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Management Effectiveness Assessment for the for the Marine Protected Areas of the of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park Jean Harris Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Effectiveness Assessment for the for the Marine Protected Areas of the of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park Jean Harris Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Effectiveness Assessment for the for the Marine Protected Areas of the of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park Jean Harris Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife SOUTH AFRICA

2 KwaZulu-Natal Greater St Lucia Wetland Park

3 Monitoring and Managing for Success in World Natural Heritage Areas one of 10 project sites Africa, South Asia and South America

4 World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Framework for Assessing Protected Area Management Effectiveness MPAs WWF

5 ENHANCING OUR HERITAGE Monitoring and Managing for Success in Natural World Heritage Sites GREATER ST LUCIA WETLAND PARK SOUTH AFRICA - Draft Report - Initial Management Effectiveness Report August 2003 Context overview Assessment * Benefits * Challenges * Issues

6 Greater St Lucia Wetland Park Composite of 16 areas: 14 protected areas 2 MPAs 289376 ha South Africa Swaziland World Heritage Site 1999 Maputaland MPA St Lucia MPA

7 Nominated for * Ecological Processes * Natural phenomena * Biodiversity (& endangered spp) Greater St Lucia Wetland Park

8 Provides imperative to conserve and enhancing the World Heritage values present in the park; optimize nature-based tourism development; promote the empowerment and development of historically disadvantaged communities in and adjacent to the park; and protect the park’s natural and cultural heritage through effective management, governance, legislative, regulatory and institutional arrangements South African World Heritage Convention Act (1999) - to support WH values Also requires Integrated Management Plan (IMP)

9 Chief Executive Officer Commercial Development : Tourism Commercial Development : Tourism Social & Economic Development Conservation Board National Minister DEAT KZN WILDLIFE MARINE & COASTAL MANAGEMENT legislation GSLWP World Heritage Site AUTHORITY ManagementSystems

10 Site Complexity Marine & terrestrial MPA ME assessment - challenges Part of a World Heritage Site Bio-cult-social-econ VALUES

11 Clarification of Why we do What we do When Site partner co-operation MPA ME Assessment Benefits

12 What are you managing? What condition is it in? MPA ME Assessment Benefits Why do you do what you do?

13 Value (management objective): Threatened species Pressure severity Why do you do what you do?

14 Focal Management Targets Conservation Values Biodiversity Endangered & Threatened Species Ecological Processes Natural Resources MPA ME Assessment Benefits

15 Social / Cultural Values Landscapes Cultural Heritage Local Community Empowerment Other Values Tourism Management and Governance Education and Research

16 INDICATORS BiophysicalSocial & cultural MPA ME Assessment Challenges 30 Focal Management Targets Bio-cult-social-econ VALUES Speaking the language Paper – scissor – rock

17 Integration and sustainability Buy-in Site managers Capacity, core business & add-ons INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT PLAN -Management objectives & values -Threats and strategies Timing Management phase

18 Identify, confirm and prioritize VALUES Identify, confirm and prioritize TARGETS for each value Set long-term management GOALS, standards & policies Authority, Park Conservation Managers, Consultative for a & IAPs Evaluate STATE of targets Identify & evaluate magnitude of current PRESSURES Stress & Source Identify potential STRATEGIES to mitigate priority pressures & threats (actions to repair or prevent) State vs. pressure MATRIX Prioritize pressures IMPLEMENT MANAGEMENT Implement priority actions Day-to-day activities Management Effectiveness Cycle Identify & assess magnitude of THREATS OPERATIONAL PLAN Set short-term (<1yr) management goals Determine priority strategies Identify priority activities & methodologies Annual/bi-annual management meetings MONITOR Indicators of pressure magnitude MONITOR Indicators of target state Identify INDICATORS of target state & pressure magnitude PLAN ACT ASSESS MONITOR 5-year cycle 1-year cycle at establishment, legislated IMP COP

19 Thank you!

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