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Welcome to Year One Information Meetings September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year One Information Meetings September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year One Information Meetings September 2015

2 Meet the team Octopus Class Mrs Gemma Swinger – Year Group Leader Miss Rebecca Williams- Trainee Teacher Seahorse Class Mrs Caroline Brashier- Monday and Tuesday Miss Barnes – (Deputy Head) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Lobster Class Miss Sophie Webb

3 Daily Routine 8:45- 8:55- Children come in- We encourage independence 8:55-9:30 - Reading and key skills 9:30-9:50 - Phonics 10:00-11:45 - Subject time and Crew Challenges 11:45-12:00 - Maths Marines/Sentence Sailors 12:00-1:15 - Lunch 1:15-2:45 - Subject time/Anchor Time 2:45-3:15 - Assembly 3:15 - Home

4 Reading Continuing the same reading scheme as reception. Working through the book bands The children will all have a reading book and green reading diary. Please write in it whenever your read or if you have any concerns Your child will be read with once a week by an adult in the class It is the child’s responsibility to change their own reading book in the library. We do remind them everyday!

5 Reading Challenge

6 Library Once a week and the children can choose a book that interests them Octopus Class- Friday Seahorse Class- Friday Lobsters- Wednesday

7 Phonics Letters and Sounds programme It is important that the children become fluent in the recall of sound patterns and can identify them in words eg l igh t Children in year 1 are required to undertake a statutory Phonics test in the Summer Term. Children who need extra support will receive this as well as daily phonics

8 English Building on the foundations taught in Reception Spelling of key words We will explore fiction and non-fiction Regular handwriting following the Penpals

9 Maths Counting forwards and backwards to 100 by the Summer term Problem Solving Shapes, measures, addition and subtraction

10 Crew Challenges The children have three Crew Challenges a week to complete These are independent learning tasks which consolidate previous learning We encourage the children to take responsibility for completing their tasks

11 Foundation Subjects KS1 children are taught foundation subjects through our topics Computing, science, design and technology, art, music, history, physical education, religious education and geography We strive to make learning exciting with real and imaginary context for learning eg making healthy wraps for Mad Hatters Tea Party/ imaginary potions

12 P.E A formal P.E lesson takes place once a week with a P.E specialist For the first half term this will be dance on a Tuesday Children must have a full P.E kit including a t-shirt, shorts, plimsolls or trainers Earrings should be taken out on this day and long hair should be tied back In addition to this children have continuous outside provision to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Daily Activate session to keep the children moving

13 Outside Area Children have access to the outside area throughout the day An adult is always out there to supervise and enhance learning Wellies should be kept in the classroom

14 Forest Friends Every Monday 15 children will be going to the woods with their class teacher and Mrs Grover Letters will be sent home telling you when it is your child’s turn Wellies, tracksuit bottoms and warm coat/jumper should be sent in This is an excellent cross curricular learning opportunity

15 Home learning Home learning gets sent home on a Tuesday Should be handed in the following Monday Please explore the activities with your child Reading is home learning too

16 Website Remember to check our website

17 Practical Information Remember to check your child’s jumper and water bottle each week to make sure the name is still there Please could you make sure your child brings a water bottle to school everyday. No juice please. Children are provided with a healthy snack each morning so there is no need to send one in At pick up time please come into the year one garden so we can see you and get to know your faces

18 Thank You

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