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Presentation on theme: "Ecology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology

2 Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
Trophic Levels Ecologists use food chains & food webs to model the flow of energy through an ecosystem Each feeding level within a food chain/web = Trophic level 3 Major Trophic Levels 1. Producers Plants, Plankton, Algae Make organic material from inorganic material Sunlight, carbon, oxygen, nitrates, water

3 Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
Remaining Trophic Levels 2. Consumers Get organic material from other living tissues 3 Types: Herbivore: Eats only producers Ex: Cow, grasshopper, rabbit Carnivore: Preys on other heterotrophs Ex: Wolves, lion Omnivore* Eats both plants & animals Ex: Bears, humans, mockingbirds

4 Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
Remaining Trophic Levels 3. Decomposers Fungi (mushrooms), bacteria Breakdown dead organic material and returns inorganic material back to the soil

5 Invasive Species Asian Long Horned Beetle Sighted in Worcester, MA
Kills trees Popular, Willow, Elm Beetle reproduces inside the tree Larvae tunnel through and eat the tree Tree crumbles Native to Asia/Japan where there is a natural predator Has no natural predator in the United States

6 Invasive Species Asian Long Horned Beetle

7 Invasive Species Snakehead Fish Native to Asia
Many different species of the Snake Head Fish Some are huge and very aggressive Get caught in fish nets  Attack fisherman Sold as pets in the United States Pet stores started purchasing smaller versions of this fish People who could not keep them  dumped them into ponds No predator in the United States Eat everything that lives in a pond (top of the food chain) Deplete entire food source within the pond and then MoVe on to another pond Shimmy across land  primitive lung (in addition to gills)

8 Invasive Species Snakehead Fish Evolutionary Advantage
Can breath oxygen Within the air (primitive lung) AND Within the water (gills) Swim and move across land

9 Invasive Species Snakehead Fish

10 Pollution Pollution Threatens biodiversity and global stability
Changes the composition of air, soil, & water Many types… Human-made chemicals, not found in nature, are being discovered in food webs Pesticides  DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) Industrial chemicals  PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) These substances are ingested by organisms when they drink water or eat other organisms that contain the toxic substance Some substances are metabolized by the organism and excreted with other waste products However, DDT and PCBs, accumulate in the tissues of organisms

11 Biological Magnification
Biomagnification: Increasing concentration of toxic substances in organisms as trophic levels increase in a food chain/web Carnivores at the higher trophic levels seem to be most affected Examples of toxic substances accumulating in food webs: DDT Mercury PCBs Concentration of the toxic substance is relatively low when it enters the food web Concentration of toxic substance in individual organisms increases as it spreads to higher trophic levels

12 DDT Highly effective pesticide
Used from the 1940s to the 1970s to control crop-eating and disease-carrying insects However, it caused the eggshells of fish-eating birds to be fragile and thin  death of the developing birds May have played a role in the near extinction of the bald eagle & peregrine falcon Once these toxic effected were discovered, the use of DDT was banned in some parts of the world

13 Mercury Heavy metal found in the ocean
Water  Algae  Bigger Fish (Tuna, swordfish)  Human Pregnant women should not eat tuna or swordfish due to the accumulation of the mercury in these fish Link between autism & mercury

14 PCBs Manufactured from 1929 until banned in 1979 Range of toxicity
Cancer Adverse health effects on the immune, reproductive, nervous, & endocrine systems Hundreds of industrial & commercial applications Electrical Heat transfer Hydraulic equipment Plasticizers in paints, plastics, & rubber products PCBs can accumulate in the leaves and above-ground parts of plants and food crops. They are also taken up into the bodies of small organisms and fish. As a result, people who ingest fish may be exposed to PCBs that have bioaccumulated in the fish they are ingesting

15 Eutrophication Another form of water pollution
Destroys underwater habitats for fish and other species Fertilizers, animal waste, sewage (rich in nitrogen & phosphorus) flow into waterways Resulting in extensive algae growth Algae use up the oxygen supply during their rapid growth & after their deaths during the decaying process No oxygen in the water = other organisms in the water suffocate

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