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Accounting for Capital Projects and Debt Service

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1 Accounting for Capital Projects and Debt Service
Chapter 6 Accounting for Capital Projects and Debt Service Chapter 6

2 Learning Objectives Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund
Special Assessments What is Arbitrage? Debt Refundings Chapter 6

3 Capital Project Funds Accounts for resources dedicated to the purchase and construction of capital facilities. Legally restricted. Accounted for on the modified accrual basis. Government-wide statements: full accrual basis. Examples: Buildings, infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, airports, sewer systems, and plant and equipment. 1. Governments must maintain capital project funds for resources that are legally restricted to acquisition of capital assets. Chapter 6

4 Capital Projects Funds
Two types of capital projects General (public benefit) Examples: public buildings, roads, highways and bridges, park improvements; etc. Special assessment (private benefit) Examples: street improvements, curbs, sidewalks, street lighting, sewage, etc. Deemed to benefit citizens in a specified benefit district. Special assessment: These improvements will specifically benefit the citizens living on that particular street. Thus, it is referred to as “private benefit.” Chapter 6

5 Capital Projects Funds (cont’d)
Characteristics of capital projects -Involves long-lived assets (e.g, buildings, roads and bridges, etc.) -Usually involves a construction project -Usually requires long-range planning and extensive financing -Have a project-life focus, rather than a year-to-year focus Chapter 6 3 19

6 Capital Projects Funds (Cont’d)
Project authorization/preconstruction phase Multiyear capital improvement plan Usually requires long-term financing -Voter approval required for general obligation (tax-supported) bonds or special taxes for capital projects (memo entry only for bond/tax authorization) -Apply for and obtain grants -Obtain other forms of financing Chapter 6 3 21

7 Capital Project Funds (cont’d)
Commonly financed with bonds or other forms of long-term debt, grants, special tax levies, or assessments. Proceeds of bonds or other long-term obligations are accounted for as “other financing sources.” Difference between face value of bonds and cash received is attributed to: Issue costs. Premiums and discounts. Chapter 6

8 CPF - Example Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr.
Assume that bonds with a face value of $5,000,000 were issued at 101 to finance the project. Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Cash $5,050,000 Other Financing Sources-Proceeds of Bonds ,000,000 Due to Debt Service Fund ,000 Governmental Activities: Cash $5,050,000 Bonds Payable ,000,000 Premium on Bonds Payable ,000 Chapter 6 3 26

9 CPF – Example Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Governmental Activities:
Assume approval is obtained for a federal grant as partial funding for a city’s office building project. Upon approval, the following journal entry would be made: Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Due from other Governmental Units $100,000 Revenues ,000 Governmental Activities: Due from Other Governmental Units $100,000 ProgramRevenues-CapitalGrantsand Contributions-General Government ,000 Chapter 6 3 22

10 CPF - Example It may also be necessary to obtain interim financing, particularly to complete architectural and engineering design. Assume for the office building project, $50,000 was borrowed from the General Fund, to be repaid later from bond proceeds. Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Cash $50,000 Due to General Fund ,000 Governmental Activities: No entry needed. Chapter 6 3 23

11 CPF - Example A contract was let in the amount of $50,000 with an architectural firm to complete the architectural design for the new city office building. The following entry would be required in the capital projects fund. Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Encumbrances $50,000 Reserve for Encumbrances ,000 Governmental Activities: No entry needed. Chapter 6 3 24

12 CPF – Example (cont’d) The architectural firm for which an encumbrance of $50,000 had been recorded (see preceding slide), tendered its final billing in the amount of $48,000. The city immediately paid the amount due. Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Construction Expenditures $48,000 Reserve for Encumbrances 50,000 Cash 48,000 Encumbrances 50,000 Governmental Activities: Construction Work in Progress $48,000 Cash 48,000 Chapter 6 3 25

13 CPF - Example(cont’d) Project implementation/construction phase. The amount due from the federal government for the previously recorded capital grant was received in full Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Cash $100,000 Due from Other Governmental Units ,000 Governmental Activities: Same entry. Chapter 6 3 27

14 CPF – Example (cont’d) The $50,000 due to the General Fund was repaid.
Capital Projects Fund: Dr. Cr. Due to General Fund $50,000 Cash ,000 Governmental Activities: No entry needed. Chapter 6 3 28

15 Debt Service Funds Characteristics of Debt Service Funds
Accounts for resources accumulated to pay interest and principal on long-term debt. Accounts for financial resources set aside for principal and/or interest on general long-term liabilities only and payments of said amounts GASB says that debt service funds be established when: -Legally required, or -Financial resources are being accumulated for principal and interest payments maturing in future years. Chapter 6

16 Debt Service Funds (cont’d)
Resources may come from -Taxes levied by DSF -Taxes levied by GF and transferred to DSF -Special assessments Hold number of funds to a minimum GASB recommends a single DSF for all tax-supported debt serviced by property taxes. Debt service funds: accounted for on the modified accrual basis. Exception: Interest and principal are NOT considered current liabilities of DSF until the period in which they must be paid but the interest revenue on bonds held as investments is accrued. Refer to the comprehensive example on pgs 1. If resources are derived mainly from special assessments, then an appropriations budget, and suitable accounting entries may help enhance internal control. Chapter 6

