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Public Hearing: Water Affairs and Forestry Presented by: Executive Mayor Cllr ES Dlamini Water Quality Provision and challenges in ALM: 18 June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Hearing: Water Affairs and Forestry Presented by: Executive Mayor Cllr ES Dlamini Water Quality Provision and challenges in ALM: 18 June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Hearing: Water Affairs and Forestry Presented by: Executive Mayor Cllr ES Dlamini Water Quality Provision and challenges in ALM: 18 June 2008

2 Legislation Relevant to the Delivery of Water Services:  The South African Constitution (1996)  Water Supply & Sanitation Policy (1994)  The Water Services Act (1997)  Municipal Systems Act (2000)  White Paper Revision of Water Services Act (2000)  Strategic Framework For Water Services (2003)

3 South African Constitution – Bill of Rights  Enjoy and have access to the environment.  All have a right to a safe and healthy environment.  Sustainable development.  Promote conservation.  Section 27 – The right to sufficient food and water.  Section 11 – The right to a healthy life (clean water and sanitation).


5 Performance Indicators contained in the Strategic Framework The Strategic Framework elevates a limited set of key performance indicators for priority attention. Other elements of performance may be monitored, but priority and strategic attention must be given by the regulator (WSA) to these nine key performance indicators listed in the text box below: 1. Access to basic water supply 2. Access to basic sanitation supply 3. Quality of services: Potable water quality 4. Quality of services: Continuity of supply 5. Access to free basic services (water) 6. Access to free basic services (sanitation) 7. Financial performance: Affordability and debtor management 8. Asset management: Metering coverage and unaccounted-for water 9. Protection of the environment: Effluent discharge quality

6 Performance Measures to be monitored by ALM 1. Access to a basic water supply service 1.1 percentage access to at least a basic water supply 1.2 absolute backlog 1.3 rate of reduction in backlog

7 Performance Measures to be monitored by ALM…..contd 3. Drinking water quality 3.1 programme for water quality monitoring in place 3.2 water quality indicator i.e samples passing SANS 241 . Impact on the environment 4.1 status of effluent treatment works 4.2 effluent quality monitoring system in place 4.3 percentage samples passing the minimum standard 4.4 assessments of treatment works

8 Performance Measures to be monitored by ALM….contd. 5. Strategic asset management and water demand management 5.1 meter coverage 5.2 metering efficiency (unaccounted for water) 5.3 asset management plan in place 5.4 audited water services asset register . Customer service standards 6.1 continuity of water supply: number of households experiencing an interruption of greater than 48 hours per incident 6.2 continuity of water supply: number of interruption of greater than 6 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours per incident per 1000 connections

9 Performance Measures to be monitored by ALM….contd. 7. Financial performance 7.1 water services financial audit 7.2 collection efficiency 7.3 average debtor days 7.4 financial self-reliance 7.5 average domestic tariff . Institutional effectiveness 8.1 number of employees per 1000 connections 8.2 WSA annual report submitted to the Minister Source: National Water Services Regulation Strategy

10 The Big Question????? Do we have the resources to perform the WSA functions?

11 WSDP  Albert Luthuli's municipality WSDP is outdated and needs to be revised (2003)  DWAF & DBSA are currently assisting in developing or updating WSDP

12 Functions (WSA)  To improve the efficiency of drinking water treatment and thus the quality of drinking water supplied  To enhance quality of results as being received from laboratory  To enhance efficiency of treatment procedures  To protect public health, etc

13 Ground Water (Info)  Very little information on Ground Water  The NWRS indicated that the ground water in the Inkomati WMA were within the ideal range for domestic use at any location  Thus, the ground water quality is very good in the WMA with most boreholes within the Class 0 quality range which makes the water for drinking, food preparation, bathing and laundry ideal  According to the Mpumalanga Water Services Planning Reference Framework and the Inkomati ISP (2004), it is evident that water quality monitoring is not adequately done based on the number of monitoring points available in the IWMA

14 Surface Water Quality (Info)  Although water quality would appear to be fit for the purpose for which it is intended to be used currently, there is a concerning trend of declining quality and an increase in the threat of potential pollution activity  The nutrients’ concentrations in the rivers are increasing steadily  The Electrical conductivity is also increasing in all the rivers in the IWMA  Whilst a monitoring system is in place, technical committees need to be set up in all the sub-catchments to aid in the monitoring of the water quality as in the Crocodile Catchment  Since water is only as good as its quality, water quality issues are very important in the IWMA where all the different types of water users are found

15 Water Quality test (outsourced)  Tests are conducted by private service provider (Mpumamanzi) in a weekly basis.  The results are tabled before Technical Portfolio Committee in a monthly basis.  DWAF test results are also submitted monthly to the municipality and then, tabled before Portfolio Technical Committee

16 Institutional role players  National  Provincial  DWAF  DPLG  Stakeholders, etc

17 Role and Assistance  The municipality is currently involved in the implementation of the following water services projects: (Role and assistance by different sector departments)

