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Year 1 Meet the Teacher Welcome to. Autumn Term 2015 The children will begin transition Autumn 1. This starts with child initiated and then a move on.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Meet the Teacher Welcome to. Autumn Term 2015 The children will begin transition Autumn 1. This starts with child initiated and then a move on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Meet the Teacher Welcome to

2 Autumn Term 2015 The children will begin transition Autumn 1. This starts with child initiated and then a move on to carousel. More formal lessons will begin to be introduced towards the end of Autumn 1 ready for formal teaching after half-term.

3 Pick up and Drop off. In the morning:8.40-8.50am - Leave child at the door and they walk to playground. - Key Stage 1 teacher on duty each day Year 1 teacher may not be able to speak to you at the door so please write a note or leave a message at the office. At the end of the day: 3.15pm -Pick up from the year 1 playground. -child comes to you. -Try to only wave when your child is at the front! -Please come and chat after school if you want to. If you don’t pick up your child then please can you inform us of who picks them up and when. - contact book, phone the school, letter on separate paper. - If a regular arrangement one note is fine.

4 Phonics Children have been grouped according to the phase in which they are working and this will continue. Suited to ability of child and the groups are fluid and can change following assessments. We may send sounds and words home to practise. Spelling will start after Christmas. Useful website: Mr Thorne does phonics

5 P.E. 1 indoor and 1 outdoor session a week. -Specific days to be confirmed and will be on website Earrings must be taken out before they come to school or they must be able to do it themselves. -ears can not be taped. Long hair must be tied back. Please provide a tracksuit for the colder weather when we do outdoor P.E. and ensure names are in clothes. If they do not have a kit in school they will not do P.E.

6 Contact Books They will not be automatically checked but the children are asked to check them during register. If you have written a note please remind children to show or send them in with it in their hands! If you would rather speak to us in person then we always loiter at the end of the day. When notes have been seen we will initial them and respond if necessary.

7 Other Information They will receive homework on a Thursday. Reading books are to be bought in on this day. Handwriting at home books will go home once a week. We will begin to send a free choice book later on in the year. - This is a chance for children to choose a book that interests them.

8 Other Information Encourage independence – e.g. letters in their own bags so you may need to check you have received letters. Show and tell -If children have show and tell that is related to the topic or a celebration of talent then we will endeavour to show them to the class. -This may be on a different day to when they bring it in. Reading – more focus on deduction and inference as well as sounding out so practise these skills with the children and don’t feel pressured to read whole book at once!

9 Help at home… Phonics sounds and high frequency words. Reading regularly – including comprehension questions. Counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s. Recall number bonds and doubles. Encourage your children to learn months of the year, days of the week, including how to spell them! Handwriting at home and cursive script.

10 Thanks for coming! Any questions?

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