17 Types of Tax-Supported Bonds
Serial bonds -Principal matures in annual installments. -Advantage: Self-amortizing; no sinking fund needed Regular serial bonds Deferred Serial bonds Term bonds -Principal matures in one lump-sum amount at the end of the bond term -Not used as frequently for municipal financing as serial bonds. -Disadvantage: Usually requires a sinking fund and therefore investment management -More complex accounting than for serial bonds 1. For regular serial bonds, resources raised each year approximate debt service requirements, thus investments will be minimal. However, any idle cash balances should be invested 2. For deferred serial bonds, some resources are likely to be raised and invested during the years before the first principal payment becomes due. Chapter 6

18 Accounting Principles and Procedures
Modified accrual basis Budgetary accounting used For serial bonds, the amount budgeted for revenues or inter-fund transfers in, is usually just what is needed that fiscal year for matured principal and interest. Sinking fund investments: reported at fair market value (fmv) -Changes in fmv: reported as a component of investment earnings. Taxes levied by debt service fund Taxes levied by General fund and transferred to debt service fund. 1. Exception: Expenditures for interest and principal are generally recognized in period in which they are legally due 2. Except there is no need for encumbrance accounting since the debt service fund does not order goods or enter into contracts for services Chapter 6

19 DSF - Example Assume bonds are issued on January 1, 2007 and pay interest semiannually on January 1 and July 1 in the amount of $100,000. The fiscal year ends on December 31, 2007. Q: How much expenditures would be recognized in fiscal 2007? A: Only the July 1, 2007 interest payment, or $100,000, would be recognized as an expenditure of 2007. Chapter 6

20 Serial Bonds DSF - Example
A certain city issued $100,000 of 6% serial general obligation (G.O.) bonds on Dec. 1, In addition, interest of $3,000 is due on June 1, 2007, December 1, 2007, and in decreasing amounts every June 1 and Dec. 1 for the next 19 years after that. The first principal maturity of $5,000 is due on December 1, 2007. Governmental Activities: Dr. Cr. Cash $100, Serial Bonds Payable – 6% ,000 Chapter 6

21 Serial Bond DSF - Example (cont’d)
The budget approved for FY 2007 requires the General Fund to transfer $11,000 to the DSF for debt service which includes principal repayment of $5,000 and two interest payments totaling $6,000. Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Estimated Other Financing Sources $11,000 Appropriations ,000 Due from General Fund 11,000 Interfund Transfers In ,000 Governmental Activities: No entry needed. Chapter 6

22 Serial Bond DSF - Example (cont’d)
On May 28, 2007, the transfer from the General Fund was received. Debt Service Fund: Dr. Cr. Cash $3, Due from General Fund ,000 (Note: If Interfund Transfers In had not been accrued at the time the budget was recorded, then Interfund Transfers In would be credited here rather than Due from General Fund) Governmental Activities: No entry needed. Chapter 6

23 Serial Bond DSF -Example (cont’d)
The June 1, 2007, interest payment was made on schedule Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Expenditures-Bond Interest $3,000 Cash ,000 Governmental Activities: Interest Expense on Long-Term Debt $3,000 Chapter 6

24 Serial Bond DSF- Example (cont’d)
The remaining $8,000 transfer was received from the General Fund on November 29, On December 1, the City paid the interest and principal maturing that date. Debt Service Fund: Dr. Cr. Cash $8,000 Due From General Fund 8,000 Expenditures—Bond Principal $5,000 Expenditures—Bond Interest 3,000 Cash 8,000 Governmental Activities: Interest Expense on Long-Term Debt $3,000 Current Portion of Bonds Payable 5,000 Chapter 6

25 Serial Bond DSF-Example (cont’d)
Closing entry on December 31, 2007: Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Appropriations $11,000 Interfund Transfers In 11,000 Estimated Other Financing Sources 11,000 Expenditures—Bond Principal 5,000 Expenditures—Bond Interest 6,000 Governmental Activities: Net Assets – Unrestricted $6,000 Interest Expense on Long-term Debt 6,000 Chapter 6

26 Special Assessments Levied when taxpayers in areas beyond their jurisdiction want to benefit from certain facilities and services. Capital improvement special assessments involve 2 phases: -Construction phase -Debt service phase 1. Construction and financing phase: The project is authorized and the property owners are assessed. Long-term debt is issued to finance project. This phase is accounted for in a capital projects fund. 2. Debt service phase: Property owners pay their assessments and the debt is serviced. This phase is accounted for in a debt service fund. Chapter 6

27 Special Assessments (cont’d)
Account for debt service on special assessment debt in a DSF when the government is obligated in some manner for the debt. The interest and principal payable: accounted for in a debt service fund. GASB requires a government to account for the debt if: -It is responsible for the debt in the event of property owner default, or -It is legally liable for assuming the debt or gives indication that it may honor the debt in the event of default. Chapter 6

