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Collection management system and the role of CIDOC CRM in integrating the collections of the Finnish National Gallery with the National Digital Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection management system and the role of CIDOC CRM in integrating the collections of the Finnish National Gallery with the National Digital Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 collection management system and the role of CIDOC CRM in integrating the collections of the Finnish National Gallery with the National Digital Library FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY Workshop on Conceptual Modelling for Archives, Libraries and Museums Kari Peiponen 28.1.2010

2 Muusa collection management system Muusa is a museum collection management database application for classification, description and cataloguing art work related information. It has been developed at the Finnish National Gallery (in cooperation with Aimari Ltd). The database has been in use since the beginning of 2003. Muusa is a web application that is accessed via a web browser (Microsoft IE preferred). FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

3 Finnish National Gallery is application service provider  At present the Muusa application is used in 27 Finnish art museums and organizations besides the Finnish National Gallery.  The Finnish National Gallery offers the user organizations a full service package, which includes the adoption of the application, training, service support and continuous development work.  The museums are responsible for their own information contents, but the technical responsibility rests with the Finnish National Gallery.  The development of the database and the planning of new functions are carried out in cooperation with all the user organizations. FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010 About 140 000 artworks and over 216 000 digital images (Around 35 000 artworks from Finnish National Gallery) Funet, the Finnish University and Research Network

4 Muusa is designed with CRM as a guideline FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

5 Muusa is a back-end system in NDL FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010 The public interface gives access to the electronic information resources and services of libraries, archives and museums. The Web service will be available for all in 2011. Plans pertaining to long-term preservation will be completed in the summer 2010. The aim is that the implementation can begin in the next few years.

6 Integrating with the National Digital Library Architecture FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

7 Integrating with the National Digital Library Long-term preservation in the next few years FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010 …in the next few years

8 Integrating with the NDL Public Interface Schedule 2010 FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

9 Integrating with the NDL Public Interface Schedule 2010 FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010 ?

10 Work continues… Muusa is the first system in Finnish National Gallery to be integrated with the National Digital Library But there are other databases as well in Finnish National Gallery –Central Art Archives has: Kirjava database for library information Karkki database for archives information Avokaado database for video collections FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

11 Thank You! For more information Kari Peiponen IT Manager Finnish National Gallery Riitta Autere IT Consultant Finnish National Gallery Juha Inkari Senior System Developer Aimari Oy FINNISH NATIONAL GALLERY 28.1.2010

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