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RE The children will learn about special symbols in Religion and caring for one another. Computing The children will learn about programming and using.

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Presentation on theme: "RE The children will learn about special symbols in Religion and caring for one another. Computing The children will learn about programming and using."— Presentation transcript:

1 RE The children will learn about special symbols in Religion and caring for one another. Computing The children will learn about programming and using technology for a purpose. PE The children will learn how to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and develop balance, agility and coordination. PHSE & Citizenship – Relationships We are looking forward to an exciting and busy term in which we will learn lots of new skills and be asking lots of curious questions. Hopefully the children will be coming home to you full of questions, and even some answers! I am available before school starts, or at the end of the day if you have any easily addressed concerns or questions, but if you require a longer meeting please feel free to make an appointment. Mrs Leese Year 1 & 2 Newsletter Autumn 2015 Mrs Leese ‘ Everyone matters, every day counts’

2 What we are learning this term. Literacy Every day your child will be completing a variety of reading and writing activities, which will require them to continually develop and apply new skills. They will be reading and writing stories, Poetry, diaries and making posters. Maths In your child’s daily maths lessons they will be developing their understanding of number and number patterns, place value, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and even division! We will also be telling the time, looking at 2D and 3D shapes and measuring length and weight. Science We will investigate living things and their habitats. Explore the school grounds for minibeasts and look at more exotic animals, their climates and basic needs. We will look at the similarities and differences between animals and humans and how we grow and the diet we need to be healthy. Topic Our topic for this term is Fire! Fire! We will be focussing on the Great Fire of London and significant individuals such as Samuel Pepys. How people such as the fire service help us and how to stay safe in an emergency. We will also learn about the different ways we use fire and how it can help us. We will be designing and making Tudor houses, baking bread and using our artistic skills to produce beautiful silhouette pictures. As part of our geography focus we will be looking at maps of Great Britain and locating London and its rivers. Welcome to Year One and Two! I will be teaching Year one and two for this school year, and look forward to getting to know them and building relationships with both the children and parents / carers. PE Your child needs to always have their P.E. kit in school. PE is a really important part of your son/daughter’s learning and healthy lifestyle so I would be grateful if you could help them take part in this area of the Curriculum, by making sure they have their correct kit available, including a warm fleece and trousers or leggings. If there is any reason why they should not take part in a lesson please send a note to explain. Reading at home In Years 1 and 2 your son/daughter should be reading at least 4 times a week. This will probably be a school reading book, although it is also nice to encourage them to read books you may have at home, or get out of the library. Please feel free to record in their home diary if they read other stories. Reading aloud to you or another adult is important to help them to understand what they are reading, as well as helping them become more fluent and add expression, when their reading becomes stronger. Every time they read, the adult should sign the reading diary and make a comment if needed. Please help me to monitor and support your child’s reading by ensuring their reading book and reading diary comes to school every day. Homework Homework will be based on our literacy subject that we are learning that week or topic based. Maths will be completed online via MyMaths. If you have any issues regarding accessing MyMaths, please feel free to speak to me about it. Homework will be given out every Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.

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