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Year 1 and Year 2 How can I help my child at home?

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 and Year 2 How can I help my child at home?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 and Year 2 How can I help my child at home?

2 Reading Reading book – practising a range of reading skills retelling the story asking questions Prediction Library book – a sharing experience

3 Spelling

4 Letters and Sounds 44 different sounds to learn cvc words – cat ccvc – ship cvcc – golf word families – ai ay a-e Learning the sound (phoneme) and the letter patterns (grapheme) Applying this knowledge to other words

5 Maths KIRFS – one area to work on each half term Using practical apparatus to support the learning of these facts ‘Playing’ with numbers

6 Year 1 – all number bonds for 5 Year 2 – all number bonds for 20 Games such as Ping Pong Use of IT – Save the Whale Funky Mummy

7 Research May be literacy based, topic based or skills based, May often link to Espresso

8 Big talk/Big Write Big Talk/Big Write takes place fortnightly in our class Thinking time Talking time Sharing time Independent writing time

9 “If a child can’t SAY it a child can’t write it.” “Writing is formed through thought, and thinking is interpreted through an inner voice in our brain. This voice talks to us and the voice we are hearing in our brain is most usually our own voice. It can only use the language that we own.” Ros Wilson

10 Talk homework Allowing for on going discussion over a longer period of time Involving the whole school Encouraging sharing of ideas Involving the parish/community

11 Community Chat Half-termly involving the whole school Topic for the chat will be announced at the end of the week Children have a talk buddy There is time in school during the following week to talk about the topic and share their ideas Display wall in the hall Recap at the end of the week

12 The future…… Talk lunches Involve Fr Bede and the parish/community

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