28 Special Assessments (cont’d)
If the government is not obligated in some manner: Both the debt and the debt service are accounted for in an agency fund. Construction activities are reported in capital projects fund. Capital assets are reported in the schedule of capital assets and government-wide statements. Disclose the amount of debt in the notes to the financial statements. Chapter 6

29 Special Assessments (cont’d)
If special assessment debt paid from a proprietary fund: all transactions should be reported in a proprietary fund. Special assessment revenues and receivables: accounted for in a full accrual basis Improvements financed with assessments should be capitalized. In government-wide statements: -Interest on long-term debt would be accrued and charged as an expense. -Discounts and premiums on bonds payable would be amortized over time. -Property taxes would be recognized as revenues. -Principal of special assessments would be recognized as both assets and revenues. Chapter 6

30 Special Assessments - Example
Example: $1,000,000 of special assessments were levied on property owners in a special benefit district, payable in 10 equal annual installments of $100,000 each. Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Assessments Receivable—Current $100,000 Assessments Receivable—Deferred 900, Revenues ,000 Deferred Revenues ,000 Assume all current Assessments Receivable were collected during fiscal year along with 8% of interest on the previous unpaid balance. The entry would be: Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Cash $180, Assessments Receivable—Current ,000 Revenues ,000 Chapter 6

31 Special Assessments Example (cont’d)
Bond Principal of $100,000 and interest of 8% were paid on schedule: Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Expenditures—Bond Principal 100,000 Expenditures—Bond Interest 80,000 Cash ,000 Early next year, the following reclassification entries would be made: Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Assessments Receivable—Current ,000 Assessments Receivable—Deferred ,000 Deferred Revenues ,000 Revenues ,000 Chapter 6

32 Arbitrage Arbitrage: Investment of idle cash Issuance of debt at low tax-exempt interest rates and investment of proceeds in taxable securities yielding higher return. Interest received is exempt from federal taxes. 2 Provisions to prevent arbitrage abuse: -Arbitrage restrictions. State and local governments must observe arbitrage regulations. -Rebate on arbitrage. Arbitrage rules and regulations are complex and contain several exemptions and exceptions. Investment revenues should be reduced and rebate liabilities established. Interest received: The interest received by investors in most bonds issued by state and local governments is exempt from federal taxes. As a result, investors are willing to accept a much lower interest rate on these bonds. Arbitrage restrictions: These provisions establish a general rule prohibiting arbitrage. They also have several exceptions. Issuers are permitted to invest both construction funds and reserve funds for limited periods of time. Arbitrage rebates: Part of Tax Reform Act of These regulations require that all arbitrage earnings be remitted to the federal government. Significant sums of cash are commonly involved in capital project fiscal management. Cash receipt, investment, and disbursement, therefore, warrant careful planning, timing, and control. Chapter 6

33 Debt Refunding Debt Service Fund: Dr. Cr. Bond refunding Refinance
General rule Debt Refunding Transactions: Entries in DSF, assuming that because of reduced market rates of interest, $100,000 of previously issued bonds are refunded by a new $100,000 bond issue with lower interest payments When refunding (new) bonds are issued: Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Cash $100,000 Other Financing Sources- Proceeds of refunding (new) Bonds 100,000 If old bonds are not retired by the end of the fiscal year, both issues would be reported as long-term debt in governmental activities. 1. Bond refunding: It is the early retirement of existing debt so that it can be replaced with new debt. 2. Refinance: Governments refund their debt to take advantage of low interest rates 3. General rule: If government retires outstanding debt by repurchasing it in the open market, then no benefit to refunding Chapter 6

34 Debt Refunding Transactions (cont’d)
Assuming old bonds are retired shortly after issue of refunding bonds Debt Service Fund: Dr Cr. Other Financing Uses—Refunded Bonds $100,000 Cash ,000 (Note: Report only the new issue as debt in governmental activities) Chapter 6

35 In-Substance Defeasance
In-substance defeasance (advance refunding) Provision for the government to lock the savings that would result from a decline in the interest rates. Advance refunding in which the borrower economically satisfies its existing obligations. Journal entries are similar to those for regular refundings. Refer to the example on pgs Chapter 6

36 In-Substance Defeasance (cont’d)
In-substance defeasance should satisfy the following conditions: Debtor must place cash/assets with an escrow agent to be solely used for servicing/retiring the debt Possibility of debtor having to make future payments on the debt must be remote Assets in escrow fund must be risk-free. 3 possibilities to recognize loss: -Over the prior years in which the debt has been outstanding -At the time of defeasance -Amortize it over the future years. Chapter 6

37 Summary Capital Projects and Debt Service Fund are accounted for on a modified accrual basis. The principles for revenue and expenditure are the same as the General fund. Accordingly, the long-term assets and liabilities are accounted for “off the balance sheet.” Special Assessments are accounted for just as any other capital projects. In Government-wide statements, both CPF and DSF are combined with other governmental funds. Both revenues and expenses are recognized on a full accrual basis. Arbitrage is issuing of debt at relatively low, tax-exempt interest rates. Bond refunding is the early retirement of existing (high interest) debt with so that it can be replaced with new (low interest) debt. Chapter 6

38 Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that named in Section 117 of the United States Copyright Act without the express written consent of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein. Chapter 6

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