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Welcome to Class 3 Meet the Teacher Teacher Mrs Payne Teaching Assistant: Mrs Daniels Mrs Daniels Things to remember to help your child in class 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 3 Meet the Teacher Teacher Mrs Payne Teaching Assistant: Mrs Daniels Mrs Daniels Things to remember to help your child in class 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 3 Meet the Teacher Teacher Mrs Payne Teaching Assistant: Mrs Daniels Mrs Daniels Things to remember to help your child in class 3.

2 Numeracy Numeracy lessons in year 3 are differentiated according to ability.Numeracy lessons in year 3 are differentiated according to ability. Numeracy is monitored on regular basis by both the class teachers and by the numeracy co-ordinator.Numeracy is monitored on regular basis by both the class teachers and by the numeracy co-ordinator. Movement between the groups is on-going throughout the year.Movement between the groups is on-going throughout the year. Children who are secure in their tables tend to be able to complete all numeric tasks quickly, allowing them to progress at a greater rate.Children who are secure in their tables tend to be able to complete all numeric tasks quickly, allowing them to progress at a greater rate.

3 Guided Reading All children are put into reading groups according to their current reading ability.All children are put into reading groups according to their current reading ability. A guided reading session takes place daily carried out by the teacher.A guided reading session takes place daily carried out by the teacher. Children who are on the reading scheme are expected to have a free reading book to encourage a love of reading.Children who are on the reading scheme are expected to have a free reading book to encourage a love of reading.

4 Behaviour I have high expectations of behaviour from all my pupils and will inform you regularly of any incidences of poor behaviour via your child’s contact book or blue slips if necessary.I have high expectations of behaviour from all my pupils and will inform you regularly of any incidences of poor behaviour via your child’s contact book or blue slips if necessary. Please make sure you discuss any issues with your child then please acknowledge - by signature and return the reply slip asap, as these are held on class records.Please make sure you discuss any issues with your child then please acknowledge - by signature and return the reply slip asap, as these are held on class records.

5 Play times Play times are for socialising and playing with friends, if a child chooses to take this time during lessons instead of completing their learning, they will miss the official break time to catch up; this is non negotiable. However a note from me will appear in your child’s contact book so that you are informed; again please take the opportunity to discuss the importance of appropriate behaviour.Play times are for socialising and playing with friends, if a child chooses to take this time during lessons instead of completing their learning, they will miss the official break time to catch up; this is non negotiable. However a note from me will appear in your child’s contact book so that you are informed; again please take the opportunity to discuss the importance of appropriate behaviour.

6 Duty Room For more serious incidences children will spend time in the duty room.For more serious incidences children will spend time in the duty room. Additionally children who do not complete home learning will go to the duty room during lunch time in order to complete outstanding task. The duty room is supervised but tasks will be expected to be completed independently.Additionally children who do not complete home learning will go to the duty room during lunch time in order to complete outstanding task. The duty room is supervised but tasks will be expected to be completed independently.

7 Home Contact Books All children now have a home contact book. The book should be in school every day. The book is a vital link between home and school and enables information relevant to your child to be passed on quickly.All children now have a home contact book. The book should be in school every day. The book is a vital link between home and school and enables information relevant to your child to be passed on quickly. Children in key stage 2 are responsible for alerting the teacher to any messages from home and will be expected to hand them to me after registration.Children in key stage 2 are responsible for alerting the teacher to any messages from home and will be expected to hand them to me after registration. If there is a need for me to contact you more urgently to discuss any concerns, I will contact you by telephone, so please ensure the office has your up to date contact numbers.If there is a need for me to contact you more urgently to discuss any concerns, I will contact you by telephone, so please ensure the office has your up to date contact numbers.

8 Home Learning Logs All children at High Firs are required to complete a weekly home learning log.All children at High Firs are required to complete a weekly home learning log. The tasks set are important and provide opportunities for the preparation and consolidation of learning at school.The tasks set are important and provide opportunities for the preparation and consolidation of learning at school. These are set on Thursday and need to be handed in the following Wednesday. Copies of the tasks are available weekly on the class 3 page of the school website.These are set on Thursday and need to be handed in the following Wednesday. Copies of the tasks are available weekly on the class 3 page of the school website. To support numeracy I have supplied a log in details for every child so that they can all access any tasks set on the my maths website, these have been stuck into your child’s first learning log book.To support numeracy I have supplied a log in details for every child so that they can all access any tasks set on the my maths website, these have been stuck into your child’s first learning log book. In-line with the school home learning policy those children who do not hand in learning logs will be asked to complete them in their own time in the duty room.In-line with the school home learning policy those children who do not hand in learning logs will be asked to complete them in their own time in the duty room.

