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Debbie Tucker, Ph.D. Arizona State University Lois Goldblatt, M.S. Arizona State University The T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics NACADA.

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Presentation on theme: "Debbie Tucker, Ph.D. Arizona State University Lois Goldblatt, M.S. Arizona State University The T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics NACADA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debbie Tucker, Ph.D. Arizona State University Lois Goldblatt, M.S. Arizona State University The T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics NACADA Region 10 Conference May 15, 2013

2  Structure of Freshman to Sophomore Student Program  Retention Theory  Outcomes and Testimonials  Challenges  Discussion and Comments  Future Project Ideas  Review and Conclusion

3  First Semester Cohort  LIA 194 ~Student Success Strategies (Advisor)  Sociology 101~Introduction to Sociology (Dr. Fey)  FAS 101~Personal Growth and Human Relationships (Dr. Dumka)  Second Semester Cohort  Combine cohorts into one, and enroll in required course.  Sociology 241~Modern Social Problems  Third Semester Cohort  Continue with cohort, and enroll in required course.  Sociology 315/ FAS 331~Marriage and Family

4  Vincent Tinto (1993) Three stages for freshmen. Separation, transition, incorporation.  The last stage integrates social and academic integration.  This relates to Astin’s Theory of Involvement.  Academic Advising can play a key role in both. Students need support network made up of faculty, staff, family and college peers.  Transitions can be difficult.

5  Good students will shine, average students will succeed  “You created a small community where we felt comfortable in class, and even took it outside of class to study together, have lunch, and just go out.”~Demyron  “I had multiple classes with the same twelve students, we were able to form study groups for all of our classes and could assist each other with comprehending theories and relating them to real life situations.”~ Emily

6  “The friendships I made in my cohort not only gave me the courage to meet new friends at ASU, but also gave me friendships that I carried with me throughout my four years of college.”~ Bianca  “I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to be a part of my cohort and truly believe that because of it, I was able to graduate Cum Laude from Arizona State University with two Bachelor of Arts degrees.”~ David

7  Budget  Student changes majors  Time  Class room space  Consistency

8  ~How would this work on your campus? Two year, four year, commuter  ~Any new student population could benefit  New freshmen and transfer students  ~Campus with primarily faculty advisors ◦ Faculty advisor involved throughout  How would this work in an online environment?

9  Brainstorming Session  In groups of two to four, please discuss success strategies relating to retention between the first and second year.  What success have you experienced?  What are some barriers to success?

10  New student support programs should not stop after the freshman year.  Focus on the importance of include advising with social and academic integration.  By listening to our students, and responding to the positive feedback about this program, it is a worthwhile project at any academic institution.

11 Have a safe trip home, and a wonderful summer!  

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