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What caused the problems of the 70’s & 80’s… Does history repeat itself? Denver, Colorado October 28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "What caused the problems of the 70’s & 80’s… Does history repeat itself? Denver, Colorado October 28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 What caused the problems of the 70’s & 80’s… Does history repeat itself? Denver, Colorado October 28, 2009

2 Virgil H. Holtgrewe Holtgrewe Ag-Services, Inc. 6 Skyline Drive Lakewood, CO 80215 Phone & Fax 303-233-2968 Email

3 Agricultural Crisis Late 1970’s to early 1980’s What caused it? –Low commodity prices –Available credit –Expansion of farm operations –High interest rates Historical highs of 15 to 18% or higher.

4 Results Agricultural community was first Bankruptcy Foreclosures.

5 Appraisal Problems –Appraisal is historical information, Forecast market value of land??? New sales need to be used No Sales Market trends, hard to predict –No sales activity = changing market Borrowers did not recognize downturn –Final outcome - drop of 40% to 50%.

6 Recovery Three to five years to recover Appreciation in line with economic growth NO BAIL OUT PROGRAM.

7 Changes Made No experience with high interest rates New regulations for appraisers –Appraisal Foundation Established in 1986-87 Colorado Appraisal Certification –Began in June of 1992.

8 Education and CE ASFMRA developed education programs. –13 core courses + 40 seminars 399 education hours for ARA 300 education hours for General Certification.

9 Repeat 2007-08 high prices for wheat & corn –Ethanol major factor for increase –Land values accelerated with high commodity prices –Livestock feeders operated at a loss.

10 Energy Crunch Cost of production increased, YearWheatCorn 2003$84.48$374.59 2007$127.84$633.07 Inc. 66%59%

11 History Lesson External Obsolescence Generally incurable by owner or tenant. Market Values correspond with economic box. Spike outside of the box Can create a domino disaster.

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