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CHAPTER 6 Digital Filter Structures

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1 CHAPTER 6 Digital Filter Structures
Wang Weilian School of Information Science and Technology Yunnan University ~

2 Outline Block Diagram Representation Equivalent Structures
Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures FIR Cascaded Lattice Structures Summary 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

3 Block Diagram Representation
Digital filters The difference equation A first-order causal LTI IIR digital filter: Knowing the initial condition y[-1] and the input x[n] for , we can computer y[n] for 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

4 Block Diagram Representation
An LTI digital filter can be conveniently represented in block diagram form using the basic building blocks representing the unit delay, the multiplier, the adder and the pick-off nods. e.g. : A first-order LTI digital filter 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

5 Equivalent Structures
Two digital filter structures is equivalent if they have the same transfer function. There are a number of methods for the generation of equivalent structures: ( i ) Reverse all paths, ( ii ) Replace pick-off nodes by adders, and vice versa, ( iii ) Interchange the input and the output nodes. 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

6 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures
Direct forms In the time-domain: The transfer function: An FIR filter of order N requires N+1 multipliers and N two-input adders for implementation in general. 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

7 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures
Direct Forms Direct form FIR structures 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

8 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures
Cascade Form 2L=N unit delays,2L+1=N+1 multipliers,2L=N adders Cascade form FIR structure 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

9 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures
Linear-Phase FIR Structures A linear-phase FIR filter of order N The symmetric impulse response: The antisymmetric impulse response: Linear-phase FIR structure 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

10 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Direct Forms An Nth-order IIR digital filter transfer function requires 2N+1 multipliers and 2N two-input adders for implementation in general. 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

11 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Direct Forms Direct form I Direct form It 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

12 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Cascade Realizations Various different cascade realizations of H(z) can be obtained by different pole-zero polynomial pairings. Usually, the polynomials are factored into a product of first-order and second-order polynomials. e.g. : 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

13 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Cascade Realizations Cascade realization of a IIR transfer function 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

14 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Parallel Realizations Making use of the partial-fraction expansion of the transfer function: The parallel form I: The parallel form II: 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

15 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures
Parallel Realizations Parallel realization of a IIR transfer function 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

16 FIR Cascaded Lattice Structures
Realization of Arbitrary FIR Transfer Functions All-Zeros filter: From fig 6.39: 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

17 Summary The realization of a causal digital transfer function, called structures, are usually represented in block diagram forms that are formed by interconnecting adders, multipliers, and unit delays. The structure can be analyzed to develop its input-output relationship either in the time-domain or in the transform-domain. 云南大学课程:数字信号处理

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