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Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans NOW Upgrade from 9.4 to 10.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans NOW Upgrade from 9.4 to 10.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans NOW Upgrade from 9.4 to 10.2

2 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Benefits - Summary Improved NOW (Modern look and feel, user friendly for Mobile Devices) Improved Navigation Greater Notification Options around ePortfolio, Grades and Assessments Integrated Bulk Upload Facility for Grading Drag and Drop Facility Improved Content Area Ability to Recover Items incorrectly Deleted from NOW An Opportunity to Assess and Consider the Potential Benefits of Additional Features Tracking Student’s Progress Improved Dropbox Tool Presentation Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and PDF files to Images 2

3 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Improved NOW Modern branding and layout options –Improved design across all tools for a more interactive, modern look and feel –Option to group links making NavBar slimmer –Focused and streamlined navigation –MiniBar tool allowing faster switch between courses and pin option User Friendly for Mobile Devices –A reduced width in design to accommodate NOW viewing on tablets –Adapts to different screen resolutions and zooming levels 3

4 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Improved NOW 4 User’s Landing Page Learning Room Page

5 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans More Intuitive Navigation Breadcrumb trail for easy navigation A new MiniBar allowing faster switch between courses and pin option Focused and streamlined navigation Consolidated buttons into drop downs 5

6 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Greater Notification Options around ePortfolio, Grades and Assessments Students can monitor any updates across all Learning Rooms regardless of their position within VLE due to improved Minibar Additional notifications are available when a new feedback is added in ePortfolio, when the Grade item is released or updated, when Assessment is due 6

7 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans New Drag and Drop Facility Drag and drop to upload files from desktop Drag and drop in Content Area for re-order Drag and drop to build Content area from available topics 7

8 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Improved and Re-designed Content Area (I) Improved UI provides engaging experience for a student Drag and drop to re-order Units and Topics Bookmarks and Calendar Events now viewable through Content Area Student’s progress is more visible and trackable 8

9 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Improved and Re-designed Content Area (II) HTML, Images and Media are all optimised for on-line viewing Automatic conversion of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and PDF files to images adaptable to different screen size, browser or device 9

10 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Ability to Recover Items Incorrectly Deleted from NOW The restore is available for Grades, Discussions and Dropbox 10

11 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Integrated Bulk Upload Facility for Grading Delivers e-submission, grading and feedback via NOW Facilitates evaluation and annotation of submitted work offline, and in turn upload these files in bulk 11

12 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Tracking Student’s Progress Class Progress Dashboard provides student’s performance across entire Learning Room Each Learning Room allows indicators to monitor student’s performance Improved/re-designed User Progress tool 12

13 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Improved Dropbox Tool Staff can withhold feedback while reviewing grades, comments and attachments. Staff can publish either feedback for all or selected students Staff can select a Due Date in Dropbox 13

14 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Potential Additional Features An opportunity to assess and consider the potential benefits of additional features such as –providing ePortfolio with cloud option allowing graduates to access former work –utilise Binder functionality providing students with iPads to load content and annotate –Learning Repository and ePortfolio enhancements 14

15 Information Systems: Delivering high quality, cost effective, green IT services in an agile manner that support NTU strategic plans Go Live July 2013 15

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