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Mrs. Foltz.  George Washington – 1 st President  “Father of the Country”  John Adams- Vice President  Cabinet (Executive Advisors)  Thomas Jefferson-

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Foltz.  George Washington – 1 st President  “Father of the Country”  John Adams- Vice President  Cabinet (Executive Advisors)  Thomas Jefferson-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Foltz

2  George Washington – 1 st President  “Father of the Country”  John Adams- Vice President  Cabinet (Executive Advisors)  Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State  Alexander Hamilton- Secretary of Treasury  John Jay- 1 st Chief Justice  4 million American Citizens  Mostly farmers- want fair TAX laws  Craftspeople, merchants, laborers- want fair TRADE laws

3  1789-1797  Nation’s Capital  New York City  Philadelphia  Federal City, District of Columbia (D.C.)  Later named Washington  SETTING PRECEDENTS!  “The first of everything in our situation will serve to establish a precedent.” (Letter from Washington to Madison)

4  Patriotism:  George Washington’s sense of duty  “…to render service to my country in obedience to its call.” (George Washington)  Common Good:  Electoral College  Justice  Three-level Federal court system  “Hail, Columbia”

5  First on the list!  Checks and Balances  Congress creates departments/President appoints (Cabinet)  Separation of Power  Judiciary Act of 1789  Supreme Court is highest court  Later…  Federalism…the debate continues  Neutrality Proclamation, 1793 “The duty and interest of the United States require that they should... pursue a conduct friendly and impartial towards the belligerent powers.” (Washington’s speech to Congress)  Did Washington abuse his power?

6  Huge national debt  Equal rights not guaranteed to women and slaves  British forts still in NW Territory

7  George Washington faced unprecedented challenges during his eight years as President, such as organizing two branches of government and conflict within his own Cabinet; however, he established his position as one of respect and honor to become known as “the man who wouldn’t be king.”

8 Constitutional principle support… (i.e. Separation of Powers, Representative Government, Civil Rights, Federalism, etc.)  CITE YOUR SOURCES WITHIN THE TEXT! (MLA FORMAT)

9 Two or more additional reasons to support from credible sources…  CITE YOUR SOURCES WITHIN THE TEXT! (MLA FORMAT)

10  U.S. Foreign Policy  Electoral College  Political Parties

11  A minimum of THREE credible sources used in research (MLA format)  Must have: Call to Freedom textbook, one additional book, and one Web source (.org,.edu,.gov ONLY)

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