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A new path to Sustainable Grace. In many ways we are all different,

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Presentation on theme: "A new path to Sustainable Grace. In many ways we are all different,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A new path to Sustainable Grace

2 In many ways we are all different,

3 but there’s something important that most of us agree upon....

4 ... It’s that we would prefer to participate in a civilization that we feel deserves to last...

5 Because, we want a world civilization that’s, worthy, good...

6 ...and beautiful, that is to say, ‘graceful’.

7 Yet for various reasons most of us are feeling that might not happen...

8 There’s a lot of fear and anxiety.

9 So if most of us want a gracefully sustainable civilization, why aren’t we making it happen?

10 There are 2 two very practical reasons:

11 1. The big issues facing our global civilization feel far too big for any one individual to take on.

12 2. No matter what our position on most issues there seems to be an interest group that opposes it.

13 This is where Sustainable the free non-profit organization comes in:

14 You see, no matter what your cultural, religious, or political background is:

15 ... we make it as easy as possible to (1) humanely work together on the big issues facing our civilization, and (2) compassionately overcome our differences.

16 Sustainable Grace offers an amazing tool to help us all use the untapped power of the internet to improve our civilization...

17 It’s easy to get started: 1 st you click on our VOTE link, and vote; entering your beliefs and values on the 26 key Action Issues facing our civilization ( it takes10 minutes).

18 Here are the Action Issues: 14. Biodiversity/Extinction 15. Science and Religion 16. Dictatorships/Democracy 17. Opt. Population & Consumption 18. Weapons of Mass Destruction 19. Education 20. Equal Rights 21. Renewable Resource Mngmnt. 22. Org. Farming & Enviro. Toxins 23. Healthcare 24. Natural Disasters 25. Disease 26. Cultural Diversity 1. Immigration 2. Fossil Fuel 3. Family Values 4. Capitalism & Socialism 5. Abortion 6. Animal Rights 7. Crime 8. Terrorism 9. Religions & Spiritual Paths 10. Technological Change 11. War 12. Finance 13. Poverty

19 2 nd, you send a personalized version of the ‘viral’ message to as many people as you are willing. Hello ____________, How are you doing? I’m excited, and I’m writing you because amazingly I’ve found a new way to really, and I mean really, make a positive difference in the world: It may be the best system ever devised to bring about profound, lasting, positive change to human society and civilization’s affect on the world. Organizationally its very easy to begin, and it’s starting now:Can you please take about ten minutes and give your opinions by (‘voting’) on the big issues that face our civilization? Your vote would build civility, by blazing the path to an educated global convergence of humanity’s opinions on important issues that are currently polarized. And it will give you an exciting and fun new way that you can socialize; It will create a free internet organization, kind of like a nonprofit Facebook, but it has an agenda. Yet it’s a very broad agenda: All you have to be is concerned about the future of our civilization. Then it pairs people based on their opinions about politics, religion and so forth, and their geographical location. Then the program easily and automatically sets up and structures ongoing entertaining cyber, and or real space, ‘Action Circle’ meetings, that you can check out, or not. You have as much control or direction as you want over the process; for instance you can request to be paired with your existing friends. It’s called Please check it out, and at least ‘vote’, Then this email is how it really starts; so please send it, or Facebook it, ideally individually to everybody you are willing to. With such a broad agenda how can they be offended? Its weird, but once you study the website, you’ll see this may be the seed, the little phase shift, the viral event, that could really help our entire human civilization, and its effect on life on earth. What have we got to loose? Peace be with you, Your Friend P.S. Within a day or two, once you’ve voted and sent this letter to some other people, can you shoot me a response to tell me the number you sent it to? Thanks! Also, this email will stay ‘fresh’ if you cut and past it when you send it instead of forwarding it. If you are sending it to someone who doesn‘t speak English hit (Translate).

20 When there are over 10,000 votes cast Sustainable Grace will begin to use your vote(s) to create and invite you to an ‘Action Circle’ of 5 to 20 households who voted the same way you did and who live near you.

21 The Action Circles are where it happens; because they will empower us by making action on the key issues much easier….

22 ... and far more rewarding.

23 Each month you and your ‘Action Circle’ can meet and choose an Action Issue to work on. It can be the same issue, or issues, or a different issue every month.

24 When you meet, your Action Circle controls our: entertaining, online, open source, Skype's backed, individual Action Circle webpage's. Your circle works on the issues with four, weekly, revolving themes.

25 The four revolving themes are: 1. Education: where your circle learns, and teaches, additional information about the Action Issue(s) 4. Celebration / Ritual: The best part; happens in real space at a home, outdoor space, place of worship, etc. 2. Outreach: within and outside of the organization; spreading your circle’s own message rationally and compassionately. 3. Personal Responsibility : where the rubber hits the road; you and your likeminded circle members back each other up, and together you take what actions over time you think will really make a difference.

26 Perhaps the most exciting thing about the SG process is that over time the Action Circles can create a convergence of opinions on currently polarized key issues...

27 Because: 1.) ongoing education about the issues, for all of us, and 2.) Outreach, particularly to action circles with opposing positions, are themes that will be democratically organized in accordance with SG’s three key bylaws...

28 Yes we have an agenda, but it’s a broad one. We want to cultivate, The Sustainable Grace Bylaws: 1. We commit to a compassionate awareness for our common humanity. 2. We commit to rational discourse with open and active minds about finding the truth regarding the issues. 3. We commit to creating a gracefully sustainable civilization.

29 Imagine it! An organization that can grow geometrically and whose agenda and bylaws are so broad that virtually everyone will feel welcome. An organization of small powerful action circles of your friends and neighbors that will be fun and rewarding. An organization with the holistic action and convergence program to really make a better world.

30 Imagine Sustainable Grace. Vote now and send the chain letter; a better future is upon us!

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