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Modeling and simulation of systems Model building Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling and simulation of systems Model building Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling and simulation of systems Model building Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava

2 The general stages of simulation models building Definition of static structure Proposal of dynamic features Definition of stochastic features of model (generation of random quantities) Realizing of output data or recording of state changes Design and realization of model experiments Output and presentation of results Other functions – control, monitoring

3 Steps in a simulation study Problem formulation Customer has to clearly define the problem which should be solved by simulation  Supplier (solver) has to be sure that the problem was understood correctly The preparation of participants of project – selection of stuff The goals and plan of project  Time plan  Stuff  Hardware and software  Project costs

4 Steps in a simulation study Design of conceptual model  It is an abstraction of the real systems which include mathematical or logical relationships of entities.  Has to independent on implementation language an architecture of computer  Determination of simulative system  Detail level  Identification of system elements and elements relationships

5 Steps in a simulation study Data collection  Important step – remember „Garbage In – Garbage Out “  Input data have to represent the reality  The types of data and their format, description of random input variables, selection of types of distributions are defined Transformation of conceptual model into computer model P

6 Steps in a simulation study Verification of computer model  Defines if the computer interpretation of conceptual model is right Validation  Defines if the conceptual model can substitute the real system for planned experiments  Design of experiments  It is necessary to define for each scenario: The length of simulation The number of runs and their repetitions Initialization setting

7 Steps in a simulation study Experiments realization  Each simulative run has to provide quantitative evaluation of characteristics for given scenario Results analysis Presents the bases for results understanding.  Each results has to be documented Synthesis of knowledge  The results of analyses have to be summarized into clesr formulations  They provide alternatives for decisions processes P

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