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April 6, 2010 Revised April 9, 2010. 2010-2011 Summary The following significant changes have been made to the 2010-2011 PEIMS Collection: 033 Shared.

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Presentation on theme: "April 6, 2010 Revised April 9, 2010. 2010-2011 Summary The following significant changes have been made to the 2010-2011 PEIMS Collection: 033 Shared."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 6, 2010 Revised April 9, 2010

2 2010-2011 Summary The following significant changes have been made to the 2010-2011 PEIMS Collection: 033 Shared Service Arrangement Actuals Record RDSPD SSA fiscal agents will report 033 records in 2010- 2011. 040 Staff Identification Record STAFF-TYPE-CODE added to the record. Added to Submission 3 for teachers only. 043 Staff Demographic Record Added to Submission 3 for teachers only. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 2

3 2010-2011 Summary 045 Staff Identification Number Change record Added to Submission 3 for teachers only. 050 Staff Employment record – Added to Submission 3 for teachers only. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20103

4 2010-2011 Summary 090 Staff Responsibility record – CLASS-ID-NUMBER expanded from 6 to 14 characters and relocated on the record. Auto generating Class ID Number on the 090 will not work for 2010-2011. The Class ID Number should come from the master schedule. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20104

5 2010-2011 Summary 101 Student Demographic Record New and relocated data elements to this record. See record layout. Economic Disadvantaged Code has been relocated to the 101 Student Demographic record from the 110 Student Enrollment record. All instructions for reporting “economically disadvantaged” are still the same. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20105

6 2010-2011 Summary 101 Student Demographic Record I nstructions for reporting “economically disadvantaged” in the Fall Submission are still the same. For the Summer Submission, report the Economic Disadvantaged Code for what the student was last recorded as in the Student Information System. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20106

7 2010-2011 Summary 101 Student Demographic Record -Asylee/Refugee Code added to the record. See Change Document 2 page 2.8 - 2.12. -Students must be in grade 7-12 when identified as an Asylee/Refugee for PEIMS reporting. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20107

8 2010-2011 Summary 110 Student Enrollment Record Economic Disadvantaged Code moved to 101 Student Demographic record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 20108

9 2010-2011 Summary 300 Course Section record (New record) Added to Submission 3. This record captures all of the classes (course sections) that are offered through a campus for which a student can get class credit or be promoted based on completing the course work. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 9

10 2010-2011 Summary 305 Teacher Class Assignment record (New record) Added to Submission 3 for teacher roles only. This record captures the classroom assignments for all persons with Role IDs 047- Substitute Teacher and 087 – Teacher. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 10

11 2010-2011 Summary 415 Course Completion record – New data elements have been added to this record. See Change Document 2. This record captures the course result/outcome activity for students in grades 1-12. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 11

12 2010-2011 Summary 415 Course Completion record – Old rule The 415 record must reflect the PASS/FAIL- CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE determined at the end of the school year. New rule The 415 record must reflect the PASS/FAIL- CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE determined at the end of the course. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 12

13 2010-2011 Summary 425 Student Discipline Action record – Expired language removed from the bullets. See Change Document 2 pages 2.23 – 2.25 -Discipline Data Integrity System -Guide to Chapter 37-Discipline, Law, and Order Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 13

14 2010-2011 Summary 500 Flexible Attendance record– -Added to Submission 4. -For students making up excessive absences -Reporting Period Indicator Code is limited to 7 and 8 (Edit 50034 ) -Days Taught must be 30 days (Edit 50035) -Flexible Attendance Program Code must be 3. (Edit 50036) - Students cannot exceed 1.000 ADA Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 14

15 2010-2011 Summary 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance Record -Added to Submission 4. -For students making up excessive absences Reporting Period Indicator Code limited to 7 and 8 (Edit 50523) -Days Taught must be 30 days (Edit 50524) -Flexible Attendance Program Code must be 3.(Edit 50525) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 15

16 2010-2011 Summary 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record -Added to Submission 4. -For students making up excessive absences -Reporting Period Indicator Code limited to codes 7 and 8 (Edit 51012) -Days Taught must be 30 days (Edit 51013) - Flexible Attendance Program Code must be 3.(Edit 51014) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 16

17 2010-2011 Summary OFSDP Summer School Credit Recovery Program Students can be reported in any and all summertime programs for which they are eligible. -Extended Services Year (ESY) -Optional Extended Year Program (OEYP) -OFSDP Summer School Credit Recovery Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 17

18 2010-2011 Summary E0005 Ethnicity Code Data element deleted from 110 Student Enrollment record. C014 Ethnicity Code table Code table deleted. Texas Education Agency - Classroom Link Training - January 12, 201018

19 2010-2011 Summary E0797 Immigrant Indicator Code Language that exempts students born to military parents has been removed. “Children Born to military personnel (U.S. Citizens) outside the “States” are not immigrant.” This exemption is no longer allowed. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 19

