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Welcome!  Share your name and school  Presenter.

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2 Welcome!  Share your name and school  Presenter

3 Session Goals  Become familiar with each component of Integrated Science: An Investigative Approach  Understand how the components work together, by walking through a typical lesson  Discuss general ideas about hands-on instruction, grouping, assessment, and equipment management


5 STUDENT COMPONENTTEACHER COMPONENT Investigation Lab Manual Student Text Hands-on Equipment Teacher’s Guide Resource Tool Kit Electronic book CD-ROM Color Teaching Tools, Investigation Answer Sheets, Skill and Practice Worksheets CD-ROM Test Generator: ExamView CD-ROM ExamView guide book Print Materials

6 Modeling Lesson 5.2  Student Text  Investigation Manual  Student Record Sheets  Equipment  Teacher’s Guide  Test Generator  Skill and Practice Worksheets  Color Teaching Tools  ProPlanner CD-ROM

7 Teaching a Lesson: How do the Components Work Together?  Work in groups of 4  Open a student text, investigation manual, and teacher’s guide to lesson 5.2  We are going to walk through this lesson, and check out each program component along the way

8 Student Text


10 Teaching Suggestion What can I do to encourage students to READ the text?  When you assign a reading section, ask students to take notes on what they read. A 2-column approach works well. The left column contains the sidenote heading, and the right column contains key information from the paragraph. Then, give pop-quizzes from time to time and allow students to use the notes they took on the reading section as they answer the quiz questions.

11 Investigation Manual

12 Student Record Sheets

13 Teaching Suggestion How can I possibly give students a grade for every investigation?  Each time your students complete an investigation, focus on one particular part of the blackline master answer sheet for the grading focus. You can give standard points for completion, and then choose one part to grade for accuracy and thoroughness, such as a graph and one particular assessment question.  Students will compile a lab notebook from blackline answer sheets; give short lab quizzes from time to time and allow students to use their lab notebook. Questions can be written on the board or put on an overhead; no typing or photocopying required.

14 Teaching Suggestion How will I manage 6 or more hands-on lab groups?  With traditional labs, a teacher would give a set of procedural steps and the groups would work through from start to finish. However, these labs are designed to be interactive. The teacher guides the students through each section, with frequent checkpoints for bringing the whole class back together to discuss next steps. The questioning process and “chunking” of investigation parts is outlined in the teacher’s guide dialog.  Assign roles to each group member, such as: Equipment manager Equipment operator Data recorder Data checker Reader/facilitator

15 Equipment

16 Teaching Suggestion How will I manage all of this equipment?  This is actually a GOOD problem to have, don’t forget! :o)  Stands, tracks, other tall things can stand up in a closet or be placed on a large shelf.  For smaller pieces, plastic tubs work great, like a container of cars, and another container of pendulums. Specific equipment- handling ideas will be presented during hands-on sessions.  Use a permanent marker to label pieces; perhaps match with number on benches or tables and have students put their bench number at the top of lab answer sheets

17 Teacher’s Guide


19 ExamView Test Generator

20 Skill and Practice Worksheets

21 Color Teaching Tools

22 Pro Planner Software  Go to ProPlanner Disk

23 Hands-on Problem Solving




27 Thank You!

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