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Other Activities (<10 mentions each): Golf Society, Bowls Club, Rainbows, Book club, Footpaths Group, First Responders, Indoor.

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14 Other Activities (<10 mentions each): Golf Society, Bowls Club, Rainbows, Book club, Footpaths Group, First Responders, Indoor Bowls Club YES NO UNAWARE ` 258 Returns ACTIVE OR NOT? Households Responding

15 What YOU told us about ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN THE VILLAGE GOOD NEWS 1. Cinema in the Village Hall Coming very soon latest details: and Village Hall Notice Board 2. Pilates Classes have already started More on the Village Hall Website Also on Contact List 3. Tennis was the third most requested additional activity (65)‏ and a proposal to develop tennis courts may be included in the Parish Plan. Now is the time to register contact details if you are interested. Please complete a slip before you leave. DETAILS OF OTHER REQUESTS ON THE NEXT SLIDE

16 What YOU told us about ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN THE VILLAGE SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS (30+ HOUSEHOLDS) WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SEE: ALLOTMENTS DANCES ART CLUB CIRCUIT TRAINING FIRST AID COURSES JUMBLE SALES LANGUAGE CLUB COMPUTER CLUB To register an interest (as arranger or participant) in any of the activities mentioned. Please complete a slip with contact details before you leave.

17 What YOU think about LOCAL FACILITIES (by age group) 52% of you think that local facilities for the 13-17 age group are poor. The issue is being addressed as a matter or urgency and we would welcome any suggestions. Please complete a Comment Slip.

18 Footpaths You are generally satisfied with signposting and usability 83% want maps and leaflets of the walks available About a half wanted improvements including dog-friendly stiles About one third wanted organised walks This map can be downloaded from>Community Info>Footpaths More dog poo bins needed Where? Please comment More bridleways required Not pushchair friendly








26 In 2007 we failed to win our category of Best Kept Village by only Form a steering group Involve local businesses 85% know we enter 68% think we benefit Just think what we could do if we really went for it 0.1% Help others with their gardens Organise tidy-up days Please let us know if you want to help in 2008





31 Traffic and Transport issues within OUR village occupy four of the top five worst aspects overall of living in Fenny Compton according to what YOU have told us Top 5 worst aspects of living in Fenny Compton 1. Heavy Lorries 2. Public Transport 3. Traffic in general 4. Crime 5. Speeding The use of our village roads by Heavy Lorries by far the greatest concern to us

32 What YOU told us about Transport and Traffic Over 85% of us consider Lorries and Speeding to be the major Traffic concerns

33 What YOU told us you would like to do to address OUR Transport and Traffic concerns Over 77% of you would like to restrict lorries in our village to access only Over 67% of you would like to introduce signs to remind drivers of the speed limit in our village

34 What YOU told us about Transport and Traffic Over 43% of you would use the bus more often if it was more frequent. Over 34% of you would use the bus more often if it was better publicised. Over 83% of you believe walking/driving under the railway bridge is a danger Over 53% of you believe that pavement width is an issue Remove all or just first 2 points?


36 How YOU can help us to solve YOUR Transport and Traffic concerns Traffic has been identified as a major concern in our village Fenny Compton Traffic Group being set up to establish how best to solve our traffic concerns Meeting in Village Hall on 24 October (8pm), everyone welcome to attend See you on the 24 th !



39 What YOU told us about WHAT YOU THINK OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Nearly 80% of households know how to contact the Parish Council Yes, I know my local councillors Yes, I think that the Council is aware of local concerns …but 41% have no opinion

40 What YOU told us about WHAT YOU THINK OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 43% of households have attended a Parish Council meeting …and 81% know that they are open meetings Community Centres & Village Halls Recycling and Rubbish Collections Parks and Open Spaces Parking – Off Street Parking – On Street Education Highways Housing Planning Street Lighting Social Services Parish District County But which Council does what ? Well NeitherPoorly No Opinion Your thoughts on how well the Parish Council publicises its activities and decisions…

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