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הבעיה של ההסתברות בMWI אין משמעות להסתברות הסתברות שA או B יקרה A B 0.9 0.1 ב MWI A ו B אין דבר שלא ידועה, הכל, ידוע. אין אקראיות אין IGNORANCE הסתברות.

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Presentation on theme: "הבעיה של ההסתברות בMWI אין משמעות להסתברות הסתברות שA או B יקרה A B 0.9 0.1 ב MWI A ו B אין דבר שלא ידועה, הכל, ידוע. אין אקראיות אין IGNORANCE הסתברות."— Presentation transcript:


2 הבעיה של ההסתברות בMWI אין משמעות להסתברות הסתברות שA או B יקרה A B 0.9 0.1 ב MWI A ו B אין דבר שלא ידועה, הכל, ידוע. אין אקראיות אין IGNORANCE הסתברות למה?

3 A B A B נוסיף צופה Schrödinger:

4 A B B קריסה COLLAPSE B B ולא Aמאורע אקראי

5 A B A B Bohmian Mechanics Ignorance probability: Bohmian position הצופה לא יודע

6 Many Worlds (Schrödinger): A B A B הסתברות למה? מה? הצופה לא יודע

7 MWI: Give up probability Behavior Principle: We should care about all our successive worlds in proportion to their measures of existence. Measure of existence of world I should not play Russian quantum roulette A B 0.9 0.1 I should bet 1:9 Get 1 if A, pay 9 if B Behavior Principle  עקרון התנהגות לדאוג לעצמו בעולמות הבאים לפי מדת קיום של העולות

8 MWI: can we, nevertheless, find the probability meaning? as an ignorance probability measure A B A B Find somebody who is ignorant about the outcome 0.9 0.1

9 A A B B Sleeping Pill Experiment Ignorance probability of the descendents A and B Vaidman (1998) ISPS 0.9 0.1

10 A A B B What is the probability that you are in A? 0.9 What is the probability that you are in A? 0.9 0.1 Only and can give this answer

11 A A B B Since all the descendents yield the same answer we can relate it to me before the experiment. I put my bet for the descendents. They have probability. Thus, my bet is for a probabilistic event. This is the ignorance probability meaning of the measure of existence.. What is the probability that you are in A? 0.9 What is the probability that you are in A? 0.9 0.1

12 Sleeping Beauty Controversy Elga: 1/3 Lewis: 1/2 Monday Tuesday Fair coin ½ : ½ Beauty, what is your credence for Tails?

13 Sleeping Beauty Quantumland MWI: 1/3 Monday Tuesday Quantum Fair coin ½ : ½ Beauty, what is your credence for Tails? H 0.5 T Measure of existence of each world = ½

14 Is there a physical meaning of of a present world? We put “intelligent bet” according to of future worlds Should behave differently than because ? A B 0.9 0.1


16 I am from another galaxy. Our technology is 10 million years ahead. I like betting. Would you like to bet?

17 A B 0.9 0.1 A B 0.9 0.1 Are you ready to bet 1:1 ? Get 1 if A, pay 1 if B should say no! The creature can always win. should say yes! I will have at least 6.4 :3.6 odds to win.

18 I can do to neutron what the creature can do to me B 0.9 B A 0.1 A Neutron interferometer

19 I can do to neutron what the creature can do to me B 0.9 B A 0.1 A Neutron interferometer

20 I can do to neutron what the creature can do to me B 0.9 B A 0.1 A Neutron interferometer 0.36 0.64



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