unit assisted with redrafting of DHA Business Plan and aligning with the performance agreements of senior managers The first draft was analysed in terms of its short-comings and improvements to future planning were identified Gaps were identified, deliverables and indicators made more concrete & dates verified with each business unit. Key dependencies were identified and taken into account, e.g. outcomes linking to budgets, IS, HR and infrastructure.
6 Organisation of the DHA Business Plan 06/07 1.Organised under the 9 Strategic Plan objectives. 2.Includes KPAs and the work plan of the Support Intervention Team; which is giving support in five key areas - the departmental management remains fully accountable for planning and delivery 3.Has been linked to the performance agreements (Pas) of senior managers. 4.Follows structure of budget allocations. 5.Will be the basis of quarterly reviews.
7 The DHA business plan is a higher level plan based on the strategic plan and government priorities that gives direction; which is broken down again at branches/ business unit level Head office business plans are at a national level, reflecting their role in policy and systems development, setting standards and management. Provincial plans are more detailed and operational, as reflects their role in service delivery operations. They are similar but each also reflects the situation in particular provinces. A sample provincial plan has been attached. Planning Levels: Head office and Provinces
8 1.Develop & implement an Organisational / Service Delivery Model for DHA within a technologically enabled environment. 2.Phased Transformation of Civic Services and NIB to ensure a professional, user-friendly, effective and efficient service and experience for all citizens/ clients/ end users. 3.Integrated HR capacity plan developed (linked to infrastructure, systems plans) and Phase 1 implemented, including filling of critical posts filled. 4.Phased Devolution of support / core functions and powers to provinces and all offices with necessary capacity building and safeguards. Key Strategic Deliverables: 2006- 2009
9 5. Support of ASGISA / JIPSA implemented e.g. through improved immigration systems: permits, including intra-company transfers; work permits; strengthening inspectorate 6. Departmental plan to deal with pre-2010 and 2010 challenges developed & implemented. 7. Strengthen and align financial planning, budgeting and the individual and organisational performance management. 8. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems improved; including links between Head Office and provincial service delivery points. 9. Financial controls reviewed by Internal Audit and improved by Finance. Key Strategic Deliverables: 2006- 2007 (contin.)
10 DHA Business Plan Caring, compassionate and responsive Strategic Objectives Focus on 2006 / 7
11 Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model that ensures the Department has people in the correct places, with the requisite capacity and capabilities, to enable it to meet its mandate. OUTPUTPROGRESS An organisational model for the Department approved (1.1) Conceptual development of organisational model completed (30 Sept 2006) Establish a stronger & more coherent management team SMS competency assessments carried out (30 Nov 06) Strategic leadership at provincial and local offices assessed: including head office/ provincial office interface (31 August 2006) Basic elements of model developed: including basic organisational design; reporting system; organisational and individual performance management Integrated programme-level planning and budget forecasting to be conducted (Sept - Oct 06); linked to strategic and business planning for 2007-8 Review and alignment of all SMS Performance agreements to DHA and individual Business Plans by 31 August 06 Plan for devolution of functions reviewed (31 Aug 06)
12 Civic Services (CS) transformed with regard to policies, processes, systems and structures (1.2) Macro transformation plan for CS finalised with framework to guide the transformation process (30 Sep O6) Integrated transformation plan developed (28 Feb 07) Capacity to implement in place by 1 April 07 Concept document submitted Phase 1 plan outlined (envisioning phase as per project plan) MTEF bid made to secure funds for transformation Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model …(contin.)
13 Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model …(contin.) Interim measures to improve quality and turnaround times (1.2.4) Improving document distribution between provinces and head office and vice versa (31 December 2006) Sorting & indexing (31 Mar 07) Delegations to provinces to issue full births, marriages and death certificates once proper controls, capacity, etc. in place (31 Mar 07) Post office contract is operational. 663427 (82%) of IDs delivered (uncollected in offices), 18% in process Manual track and trace system for IDs in place at Head Office and Provinces Manual sorting and indexing of births, deaths and marriages records commenced during May 2006. Total of 2 397 616 births, marriages, deaths (BMD) records as at 19 Aug 06 sorted & indexed Technical analysis with regard to the delegation of printing of full certificates by outside offices finalized
14 OUTPUTPROGRESS Performance driven culture institutionalised (1.3) All PAs signed by 31 August after ensuring alignment to the DHA Business Plan; (31 August) Performance Management Policy fully implemented and managed (31 Mar 07) Poor performance addressed: o Development of Employee Relations strategy in relation to poor performance o Employee wellness programmes Performance management workshop for SMS of 2005 to be followed by workshop in Sept 06; Plan to take down to other management levels (roll out from Oct 06) SMS Performance Reviews assessed by 31 October 2004 – 2006 SMS appointments reviewed (31 Aug) Capacity of managing misconduct. Improved (trained chairpersons, etc.). Financial disclosure forms signed Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model …(contin.)