18 Capital projects – 2007-2009 WardProject Name BudgetFunderImpact (Househol ds) 2007/ 82008 / 9 Water 2Water Reticulation at Fernie (Aerelini, Mandela section and clinic section). 500 000MIG100 2Upgrading of Methula WTW (Phase 4 - Pumpstation) 3 000 000 GSDMBULK 4, 5, 7&11Construction of new Water Treatment works in Mpuluzi 1 200 0003 000 000GSDMBULK 5Provision of basic water supply to deep rural areas in (Redhill and Slovo). 1 000 000MIG300 6Completion of Lusushwana Water Scheme851 2222 000 000GSDMBULK 6Provision of Boreholes in Esandleni, Block 6A, Waverly, Matjeketjeni 390 000MIG30 6Extention of water reticulation in Robinsdale. 200 000MIG10 8Water reticulation in Oshoek, Mashonamini, Hartesbeeskop and Smithfied. 2 000 000MIG82 9 (16?)Water reticulation kaNtshwele 390 000MIG47 10Upgrading of Elukwatini WTW. 2 000 000GSDMBULK 10Upgrading of Eesterhoek Treatment Works (Clear Water Tank) 1 533 586 MIGBULK

19 Capital projects (cont) 11Provision of Water Reticulation in Ntababomvu. 500 000MIG118 12Upgrading of Ekulindeni Bulk supply Line.1 250 000 GSDMBULK 12Upgrading of Ekulindeni WTW. 2 000 000GSDMBULK 12Provision of Water Reticulation in Josefsdale 150 000MIG15 14Refubishment of DWAF schemes2 900 000 DWAFBULK 14Refubishment of eerstehoek WTW.2 000 000 MIGBULK 14Completion of Upgrading of Eesterhoek Treatment Works (Replacement of Steelpipes phase 1) 541 921 MIGBULK 14Greater Nhlazatshe water reticulation ( Remaining areas) 950 000200 000MIG500 15Upgrade of Carolina Water Treatment Works3 500 0004 000 000GSDMBULK 15 & 2 2 Provision of water and sanitation services in Silobela Extention 4 1 148 313 MIG1 000 15 & 2 2 Provision of yard connections in Silobela Extention 4 1 100 000 GSDM500 15 & 2 2 Provision of water and sanitation infrastructure in silobela ext 2 & 3 2 095 000 HOUSIN G 150 17Yard connections for 200 households in Dlamini 500 000MIG200 21Water reticulation at Mantjolo1 425 0000MIG185 18Completion of water reticulation netwok in Kuzulwandle 299 812 MIG300 19Communal water reticulation 480 households950 000 GSDM480

20 Capital projects (cont) AllWater Conservation and Demand Management throughout Albert Luthuli 3 500 000MIGBULK Various wards *Provision of Boreholes: Ndonga, Nordeen,Syde,De-Wet,Dundonald,Ngodini 1&2, Ka-Masuku, Kamboyi,Ward 13,Bantfwabethu, Armburg( Nhlazatshe 6), Nhlazatshe 3, Belvedere, Slovo, Ward 17. 1 000 000GSDM100 Various wards Drilling and Equiping of Boreholes and water tanks in all areas. Ndonga, Nordeen,Syde, De wet, Dundonald, Ngodini1 &2, Mafufumbe, kamasuku,Kamboyi,ward 13, Bantfwabethu, Armburg,Nhlazatshe 6,Nhlazatshe 3,Belvedere, Slovo, Mkonto,Shongwe,and Ntababomvu.Provision of boreholles in ward 10 and surounding.Mbhejeka.and other Deep Rural areas in ward 21,Phaphama, Sebenta. 2 000 000DPLG800 TotalWATER24 744 85425 330 000 4 917

21 Technical and Scientific Skills  No scientific skills  1x Technician responsible for water quality  1x (vacant new) who will be responsible for water and sanitation.  1x Assistant Director responsible for civil works  1x (vacant new) assistant director position - who will be responsible for water quality and sanitation-2008/9)  Plant operators

22 Minimum requisites to comply

23 Challenges  Meeting international requirements – operating rules are being developed in the Inkomati WMA.  Ecological requirements, e.g. Operating rules to ensure ecological requirements are met Monitoring of ecological indicators Reserve determination

24 Challenges  Equal or fairly Distribution of water.  Continued high quality water transfers to the Olifants catchment for power generation  Sappi paper mill at Ngodwana: effluent has been disposed of through irrigation and the salts that have accumulated in the soils (especially chlorine) are leaching into the Elands and thus the Crocodile River  A more detailed groundwater information

25 Way Forward  Implement continuous training for plant operators  Upgrade and refurbish all treatment plants in Albert Luthuli Municipality area of jurisdiction.  Notify affected communities regularly of the threat posed to the quality of drinking water or treatment works that requires urgent refurbishment  Public Awareness and involvement  Develop a credible laboratory in order to comply with all relevant legislations  Optimising process control at water treatment plants  Submit annual report to the minister for compliance

26 Recommendations  Develop an appropriate model for the Water Service Authority  Develop/update water services development plan for Albert Luthuli Municipality  Develop credible laboratory for the municipality in order to conduct tests in a regular basis.  Allocation of resources in line with the Strategic Framework and the WSDP.  Sufficient funding availed for drinking water quality management and control.  Adequate human resources (Skills retention policy)  Subsequent to the latter compliance can be achieved!!!

27 Thank You Thank You

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