20 2010-2011 Summary E0924 Demographic Revision Confirmation Code Ethnicity Code deleted and replaced with the 6 new ethnicity and race code data elements. 12 different data elements can trigger the code being reported. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 20

21 2010-2011 Summary E1056 Class ID Number Expanded for 6 to 14 characters. Beginning with 2010-2011, must be unique by school year, campus, Service ID, and Course Sequence Code. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 21

22 2010-2011 Summary E1076 Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Code New data element added to the 101 Student Demographic record. Student must be in 7 th – 12 th grade when Asylee/Refugee status is obtained. C0183 Unschooled/Asylee Refugee Code Table Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 22

23 2010-2011 Summary C022 Service ID code table Global replacement of all CTE courses with new Service IDs and names. Completed replacement of PE courses with new Service IDs and names. (See TAA letter dated January 25, 2010) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 23

24 2010-2011 Summary C022 Service ID code table New Physical Education Service IDs PES00052 - Foundations of Personal Fitness (1/2-1 Unit) (PEFOUND) PES00053 - Adventure/Outdoor Education (1/2-1 Unit) (PEAOA) PES00054 - Aerobic Activities (1/2-1 Unit) (PEAA) PES00055 - Individual or Team Sports (1/2-1 Unit) (PEITS) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 24

25 2010-2011 Summary C022 Service ID code table - Physical Education– Substitutes PES00000 - PE Substitution Athletics 1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH1) PES00001 - PE Substitution Athletics 2 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH2) PES00002 - PE Substitution Athletics 3 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH3) PES00003 - PE Substitution Athletics 4 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH4) PES00004 - PE Substitution JROTC1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBJ1) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 25

26 2010-2011 Summary C022 Service ID code table - Physical Education– Substitutes PES00008 - PE Substitution Non-District Program 1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO1) PES00009 - PE Substitution Non-District Program 2 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO2) PES00010 - PE Substitution Non-District Program 3 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO3) PES00011 - PE Substitution Non-District Program 4 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO4) PES00012 - PE Substitution Marching Band (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBMB) PES00013 - PE Substitution Cheerleading (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBCHLDG) PES00014 - PE Substitution Drill Team (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBDT) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 26

27 2010-2011 Summary C093 Parental Permission Code table Two new codes added H - Parent or Guardian Has Requested Placement Of A Non-LEP Student In The English As A Second Language Program J - Parent Or Guardian Has Approved The Placement Of A LEP Student In The ESL Program, But The Program Is An Alternative Language Program Approved By The Texas Education Agency. (See TAC 19.89.1207) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 27

28 2010-2011 Summary C093 Parental Permission Code table Parental Permissions have been reorganized into two categories: Those Parental Permission Codes that allow a school to generate BIL/ESL Average Daily Attendance. Those Parental Permissions Codes that do not allow a school to generate BIL/ESL Average Daily Attendance. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 28

29 2010-2011 Summary C162 Leaver Reason Code Table Clarifications made to codes 01, 24, 78, 83, and 85. See pages 54-55 of PEIMS Data Standards change document 4. New leaver codes going into effect for recordkeeping purposes in 2010-2011. Will be reported for the first time in fall of 2011-2012. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 29

30 C162 Leaver Reason Code Table New Codes for 2010-2011 student leaver tracking 88 -Court-ordered to a GED program, has not earned a GED – Student was ordered by a court to attend a GED program and has not earned a GED certificate 89 - Incarcerated in state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult – Student is incarcerated in a state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult or as a person certified to stand trial as an adult Texas Education Agency - Classroom Link Training - January 12, 201030

31 2010-2011 Summary C162 Leaver Reason Code Table New Codes for 2010-2011 student leaver tracking 90-Graduated from another state under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 31

32 2010-2011 Summary Per TEC 162.002, student lives in the household of an active-duty military serviceperson, transferred into Texas public schools at the beginning of or during his or her senior year, did not meet requirements to graduate from Texas public schools, did meet requirements to graduate from a school in the sending state, and, under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, graduated from a school or district in the sending state Texas Education Agency - Classroom Link Training - January 12, 201032

33 2010-2011 Summary C170 Flexible Attendance Program Type Code New code added for Summer School Credit Recovery Program 3 - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 33

34 2010-2011 Summary C183 Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Code 0 - Not applicable to this student 1 - Refugee: Individual who has refugee status as defined by TEC Section 39.027(a-1) 2 - Asylee: Individual who has been granted asylum as defined by TEC Section 39.027(a-1) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 34

35 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 032 Financial Actual record edits Edit 032ZY – Added Fund Code 289 (Federally Funded Special Revenue Funds) to the edit. Edit 0322A – (New edit) If PROGRAM-INTENT- CODE is “31”, then FUND-CODE must be “199”, “420” or “428”. (warning) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 35

36 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 040 Staff Identification/Demographic edits Edit 0400B – Deleted the ETHNICITY-CODE (E0005) data element and added the STAFF- TYPE-CODE (E1073) data element. Edit 04040 - Deleted the ETHNICITY-CODE (E0005) data element. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 36