9 Home learning New spellings will be sent home on Tuesday written into the front of the spelling book, these need to be learnt ready for the test the following Tuesday. The best way to learn these is to use cover, write, check. Highlighted words should be written in an extended sentence to support comprehension. A tick will indicate acknowledgment of the sentence completion but these are not marked. Instead children will be tested by completing a dictation and these will be marked by myself or the TA and recorded. Learning Logs are sent home every Thursday and need to be returned the following Wednesday to allow for feedback. Children may of course bring in learning logs sooner if they are completed and this allows staff extra marking time which is very helpful. Tasks will include literacy, reading, numeracy (set appropriate) and links to other curriculum areas, slightly more than they have been used to in key stage 1. If your child does not understand any task they should speak to me or Mrs Daniels about this before the hand in day, so that additional explanations / support can be given. If your child is still struggling to complete a task please sign to this affect and record time spent on the task.

10 Supporting Reading Your child’s reading book plus the reading record / contact book needs to be in school every day.Your child’s reading book plus the reading record / contact book needs to be in school every day. Even though your child maybe a fluent reader and beyond the reading scheme it is still vital to listen to them read regularly and to ask them questions about the text to ensure the text they are selecting is understood.Even though your child maybe a fluent reader and beyond the reading scheme it is still vital to listen to them read regularly and to ask them questions about the text to ensure the text they are selecting is understood. Encourage your child to read both fiction and non-fiction text.Encourage your child to read both fiction and non-fiction text. Reading ages given at parent’s evening will be chronological and against reading comprehension. Most able readers tend to have a comprehension age 18mnths – 2 years above their chronological age.Reading ages given at parent’s evening will be chronological and against reading comprehension. Most able readers tend to have a comprehension age 18mnths – 2 years above their chronological age.

11 Supporting Reading at Home Ideally children should read for about 15-20 minutes every evening, followed by a short discussion about the book they have read. Ideally children should read for about 15-20 minutes every evening, followed by a short discussion about the book they have read. This will support your child in being able to:This will support your child in being able to: argue, with evidence, for a literary preference recognise the differences between author, narrator and character in a story identify how characters are developed in the text identify how the setting and the plot are developed make suitable inferences and deductions look for meaning beyond the literal. Please ask me for a sheet of example questions if you need support with ideas to improve the quality of your home reading sessions.

12 Supporting Writing All children are aware of the need to use VHCOPS! when completing writing tasksAll children are aware of the need to use VHCOPS! when completing writing tasks VocabularyVocabulary HandwritingHandwriting ConnectivesConnectives OpenersOpeners PunctuationPunctuation SpellingSpelling Please encourage your child to check that they have used all elements when completing any home learning log writing tasks and also to check that their writing makes sense!!Please encourage your child to check that they have used all elements when completing any home learning log writing tasks and also to check that their writing makes sense!!

13 P.E Indoor P.E. kit needs to be in school at all times (White shirt, Black shorts plus plimsolls). Additionally, your child may bring in a track suit & trainers for when it is particularly cold outside. All items must be named please!!! P.E. is on a Wednesday and Friday. Hair should be tied back for P.E and all jewellery removed. If your child wears earrings they will need to be able to remove them independently before the lesson for health and safety reasons. If they need to cover their ears with tape this should also be sent in.

14 Assessments Much of the assessment will be carried out termly; pupil progress being based upon teacher assessment.Much of the assessment will be carried out termly; pupil progress being based upon teacher assessment. In addition to literacy & numeracy children will sit verbal and non-verbal reasoning test throughout the year.In addition to literacy & numeracy children will sit verbal and non-verbal reasoning test throughout the year. Assessments are based upon age related expectations for the new national curriculum programmes of study for each year group and are expressed as: emerging, expected and exceeding.Assessments are based upon age related expectations for the new national curriculum programmes of study for each year group and are expressed as: emerging, expected and exceeding. Comments on the end of year reports will reflect these new assessments.Comments on the end of year reports will reflect these new assessments. Classes working under the new national curriculum – Assessment guide Year Expected Level 1Step 4Step 5Step 6 2Step 7Step 8Step 9 3Step 10Step 11Step 12 4Step 13Step 14Step 15 5Step 16Step 17Step 18 6Step 19Step 20Step 21

15 Finally, Please remember: Name all items of clothing, water bottles, sun hats etc. and any money sent into school - including raffle money etc. Please check school bags regularly for notes and letters. If you need to see me please as a matter of urgency I am generally in school from around 8.00am. However, I am usually busy preparing for the day, so if it is a more general enquiry / concern, would you please make an appointment for after school as this will enable me to offer you more time for discussion. Please note Thursday evenings all staff are required to attend a meeting at 3.30pm and I run a club on Monday evening until 4.00pm.

16 Any Questions ?

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