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Welcome to Year 1 Meet the teachers Vicky Ouseley.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Meet the teachers Vicky Ouseley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Meet the teachers Vicky Ouseley

2 Your children are lovely
Your children are lovely! They have settled in beautifully over these first few weeks. Thank you for your support!

3 My background….

4 Smooth Transition from Reception
During the transitional period from Reception to Year 1, we aim to make the environment feel similar to that of Reception. Continue to have free flow activities so that your children get to choose what they want to do. We have a range of similar equipment and activities to Reception. We are revisiting reception learning objectives. What has changed? Children will work with the teacher in a small group at least 3 times during the week to focus on a particular Maths and English learning objective. Free flow activities will be mainly subject related.

5 Creativity and the Curriculum
Topic based learning: Fabulous Families and Friends Traditional Stories Julia Donaldson Oceans and Seas Amazing Animals Toy Story

6 Topic Planning

7 Weekly Timetable

8 What happens in a typical lesson?
Carpet time to teach a learning objective Free flow of activities to support objectives that we are teaching. Teacher will work with a focus group of children to take their learning on more. Back on the carpet to share what we have done.

9 Phonics Screening Test
At the end of Year 1, Children will work 1-1 with the teacher to check their phonics knowledge and understanding. We will be revisiting Phase 2 and 3 from reception and then moving on to phase 4 and 5. Children will be assessed throughout the year to see where they are working and what support is needed Phonics – 20 mins a day There will be a parent phonics meeting in the near future to go over the teaching and learning of phonics and how you can help.

10 Reading Books Aim to read for at 15 minutes a day
Children will take home 3 books every Friday - 2 books from a reading scheme - 1 book of choice from the reading corner Aim to read for at 15 minutes a day Reading in school Group guided reading Individual reading Working towards targets Comprehension Questions Apply phonics

11 Homework (After half term)
Weekly Homework activities, including Maths or Literacy Given out on a Monday and returned on a Friday Spellings to Learn (First 100 high frequency words) Activities on Espresso or Phonics Play

12 Helping your child at home
Regular reading and sharing books Fun activities linked to topic High frequency words Encourage any and every form of writing from the children

13 Assessment and marking
Photos with comments Highlighting Independent/teacher assisted

14 Class Teddy -Billy Good incentive for the children
May be given throughout the week Sent home on a Friday with a diary to be returned on Monday.

15 October February Reports Summer 2015 Parent consultations
You are always welcome to make an appointment to chat to us. Please arrange a meeting with Mrs Ship in the office

16 Thank you for your time!

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