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Chapt. 10. What’s a Program? A set of instructions -- that lead to the accomplishment of an objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapt. 10. What’s a Program? A set of instructions -- that lead to the accomplishment of an objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapt. 10

2 What’s a Program? A set of instructions -- that lead to the accomplishment of an objective.

3 Compilers and Interpreters Compiler Converts entire program into object code prior to Execution. Interpreter Converts small program units (lines of code) into object code then executes them individually

4 Language Categories Low-Level Machine Assembly Problems?

5 Procedural Languages (3GL) English-like Instructions FORTRAN COBOL C BASIC

6 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Languages C++ #include "stdafx.h" #include using namespace std; int main( ) { cout << "Hello World“<<endl; return 0; } Java public class TextDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, Welcome to Java programming") } } OR import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //for the GUI definitions public class WelcomeMessageDialogBox { public static void main(String[] args) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello, Welcome to Java programming","GUI Programming Sample", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }

7 Integrated Development Environments Rapid Application Development (RAD) Visual Studio Microsoft Delphi Borland PowerBuilder Sybase

8 Specialty Languages RPG – Report Generator RPG Logo – Graphics and audio Logo Macros – Recorder or VBA

9 Web Development Applets and Script HTML (DHTML, XMX, etc.) Java script, Perl, PHP, etc. Servlet -

10 Program Development Cycle 1. Analysis – “can we get there from here?” (feasibility study) 2. Design – “how do we get there from here?” Structured design vs. object design IPO Hierarchy charts Flowcharts and pseudocode

11 Program Design Tools Hierarchy Charts – module development and process organization Control structure – control the task sequence Sequential – Selection – if – else – binary selection case – multiple option selection

12 Program Design Tools (cont’d) Repetition Control do – while – the condition is before the action do – until - the condition is after the action Flow chart – symbols represent actions Rectangle – a general process Parallelogram – input and output Diamond - decision Arrows – data or process flow Oval – terminal – the end (beginning) of a program sequence Sample flowchart

13 Development Cycle (contd.) 3. Validate – “are you sure that is the best way to go?” Desk Check 4. Implement – “take the trip.” Create the code

14 Development Cycle (contd.) 5. Test and Validate – “are we there yet?” Check results against known values Parallel processing 6. Document – “take the pictures and write the post cards!!” Internal documentation External documentation

15 Summary Program Compiler vs. Interpreter Programming Languages Low-level Procedural OOP Web development Special use

16 Summary (part dux) Program Development Cycle Analysis Design Validate Implement Test and Validate Document

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