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Shapes. Decagon A polygon having ten angles and ten sides.polygon.

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Presentation on theme: "Shapes. Decagon A polygon having ten angles and ten sides.polygon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shapes

2 Decagon A polygon having ten angles and ten sides.polygon

3 Equilateral Triangle A three- sided regular polygon

4 Circle A closed plane curve consisting of all points at a given distance from a point within it called the center.

5 HEXAGON A polygon having six angles and six sides.polygon

6 Cone A solid whose surface is generated by a line passing through a fixed point and a fixed plane curve not containing the point, consisting of two equal sections joined at a vertex.line a plane surface resembling the cross section of a solid cone.

7 Isosceles Triangle A triangle with two equal sides

8 Obtuse Triangle A triangle with one obtuse angle.obtuse angle

9 Oval Having the general form, shape, or outlin e of an egg; egg shaped. ellipsoidal or elliptical.

10 PRISM A transparent solid body, often having triangular bases, Used for dispersing light into a spectrum or for reflecting rays of light.

11 Rectangle A parallelogram having four right angles.parallelogram

12 Cube A solid bounded by six equal squares, the angle between any two adjacent faces being a right angle.right angle

13 Sphere A solid geometric figure generated by the revolution of a semicircle about its diameter; a round body whose surface is at all points equidistant from the ce nter.revolution

14 Square A rectangle having all four sides of equal length.

15 Trapezoid A quadrilateral plane figure having two parallel and two nonparallel sides.quadrilateral

16 ACUTE TRIANGLE. A triangle whose interior angles are all a cute

17 Box A container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc., and often with a lid or removable cover.

18 CIRCLE A closed plane curve consisting of all points at a given distance from a point within it called the center.

19 Cylinder A surface or solid bounded by two pa rallel planes and generated by a straight line moving parallel to the given planes and tracing a curve bounded by the planes and lying in a plane perpendicular or oblique to the given planes.line

20 Triangle A closed plane figure having three sides and three angles.

21 Parallelograph A four-sided plane rectilinear figure with opposite sides parallel.

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