37 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 040 Staff Identification/Demographic edits All of the 040 record edits have been adjusted to be applicable to submission 1 and 3 due to teaching staff data being included in submission 3 for the Classroom Link data collection. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 37

38 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 043 Staff Demographic record edits All of the 043 record edits have been adjusted to be applicable to submission 1 and 3 due to teaching staff data being included in submission 3 for the Classroom Link data collection. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 38

39 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 043 Staff Demographic record edits Added Edit 04311 - If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is a “2”, then there must be a matching 043 record for that particular staff ID. (Fatal) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 39

40 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 045 Staff Identification Number Change record edits All of the 045 record edits have been adjusted to be applicable to submission 1 and 3 due to teaching staff data being included in submission 3 for the Classroom Link data collection. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 40

41 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 050 Staff Employment record edits All of the 050 record edits have been adjusted to be applicable to submission 1 and 3 due to teaching staff data being included in submission 3 for the Classroom Link data collection. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 41

42 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 060 Staff Payroll record edits Edit 0601Q – Added Fund Codes 276, 285 - 286, 358 - 360, and 366. Edit 0601T – Added Fund Code 420. Edits 06009 and 06010 – Deleted ROLE-ID 037. This role expired with the 2008-2009 school year. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 42

43 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 090 Staff Responsibility record edits Field Edit 0900B and Context Edit 09094 - Deleted ROLE-ID 037. This role expired with the 2009-2009 school year. Edit 09051 – Edit deleted. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 43

44 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Field Edit 1010B has been revised to include the new ethnicity and race data elements added in 2009-2010. Added ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGED-CODE. Added UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 44

45 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Field Edit 1010C – Revised by deleting ETHNICITY- CODE (E0005). Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 45

46 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Field Edit 1010D has been deleted since all students reported during the 2010-2011 school year, including 2009-2010 “school leavers”, must be reported with the new ethnicity and race data information. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 46

47 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Edit 10117 has been revised to add Student Attribution Codes 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 47

48 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Edit 10134 - delete Student Attribution Codes 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23. Student did not originate in district. Campus ID of Residence must be blank. Edit 10135 - delete Student Attribution Codes 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24. Student did originate in the district. Campus ID of Residence must not be blank. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 48

49 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Edit 10179- Edit deleted. Student Attribution Codes 08 and 09 expired with the 2008-2009 school year. Edits 1011L and 1011M – ethnicity and race codes cannot all be blank. (Now applicable to submission 1) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 49

50 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits Edits 1011Q, 1011R, 1011S, 1011T - Edits deleted. Rules expire with the 2009-2010 school year. Edits 1011U and 1011V – Economic Disadvantaged Code edits moved over from the 110 record. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 50

51 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 101 Student Demographic record edits New Edits 1011X – Grade Level must be 07-12. 1011Y - Unschooled Refugee/Asylee Code must be blank in Submission 4. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 51

52 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 110 Student Enrollment record context edits Economic Disadvantaged Code deleted from edit Field Edit 1100B and Context Edit 11015. Economic Disadvantaged Code edit 11034 deleted. (Moved to 101 record edits) Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 52

53 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 300 Course Section record context edits New edits have been created to enforce the business rules associated with the collection of the Classroom Link information. Please see Data Standards Change Document 5, 300 series edits. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 53

54 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 305 Teacher Assignment record context edits New edits have been created to enforce the business rules associated with the collection of the Classroom Link information. Please see Data Standards Change Document 5, 305 series edits. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 54

55 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary 415 Course Completion record edits New edits have been added to enforce the business rules associated with the collection of the Classroom Link information. Please see Data Standards Change Document 5, 415 series edits. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 55

56 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary The 500, 505, and 510 record edits have been amended to include Submission 4 where applicable. See Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 56

57 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary Edits have been added to the 500, 505, and 510 record edits to enforce the business rules associated with the OFSDP Summer School Credit recovery Program. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 57

58 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary DAEP campuses are not eligible for participation in the OFSDP Summer School Credit Recovery Program. Enforced by edits 50033. See Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 58

59 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary For OFSDP Summer School Credit recovery Program, there may be a maximum of 2 reporting periods. These are designated using codes 7 and/or 8. Enforced by edits 50034, 50523, and 51012. See Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 59

60 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary For OFSDP Summer School Credit recovery Program, Days Taught reported for the reporting periods must be 30, even if the program does not last 30 days. Enforced by edits 50035, 50524, and 51013. See Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 60

61 2010-2011 Summary Edit Changes Summary For OFSDP Summer School Credit recovery Program, Flexible Attendance Program Type Code must be 3 – OFSDP Summer School Credit Recovery Program. Enforced by edits 50036, 50525, and 51014. See Data Standards Change Document 5. Texas Education Agency – PEIMS Data Standards Changes April 6, 2010 61

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