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Wolfango Plastino Department of Physics - University of Roma Tre, Italy Geophysical measurements ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane-

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Presentation on theme: "Wolfango Plastino Department of Physics - University of Roma Tre, Italy Geophysical measurements ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolfango Plastino Department of Physics - University of Roma Tre, Italy Geophysical measurements ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

2 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 ERMES Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring for Earth Sciences Scientific topics Radiocarbon and tritium measurementsRadiocarbon and tritium measurements (Radiodating Laboratory) Radon groundwater monitoringRadon groundwater monitoring (Environmental and geophysical monitoring of the Gran Sasso aquifer) Development and characterization of new detectors for nuclear spectrometry of environmental radioactivity.Development and characterization of new detectors for nuclear spectrometry of environmental radioactivity.

3 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Plastino et al., Radiocarbon, 2001 Plastino & Kaihola, Radiocarbon, 2004 Radiocarbon

4 Also cited in: Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis (2003), Edited by Michael F. L’Annunziata, Academic Press, p. 538 (Chapter 6. Environmental Liquid Scintillation Analysis). Forewords by Dr Mohamed M. ElBaradei (Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency) Prof. Dr Werner Burkart (Deputy Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency) ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

5 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Tritium Plastino et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted

6 Radon Analysis of the correlations between the radon groundwater variations with the strain processes of the rock and transport properties related to the groundwater geochemistry © United States Geological Survey HeRnRa 4 2 222 86 226 88 The emanating power of rocks is defined as the ratio between the amount of radon escaping from the solid matrix and that produced by radioactive decay. Radium decay involves the release of the excess energy which is shared between the  particle which forms (98.1%), and the new radon atom. ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

7 Boni et al Boni et al., Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 1986 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

8 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Plastino et al., Earth Planet. Int.

9 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

10 © W. Aeschbach-Hertig, University of Heidelberg ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

11 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

12 Plastino & Bella, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2001 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

13 Plastino et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

14 The residual time series of the electrical conductivity, pH, 222 Rn normalized to null mean value and unitary standard deviation. The estimated 3 , i.e. the thresholds used to identify the spike-like anomalies are also indicated. Plastino et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

15 Fitts, Groundwater Science, 2002 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

16 Caputo & Plastino, Geophys. J. Int., 2004 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

17 Detector: YAP:Ce crystal Photomultiplier Photomultiplier High-Voltage Power Supply High-Voltage Power Supply PMTPMT YAPYAP OUT IN HVELE INOUT ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Plastino et al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 2002 New portable nuclear spectrometer

18 PMTPMT YAPYAP OUT IN HVELE INOUT - direct measurement in water Radon groundwater monitoring in situ ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

19 Using YAP:Ce vialsUsing YAP:Ce vials Using YAP:Ce powderUsing YAP:Ce powder CO 2 directly from combustion ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Radiocarbon (and Tritium)

20 Scientific Collaborations (1/2) National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology ENEA – National Institute for Metrology of Ionizing Radiations Tecnomare – ENI Group Tecnomare – ENI Group ACEA- Waterwork Society ACEA- Waterwork Society ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

21 -Analysis of the correlations between the radon groundwater variations and the strain processes of tectonic interest; -Induced seismicity by groundwater transport properties using tritium analysis; -Gran Sasso seismic hazard. keywords: radon, tritium. Seismology ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

22 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 -new devices development for nuclear spectrometry of environmental radioactivity for undersea station GEOSTAR (Geophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research); -Seawater samples analysis collected by GEOSTAR or oceanographic ships; -Endogenous gas samples analysis; keyword: environmental radioactivity. Oceanography

23 -study of the characteristics of occurrence of large earthquakes in time and space understanding the fault geometry, kinematics, and long term rates of deformation using radiocarbon dating of organic deposits on the scarps; -Gran Sasso seismic hazard. keyword: radiocarbon. ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Paleoseismology

24 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 -new portable devices development for nuclear spectrometry of radioactivity induced by nuclear explosion test for On-site Inspections team; -ultra low level measurement of radioactivity in water and soil samples. keyword: radioactivity. Preparatory Commission for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization – United Nations, Working Group B, Science and Technology Session, Vienna, Austria, February 15 th 2002. W. Plastino, Other Inspection Scenarios: Gamma ray spectrometry in extreme physical- chemical environmental conditions. (Invited Talk) CTBTO (Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty Organization) General Assembly of the United Nations Resolution 50/245/96 CTBTO

25 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 -Study of light-yield properties of scintillator crystals; -Radioactive standard sources; -Instruments calibration. Metrology of Ionizing Radiations

26 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 -Undersea oil prospecting; -Undersea oil pipe-lines check. Tecnomare – Eni Group

27 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 ACEA – Waterwork Society -On-line environmental radioactivity network (aquifers and aqueducts).

28 ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005 Scientific Collaborations (2/2) PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences (Finland) University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) University of Würzburg (Germany) Hellenic Center for Marine Research (Greece) Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Geological Survey of Israel (Israel) Geological Survey of Japan (Japan) National Institute of Research-Development forIsotopic and Molecular Technologies (Romania)

29 Dr Wolfango Plastino Department of Physics University of Roma Tre Via della Vasca Navale, 84 I-00146 Roma tel.: +39 06 55177277 fax: +39 06 5579303 fax: +39 06 5579303 e-mail: ILIAS Second Meeting of Low Background Activity J1 Modane- January 12 th 2005

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