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DEEP GOLD Team Members: Daniel Mack – Jared Sylvester Garrett Britten – Brian Bien CSE331: Data Structures Notre Dame, Fall 04, Stewman.

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Presentation on theme: "DEEP GOLD Team Members: Daniel Mack – Jared Sylvester Garrett Britten – Brian Bien CSE331: Data Structures Notre Dame, Fall 04, Stewman."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEEP GOLD Team Members: Daniel Mack – Jared Sylvester Garrett Britten – Brian Bien CSE331: Data Structures Notre Dame, Fall 04, Stewman

2 Motivation and Goals Poker is an unsolved problem in AI Imperfect knowledge Intractable number of branches Traditional search strategies & optimizations are inadequate Want to create a program capable of making reasonably intelligent decisions Use various data structures along the way

3 The Application GUI: Qt cross platform (Linux, Windows, Mac) previous experience :( Qt Designer Design Goals Computer plays humans at a poker table User tells program what occurs at table Program tells user what action to take

4 Program Structure GUI Game class coordinates overall flow of game HumanPlayerComputerPlayer Contains AI Elements Pre-flop expert system Simulator for post-flop decisions

5 Simulator Can't simulate entire rest of game – too many possible outcomes (~2^40000) Want EV of Fold, Check/Call, Bet/Raise Method: For each possible initial action: Deal out cards semi-randomly 500 times Play each hand dealt for each possible decision of each player Track net cash flow for each initial action Select action with largest EV

6 Data Structures Many ADT classes needed to store many different data types in one structure ex: hand, card, holeCards, players Container structures used in simulator map & map for deck set for active players in a sim list for expected values

7 Comparisons Simulator most intensive –Over 500 times Compare: –Set vs vector –Map vs. vector –Map vs. vector

8 Conclusions Modeling Poker IntensiveNuiance Extreme Decisions –10 vs. 500 AI –Choices in design –Learning the game A Lords of Vice Production

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