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 An in-class quiz could be called assessment.  Using the in-class quiz results to realize the students are not achieving a learning outcome is an evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: " An in-class quiz could be called assessment.  Using the in-class quiz results to realize the students are not achieving a learning outcome is an evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1  An in-class quiz could be called assessment.  Using the in-class quiz results to realize the students are not achieving a learning outcome is an evaluation.  Using your evaluation results to change your approach as the course progresses is a formative evaluation.  Integrating your evaluation over the whole semester to determine if you achieved your objective is summative evaluation. 1 Handout 2

2 Project Goals, Expected Outcomes, and Evaluation Questions

3  Effective evaluation starts with carefully defined project goals and expected outcomes  Goals and expected outcomes related to: ◦ Project management  Initiating or completing an activity  Finishing a “product” ◦ Student behavior  Modifying a learning outcome  Modifying an attitude or a perception 3

4  Goals provide overarching statements of project intention What is your overall ambition? What do you hope to achieve?  Expected outcomes identify specific observable or measureable results for each goal How will achieving your “intention” be reflected by changes in student behavior? How will it change their learning and their attitudes? 4

5  Goals → Expected outcomes  Expected outcomes → Evaluation questions  Questions form the basis of the evaluation process  The evaluation process consists of the collection and interpretation of data to answer evaluation questions 5

6  Read the abstract -- Goal statement removed  Suggest two plausible goals ◦ One on student learning  Cognitive behavior ◦ One on some other aspect of student behavior  Affective behavior  Focus on what will happen to the students ◦ Do not focus on what the instructor will do  Long Exercise ---- 6 min ◦ Think individually -------- ~2 min ◦ Share with a partner ----- ~2 min ◦ Report in local group ---- ~2 min  Watch time and reconvene after 6 min  Use THINK time to think – no discussion, Selected local facilitators report to virtual group 6

7 The goal of the project is …… The project is developing computer-based instructional modules for statics and mechanics of materials. The project uses 3D rendering and animation software, in which the user manipulates virtual 3D objects in much the same manner as they would physical objects. Tools being developed enable instructors to realistically include external forces and internal reactions on 3D objects as topics are being explained during lectures. Exercises are being developed for students to be able to communicate with peers and instructors through real-time voice and text interactions. The project is being evaluated by … The project is being disseminated through … The broader impacts of the project are … Two goals: one for student learning and one for student behavior Non engineers should substitute: “Organic chemistry” for “statics and mechanics of materials” “Interactions” for “external forces and internal reactions” 7

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