15 Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model …(contin.) OUTPUTPROGRESS New effective system for monitoring and evaluation developed and introduced as part of developing an organizational performance management system (1.4) M & E policy and system approved and implemented (30 Sept 06) Establish uniform reporting standards (31 Oct 06) Ensure effective programme integration and effective monitoring of projects (31 Oct 06) Survey of quality of key management data: first phase completed (will assist collaboration with Stats SA) System of quarterly review meeting implemented (July 06) Joint Development Task Team with DPLG established and M & E software package available
16 OUTPUTPROGRESS An integrated (HR) capacity development strategy and plan (1.6) Integrated HR plan developed, prioritized and costed in terms of numbers and skills requirements (31 Mar 07) – including: o Skills and competency audits o Compulsory management training o Standards for support staff determined and posts filled. Focused support by Support Intervention for key HR matters: (July – December 2006) Recruitment & selection; critical appointments; review of professionalising approach and occupational categories; job evaluation of Immigration Officers posts HR strategy adopted (2006) Youth Development Service launched in May 2006 for out of school youth Middle Managers for Sustainable Pool Project selected Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model …(contin.)
17 OUTPUTPROGRESS Devolution of support, core functions and powers devolved to Provinces and all offices accelerated (1.7) Comprehensive devolution plan developed – 31 Jan 07 Integrated plan for systems roll- out in place (20 Nov 2006) Delegations for 2007/ 8 in place (31 Mar 07) Draft devolution plan by 31 Aug 06 (work-in-progress) Revised HR Delegations to provinces by Oct 06 (work-in- progress) Procurement delegations revised Initial consultation between the Service Delivery branch and other branches Provinces developing short-to- medium term infrastructure plans aligned with MTEF processes Strategic Objective 1: Develop and implement an organisational model
18 Strategic Objective 2: Provide a service to all clients that reflects and institutionalises the principles of Batho Pele, to enable it to meet its mandate. OUTPUTPROGRESS Service Delivery Improvement Plan in line with Batho Pele principles implemented (2.1 and 2.7) Service Delivery plan developed (31 Dec 06). Expansion of client service centre to provide 24 hour services (30 Oct 06) Design of an appropriate model (30th Oct 06). Concept paper for the CSC adopted. Appointment of Project Manager in progress. Appointment of Project Team members and SLA development in progress. Filling of posts to increase capacity of call centre agents. Systems architecture being developed.
19 Uniforms for NIB (Admissions and Inspectorate) Roll-out to officials admissions sections in progress; finalised by Dec 06 Inspectorate and Refugee officials uniforms by March 07 Immigration officers’ appointment cards issued in terms of 2002 Act – 31 March 07 Design with security features approved Name tags Policy and procedures in place SLA/ contract with service provider to be strengthened and quality-managed Roll-out to be tracked Strategic Objective 2: Provide a service to all clients …(Batho Pele)...
20 Accessibility to DHA service delivery points increased (2.5): Phased expansion of DHA service delivery points, including new offices, based on CSIR report – over eight years, and making use of new technologies Integrated access plan to achieve above, including government and other access points (e.g. hospitals, MPCCs, Post Office, service points, district offices, ports of entry) developed and implemented in phases – 1 st Phase plan in place by 30 Nov 06 CSIR report and expansion plan presented to G & A cluster and MTEF bids submitted to Treasury Macro implementation plan approved and will work closely with G & A cluster; DPW, Treasury DHA awaiting finalization of a Business Plan in respect of MPCC’s by GCIS Draft Business Plan for MPCC’s finalized and to be presented to Cabinet 42 additional mobile units being manufactured by service providers (109 total) OUTPUTPROGRESS Strategic Objective 2: Provide a service to all clients …(Batho Pele)...
21 OUTPUTPROGRESS Financial and Supply Chain Management system in place to address weaknesses revealed by AG (2.6) Rollout of BAS, LOGIS, Proquote and Asset Management Systems (31 March 07 except for LOGIS) Feasibility study on revenue collection system (31 March 07) Backlog on all suspense accounts cleared (31 Mar 07) LOGIS to be rolled out to identified provincial offices (March 2008) BAS implemented in 146 identified offices; and National Treasury assisting with strengthening systems Procurement and asset management manuals and policies developed, approved and implemented Treasury intervention team assisting with proposals on improved revenue management MOU with DFA drafted in dealing with vouchers and interdepartmental transactions Project plan finalized on implementation of Proquote system Asset audit and verification completed Electronic Asset register in place (Head Off.) Strategic Objective 2: Provide a service to all clients …(Batho Pele)...
