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Welcome to Year 3!. What’s this year all about? Wow Days and Trips out Roald Dahl Day – autumn term Chideock Church – autumn term Tutankhamen exhibition.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3!. What’s this year all about? Wow Days and Trips out Roald Dahl Day – autumn term Chideock Church – autumn term Tutankhamen exhibition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3!

2 What’s this year all about?

3 Wow Days and Trips out Roald Dahl Day – autumn term Chideock Church – autumn term Tutankhamen exhibition – spring term Dance Festival – spring term Fossil Festival – summer term

4 Working together for your child ‘The education of the child is a partnership between home and school.’ Your child has written their statement for the home/school agreement. Please take it home with you to read together. Then sign and return to school.

5 General Information Please be punctual – up at Top Court from 8:30 for whistle at 8:40. Children should take their belongings up to Top Court with them. Maths groups – children are taught in levelled groups in KS2. You will have already been informed if your child is not with us for maths. Please provide a fresh fruit snack to have at morning break.

6 What your child needs in school PE Kit We will do PE on Wednesdays. The children will wear their kit home on a Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure that it is back in school on a Thursday as we may get the opportunity for an extra lesson on other days. Swimming Kit This half term we will swim on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please make sure you child has a swimming hat. More about this in a minute….. Book Bag This should contain your child’s reading book and reading record. A fruit snack for break time.

7 Homework Daily reading to be recorded in the yellow reading record and initialled by the adult. Spelling homework given out once a week. Literacy homework every fortnight. Maths linked to the areas learned every fortnight or on learning times tables. All homework will be kept in coloured plastic files. Please make sure that they use these and give them in, in the coloured boxes by the whiteboard. Homework timetable is provided in your pack.

8 Appointments If you feel you would like to speak to us both about any issues, we are usually available on a Wednesday afternoon together. Otherwise you can make an appointment to see us individually on our normal working days. Please make appointments via the school office. We will be having our first Parent’s Evenings on the 20 th and 21 st of October.

9 Looking forward to a happy, productive year!

10 Any questions?

11 We need YOU! Please let us know if you can help in any way. We need help with: 1 to 1 reading Times tables Trips Craft afternoons – sewing/cooking Please fill out the form on our desk if you can help.

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