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by Coyne FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #1 Chesapeake Bay Animals, Water Quality, Leaves and Birds FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #2.

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2 by Coyne FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #1 Chesapeake Bay Animals, Water Quality, Leaves and Birds FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION #2

3 100 200 400 300 400 Internet Activity on H20 Internet Activity Pair ActivityLeaves 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 What are Fertilizers, Sewage, Runoff, Animal waste, lightening? What are ways that nitrogen is introduced into the environment?

5 1,2 What is land subsidence? Lowering of the land due to the overdrawing of water

6 1,3 What is impervious surface? Things cannot go through

7 1,4 What a (1) paw paw leaf and what is (2) an oak leaf? 1. 2.

8 2,1 What is an Eutrophication? 1.Overstimulation of growth of aquatic plants and algae caused by an increase in nutrients resulting in reduction in oxygen. example: pond is greener 2.Too many nutrients

9 2,2 What is Western Part of Virginia -- Appalachian Mountains? There is a lot of limestone in the area. Part of Virginia that is susceptible to sink holes & why

10 2,3 What is nitrate? 1._____________ is a nutrient that is needed by living things; in high concentration it can be toxic to individuals and organisms. 2.___________ is found in fertilizer so it enters our water from run off of lawns and non-point sources pollution.

11 2,4 What is phosphorus? Fertilizers from farms, poor water treatment systems, and laundry detergents contain ___________________ that end up in our water ways because of runoffs

12 3,1 What is a recharge? 1.The adding of water to an aquifer. 2.Water table replenished by precipitation

13 3,2 What is a Nonpoint? Because you cannot tell where it comes from. 1.Air pollution considered what type of source pollution 2.Acid Rain

14 3,3 What is runoff? 1.Can harm fish by heating up too much, 2.Added pollutants to streams 3.Carries salt from roads to creaks 4.Is greater in urban areas

15 3,4 What is a beech leaf?

16 4,1 What are confined and unconfined? Two types of aquifers

17 4,2 What is alkalinity? 1.___________ the buffering ability of water to maintain its pH even when acid is added 2.The higher amount of ___________: the higher the buffering the greater the capacity of water to neutralize acid

18 4,3 What storage ponds? 1.Man-made 2.Help to control flooding 3.Stores runoff

19 4,4 What is a (1) maple leaf and what is a (2) tulip poplar leaf? 1. 2.

20 5,1 Artesian wells do not have to be dug and use natural pressure ; spurts water to ground level w/o a pump; Regular wells do have to be dug and requires a pump The difference between an artesian well and a regular well

21 5,2 What is phosphate? 1.If there is too much of ______________ is added to a body of water the result will be excessive plant growth. 2._______________ is in most fertilizers which through run off could increase algae and other water plants to grow out of balance 3.__________________ could result in eutrophication

22 5,3 What is land subsidence? A sinking of land that occurs when large amounts of ground water have been excessively taken from an aquifer

23 5,4 What is a (1) hickory leaf and what is a (2) sassafras leaf? 1.2.

24 1. FINAL JEOPARDY 1.Where on the scale is Acid neutral, & Basic 2.Human drink 3.Most water plan life 4.Fish survive 5.0-9.0 6.5-8.5 Humans suitable can drink for most 6.5 0 10.5 fish suitable for most water plants Acid 1 – 6 Neutral 7 Basic 8 - 14

25 2. FINAL JEOPARDY 1.Creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productivity harmony 2.Biological systems remain diverse What is sustainable?

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