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Health & Wellness Developmental tasks through the lifespan.

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Presentation on theme: "Health & Wellness Developmental tasks through the lifespan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health & Wellness Developmental tasks through the lifespan

2 Infancy, Toddlerhood, and Early School age. - Infancy (birth to 2 years) - Social Attachment - Maturation of sensory. perceptual and motor functions - Sensorimotor intelligence and primitive causality - Understanding the nature of objects creating categories - Emotional development - Toddlerhood (2-4) - Elaboration of Locomotion - Fantasy Play - Language development - Self-Control - Early School age (4 to 6) - Sex-role Identification - Early moral development - Self-esteem Group play

3 Middle School age, Early and Later Adolescence. - Middle School age (6 to 12) - Friendship - Concrete operations - Skill Learning - Self-evaluation - Team Play - Early Adolescence (12 to 18) - Physical Maturation - Formal Operation - Emotional Development - Membership in the Peer group - Sexual Relationships - Later Adolescence (18 to 22) - Autonomy from parents - Sex-role Identity - Internalized Morality - Career choice

4 Early, Middle, Later, and Very old age - Early Adulthood (22 to 34) - Marriage - Childbearing - Work - Middle Adulthood (34 to 60) - Nurturing the marriage relationship - Management of household - Parenting - Management of a career - Later Adulthood (60 to 75) - Promoting intellectual vigor - Redirecting energy to new roles and activities - Adopting ones life - Developing a point of view about death - Very old age (75 until death) - Coping with physical changes of aging - Developing a psycho historical perspective

5 20s and 30’s - Maintain a stable weight - Skin-- wear sunscreen and look out for enlarging moles and unusual skin changes - Bones- Eat calcium rich foods

6 20’s and 30’s - Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years to keep type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol in check - Get a baseline cholesterol screening and repeat every 5 years - Pelvic exam and Pap Smear: every 2 to 3 years

7 Your 40’s and 50’s - You may experience signs of “perimenopause” - It is common for your blood pressure to start rising, keep it low with diet and exercise - Have a blood sugar test starting at age 45 and then once every three years

8 40’s and 50’s - Have a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer - Once you are 40, you should have a skin test once a year - 1-2 daily servings of soy can alleviate “perimenopausal” symptoms

9 Your 60’s and beyond - Have a bone density test to check for osteoporosis - Continue to have a regular pap smear until you are 65-70 -Have your eyes checked for Glaucoma every 1 to 2 years

10 Your 60’s and beyond -Have a hearing test every 3 years - Adult immunization: starting at 65 you should get a pneumococcal vaccine - Get extra doses of B12

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