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RomoRobot Feras Khateeb Yousef Azem supervisors Dr.Raed Al-Qade Dr.Lui Malhis.

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Presentation on theme: "RomoRobot Feras Khateeb Yousef Azem supervisors Dr.Raed Al-Qade Dr.Lui Malhis."— Presentation transcript:

1 RomoRobot Feras Khateeb Yousef Azem supervisors Dr.Raed Al-Qade Dr.Lui Malhis

2 Outline RomoRobot| >> Introduction. System Parts. applications. Problems Recommendations for Future Work

3 What is Romo robot RomoRobot| >> social robot for Android. uses Android phone combined with a mobile smartphone cradle robot and custom controller software to make a cool, mobile and flexible communication device.

4 Why Romo robot RomoRobot| >>  Simple design.  Low power consumption.  Easy to control (locally or remotely)  Easy to upgrade and add sensors

5 System Parts RomoRobot| >> Hardware consists of a PIC 18 Controller and we have more than 5 sensors accelerometer, xbee, Bluetooth, IR sensor, Color sensor and also we have android mobile. Software Android application, PHP, C#, and PIC C.

6 Controller- PIC18F RomoRobot| >> USB interface, safe operating, small size, design. Contains 5 Ports, ADC,PWM, interrupt and serial interface. comes with powerful compiler. PIC controller provides many features

7 ROBOT Design RomoRobot| >> Our Robot contains Model 2 motors with Gear Controller circuit Sensors circuit Motors circuit

8 Controller circuit RomoRobot| >>

9 Sensors circuit RomoRobot| >>

10 Motors circuit RomoRobot| >>

11 ROBOT Design RomoRobot| >> To choose the best appropriate style we apply our requirements. High torque – need gearbox -. High equilibrium. Ability to scan wide area. Design that allow adding an extra expansion. Ability to overcome small obstacles.

12 Power management The power sources divided into two types This separation for several reasons protection. Provide different current/volt values reduce the internal resistance. Power management RomoRobot| >>

13 ROBOT Design RomoRobot| >> Optocoupler used to do the separation. Completely isolate input from output

14 Motor Driving RomoRobot| >> We have two of DC motors that connected to the gear. Need a good current sufficient to move the robot easily. We must chose a good power values to make the robot movement with good torque and moderate speed without damage the gear.

15 Motor Driving RomoRobot| >> We build a driving circuit that consists of the H-Bridge to drive the DC motors. The output with high current to the DC motor Input from the Optocoupler

16 Wireless Shield RomoRobot| >> The main component in the wireless shield is the Xbee module. It connected serially and powered from the Basic Circuit. It's a very sensitive and any increase or defect in the power supply it can lead to damage.

17 Bluetooth RomoRobot| >> The main component in the Bluetooth connection is the RN_42 module. It connected serially and powered from the Basic Circuit. It's a very sensitive and any increase or defect in the power supply it can lead to damage.

18 LCD RomoRobot| >> LCD displayed screen sensor output will

19 The The Sensors RomoRobot| >> IR sensor. Color sensor accelerometer We have some plug sensors

20 The The Android Mobile RomoRobot| >> Android mobile used for video Call

21 The The RomoRobot| >>

22 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO We have 4 parts of software PIC C C# PHP Android RomoRobot| >>

23 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO This using for Pic programming PMW for motor speed ADC for IR, color and accelerometer RomoRobot| >> PIC C

24 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO For locally connection via Xbee RomoRobot| >> C#

25 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Xbee

26 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO Web application for sender RomoRobot| >> PHP

27 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Sender

28 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO Android application receiver RomoRobot| >> Android

29 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Receiver

30 Software Implementation CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Applications

31 CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO video calls and video conferencing RomoRobot| >>

32 Applications RomoRobot| >> Visiting a place, while you are still at home

33 Applications RomoRobot| >> Robot Programming >IR.Run() >Acceleormeter.X() >Acceleormeter.Y()

34 Problems CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Spike of motor Motors provide spike current that reset the basic circuit Solution circuits separation via Optocoupler

35 Problems CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> Problem of distance Xbee provide us short distance 100 meter not more Solution connection over Internet

36 Problems CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO RomoRobot| >> PWM We have just 2 PWM Solution speed of car just on Forward

37 Demo

38 Thank You

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