22 Strategic Objective 2: Provide a service to all clients that reflects and institutionalises the principles of Batho Pele, to enable it to meet its mandate. OUTPUTPROGRESS Track and Trace system implemented (2.8) Development of interim electronic system for ID applications implemented that covers all offices – 31 Mar 07 Task team established to deal with short term solution A manual track and trace system for IDs in place at Head Office and Provinces Interim measures to improve quality and turnaround times of Permanent Residence applications – 30 Jun 07 (2.9) Permits – Unit strengthened: delegations amended and personnel identified
23 OUTPUTPROGRESS Internal controls reviewed and improved: (2.14) Capacity enhanced (31 March and over following two years) Three year strategic plan (30 Aug 2006) Audit Committee oriented (15 Sept 06) Status of Internal Audit upgraded to Chief Directorate (post advertised) Audit committee strengthened by appointment of additional members Review of internal reports from 2005 to date (15 July 06) Interim internal audit plan developed (15 Jul 06)
24 Strategic Objective 3: Provide credible, secure and accurate enabling documents to all who are entitled OUTPUTPROGRESS Implement Smart ID Card fully (3.1) Note that smart ID Cards project is awaiting a policy decision; and similarly with e- passports Refugee Smart Card fully implemented (3.1.1) Refugee Smart ID card fully implemented - 31 March 2007 Refugee Smart ID card 1296 Maroon ID cards (current) issued 2072 new applications being processed Over 500 refugee smart cards issued Technical hurdles overcome The roll-out plan for refugee smart ID cards developed to meet target date of 31 March 2007
25 Strategic Objective 4: Manage and maintain the integrity of the National Population Register (NPR) OUTPUTPROGRESS Integrity of the NPR ensured by: (4.1) Duplication eliminated (31 Mar 07) Draft project plan finalised by 28 July 2006 Project team formed led by Chief Director HANIS Analysis being conducted to establish extent of the problem per province
26 Strategic Objective 5: Manage and maintain all records associated with enabling documentation OUTPUTPROGRESS Effective and efficient records management and maintenance strategy developed and implemented (5.1) Conversion of existing manual records to an electronic format completed – back record conversion 31 Mar 07 26,819,049 fingerprint records digitised 16,888,860 records from BRC absorbed into HANIS 392,396 Duplicates picked up (cases to be investigated and resolved) Integrated Electronic Document Management System (IEDMS) implemented (5.2) Digitization of Phase 1 documents commenced: high priority Civic Services documents and on demand (31 Mar 07) Approval obtained to scan case files Tender evaluation completed and contracting in process
27 Strategic Objective 6: Manage the immigration function at ports of entry and participate in protecting the integrity of South Africa’s borders (internally and at POEs) OUTPUTPROGRESS BCOCC coordinated and the operational plan implemented (6.3) BCOCC chairmanship and coordinating capacity supported – 31 Mar 07 CD: BCOCC (Chair), Dir: (BCOCC) appointed Consultants under Development Committee appointed to develop organizational model for border environment Project “NIB Roll out” registered with Development Committee to replace SAPS officials with DHA officials at identified POEs Cabinet Memorandum compiled with regard to the concept of One Stop Border Post and Border strategy drafted
28 OUTPUTPROGRESS Integrated law enforcement strategy developed and implemented– 31 October 2006 (6.4) Engagement with Institute of Security Studies Had consultative workshop with stakeholders Stakeholder meetings held to address counter terrorism, human trafficking and related cross-border concerns (etc.)
29 Strategic Objective 7: Manage immigration and refugee affairs in a manner based on human rights principles OUTPUTPROGRESS Integrated plan on management of refugees developed and implemented – 31 Mar 07 (7.1) Costing of offices for North West, Northern Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga (new refugee offices) Strategy to integrate refugees into society drafted. Support of ASGISA / JIPSA facilitated – 31 Mar 07 (7.4) Interim measures to improve quality and turnaround times in terms of permits & waiver applications Quota workshop conducted Permit section strengthened Engagement with relevant stakeholders
30 Strategic Objective 8: Eradicate and combat corruption to protect the integrity of the Department OUTPUTPROGRESS Integrated counter corruption strategy and mechanisms implemented at all offices, that constantly adapt to new requirements - 31 Mar 07 (8.1) Internal Security Policy approved Joint operations and co-operation with NIA and SAPS Whistle-blowing policy in place Priority investigations fast-tracked Corruption trends updated monthly Corruption Fraud Prevention Plan in place Plan for improving security at offices Business Continuity and Contingency plan developed and implemented (8.3) 100% availability of systems achieved: HANIS Disaster Recovery System. Currently migrating data to back up all DHA fingerprint system. (31 Mar 07) Replication of current HANIS to disaster recovery site. Fire prevention system installed Access Control installed and activated Site Furniture delivered and assembled Deployed DHA security system and personnel operating on 24 hour basis
31 Strategic Objective 9: Effectively contribute to intergovernmental and international initiatives in pursuit of national objectives OUTPUTPROGRESS Departmental plan to deal with 2010 challenges developed and implemented (9.7) Additional support for 2010 Committee (31 Mar 07) Strategy and plan in place, including monitoring arrangements (31 Mar 07) Establishment of Project Office and appointment of Project Manager Strategic plan addressing guarantees, human resources strategy, logistical needs and security plan completed Liaison, co-ordination and co-operation with National Departments, DG 2010’s office, Technical Coordinating Committee, BCOCC and relevant Parliamentary Committees taking place regularly Participating in finalising FIFA World Cup Special Measures Bill Committees
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