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Smallholder production and markets of bolaina blanca (Guazuma crinita) in Ucayali, Peru Jonathan P. Cornelius, L. Julio Ugarte-Guerra World Agroforestry.

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Presentation on theme: "Smallholder production and markets of bolaina blanca (Guazuma crinita) in Ucayali, Peru Jonathan P. Cornelius, L. Julio Ugarte-Guerra World Agroforestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smallholder production and markets of bolaina blanca (Guazuma crinita) in Ucayali, Peru Jonathan P. Cornelius, L. Julio Ugarte-Guerra World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)) Presented at Smallholder Timber Workshop, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, December 2004

2 The Ucayali Region, Peru Pucallpa

3 What is bolaina?

4 Bolaina supply chain in Pucallpa Sawmill / wood merchant Smallholders’ secondary forest, fallow Industry in Pucallpa (lolly- sticks, fruit packaging, matches, etc Private consumers in Pucallpa Middlemen (extrctn, freight) 180 stems ha -1 $90 ($0.50 stem -1 ) 5-6 logs stem -1 $405 ($0.45 log -1 ) 8 pieces sawntimber log -1 (2.5mx10cmx1.7cm) $2,160 ($0.3 piece -1 ) Source: CIFOR/CATIE, 1998

5 ….now available in Lima Door frames, 3 pieces, Peruvian S/. 39.90 (USD 12.00)

6 Bolaina plantations Fast growth (on the right site) (H dom =13.7m, 24 months) FONDEBOSQUE is projecting large-scale production and sale of bolaina seedlings in 2005 Incipient planting by wealthier farmers Unrealistic projections in some quarters

7 A standing tree of bolaina sells for around $0.50 From a standing tree, around 40 pieces can be sawn Finished sawnwood sells for around $50/m 3 (about 200 pieces) 40 pieces are worth around $10

8 Is plantation production of bolaina a viable option for smallholder farmers?Is plantation production of bolaina a viable option for smallholder farmers? If so, how?If so, how?

9 Financial analyses 4 scenarios Costs and revenues estimated from published and unpublished sources 1 400 final crop trees 1 CIFOR / CATIE, 1998. Curso - taller sobre metodologías de investigación en bosques secundarios. González, L.A. 2003. Evaluación técnico-económica de plantaciones de bolaina blanca en zonas inundables del Rio Aguaytía. B.Sc. Thesis, UNALM, Lima. Ugarte-Guerra, L.J. Unpublished data

10 Option 1 Block plantation at 3m x 3m Weeding in first two years Thinning after three years, to final crop density of 400 trees ha -1 Standing sale at 6 years of age

11 -$646 ha -1 NDR@10%: -$646 ha -1 Cash income at sale of $182

12 Food for thought for potential bolaina planters… A bolaina seedling costs around $0.30 A six year old standing tree sells for around $0.50

13 Bolaina supply chain in Pucallpa Sawmill / wood merchant Smallholders’ secondary forest, fallow Industry in Pucallpa (lolly- sticks, fruit packaging, matches, etc Private consumers in Pucallpa Middlemen (extrctn, frght) 180 stems ha -1 $90 ($0.50 stem -1 ) 5-6 logs stem -1 $405 ($0.45 log -1 ) 8 pieces sawntimber log -1 (2.5mx10cmx1.7cm) $2,200 ($0.3 piece -1 )

14 Option 2 Farmer fells, crosscuts trees himself Pays for transport of 2.5m logs to river port Average of five 2.5m logs tree -1 Logs sold at $0.30 ( 20cm)

15 -$686 ha -1 NDR@10%: -$686 ha -1 Cash income at sale of $770

16 Option 3 Farmer pays for sawmill service, producing average of 8.6 unfinished pieces (2.5m x 10cm x 1.7cm) per log Pays for transport to Pucallpa Sells pieces at $0.15 each

17 -$113.52 ha -1, IRR 6.4% NDR @ 10%: -$113.52 ha -1, IRR 6.4% Cash income at sale of $2600

18 Option 4 Lengthen rotation to 9 years Average of 7 logs tree -1, and 12.9 pieces log -1

19 $385 ha -1, IRR=15.8% NDR @ 10%: $385 ha -1, IRR=15.8% Cash income at sale of $5500

20 Added value - easier said than done Needs: Stronger organization Equitable alliances with industry

21 Thanks

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