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Mentometer Professional & WEBVOTING. Contents Install the software Connect the receiver Connect a webvoting channel Create a question Test your system.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentometer Professional & WEBVOTING. Contents Install the software Connect the receiver Connect a webvoting channel Create a question Test your system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentometer Professional & WEBVOTING

2 Contents Install the software Connect the receiver Connect a webvoting channel Create a question Test your system Advanced options

3 Install the software 1.Download at: 2.Follow the 3 steps 3.Launch PowerPoint

4 Software Updates Check just after installation if a new version is available.

5 Connect the Pro receiver 1.Connect the receiver to a free usb port 2.Ensure that «connected» is shown Connect the receiver to a usb port, then launch PowerPoint, press the button ON/OFF in the mentometer tab, go to connect window'

6 Pro series voter  You can vote pressing A/1-J/0  The green light shows your vote has been received  A red light says your vot has not been received  If a blinking red light is shown either the frequency is not correct or you are too far from the receiver  Each voter has a unique serial id on the back  Batteries are AAA type

7 Connection test When the receiver is properly connected the votes are shown in this window. Try pressing any button from 1 to 10

8 1.Connect your PC to the internet 2.Insert channel id and pin code 3.Click on connect Webvoting connection opional

9 Vote with webvoting  Go to the website Il Channel/Session ID were given You by mail, press login  Scanning a QR code is also an option to login quickly  Or send a link to the partecipants which will look like this

10 Webvoting connection test Send a vote from the smartphone, it should appear here

11 Exit the presentation mode, press messages, and choose the messages to show to the public Using ”send message” Here will be shown the messages coming from people using the webvoting if any

12 Sending my first message... Sending message two!! Third message comes here... Message 4 is here! Select the messages’

13 Create your first slide in Mentometer!

14 ’Create new question’

15 Insert question and answer… Type the question and answers here. We invite you to explore all the funciotnalities of mentometer under the tabs on the left

16 How did you get here this morning foot 2.Bus 3.Taxi 4.Bicycle 5.Motorbike 6.Running


18 Modify an existing slide

19 Come sei arrivato qui stamattina? 1.A piedi 2.Bus 3.Taxi 4.Bici 5.Moto 6.Di corsa Choose the edit question option and change the text you want to modify

20 Try the system yourself... Launch PowerPoint and try yourself the following interactive slides

21 First time using mentometer? 1.yes Create 50 random votes using the right button of the mouse and random votes in the voting menu

22 Which range of age do you belong to 1.<25 2.25-50 3.>50 Questa domanda serve per creare i gruppi secondo l’età

23 Do you like mentometer? 1.yes Facendo click sul tasto destro del mouse sul grafico è possibile scegliere di mostrare il grafico secondo i gruppi o meno

24 Quale marca preferisci? ~RSIZ1~RSIZ2 ~PANS1.1 ~PANS2.1 It is also possible to create nice graph like this!

25 How many times Ireland won the eurovision contest? 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 Right click and try ”unhide correct answer”

26 Winner list Keypad IDNamePointsTotal time ~WKID1~WNAM1~WSCO1.2~WTIM1.2 ~WKID2~WNAM2~WSCO2.2~WTIM2.2 ~WKID3~WNAM3~WSCO3.2~WTIM3.2 ~WKID4~WNAM4~WSCO4.2~WTIM4.2 ~WKID5~WNAM5~WSCO5.2~WTIM5.2 ~WKID6~WNAM6~WSCO6.2~WTIM6.2 ~WKID7~WNAM7~WSCO7.2~WTIM7.2 ~WKID8~WNAM8~WSCO8.2~WTIM8.2 ~WKID9~WNAM9~WSCO9.2~WTIM9.2 ~WKID10~WNAM10~WSCO10.2~WTIM10.2 This table was created with insert leaderboard function

27 What is the probability of X 1.very low 2.low 3.average 4.high 5.very high

28 What is the impact of X if happens? 1.none 2.small 3.average 4.big 5.very big

29 Probabillity vs Impact It is possible also to plot one set of answer in function of another

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