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 ESL in IWCS Presented by Sarah Hinds, Coordinator Yvonne Christian, ESL Teacher Anya Fraas, ESL Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: " ESL in IWCS Presented by Sarah Hinds, Coordinator Yvonne Christian, ESL Teacher Anya Fraas, ESL Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1  ESL in IWCS Presented by Sarah Hinds, Coordinator Yvonne Christian, ESL Teacher Anya Fraas, ESL Teacher

2 Gabon, China, Estonia, Kuwait, India, Puerto Rico, Central African Republic, Philippines, Thailand, Cuba, Sweden, Malaysia, Congo, Guam, Korea, Germany, Pakistan

3 Our Teachers  Mrs. Anya Fraas:  Carrollton Elementary, Smithfield Middle School, Smithfield High School, Hardy Elementary  Ms. Yvonne Christian:  Westside Elementary, Windsor Middle High, and Carrsville Elementary

4 LEP  Limited English Proficiency  Ages 3-21  Enrolled in elementary or secondary school  Not born in the US  native language is not English  Home language/dominant language is not English  Migratory students  Native American or Alaskan Native

5 How do we know?  Home Language Survey (placed with Registration forms at the schools)  Screening for placement  Permission from the parents  Placement in the ESL program

6 How do we teach them?  Inclusion Setting  Pull Out Program

7 How do we teach them?  Use of WIDA Standards  Levels of Language Proficiency  Language of Learning  ACCESS testing for English Language Learners  Goal is for students to understand, speak, read and write in English in order to function in the American Society, and acquire a level of English proficiency that will allow them to be successful in academic areas

8 Title III Grant  The Title III grant that you approved in November was approved by the state department in January  We have already ordered, and should be here any day, the iPads that will be specifically for ESL student/teacher use

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