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Data Standards Submission 1 st CHr-16 Workshop. Miraflores de la Sierra August, 28 th -29 th 2012 Alberto Medina.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Standards Submission 1 st CHr-16 Workshop. Miraflores de la Sierra August, 28 th -29 th 2012 Alberto Medina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Standards Submission 1 st CHr-16 Workshop. Miraflores de la Sierra August, 28 th -29 th 2012 Alberto Medina

2 Summary 1.Data standards (just a quick view) 2.Trusted pipeline 3.Starting! 4.Other search engines

3 Summary 1.Data standards (just a quick view) 2.Trusted pipeline 3.Starting! 4.Other search engines

4 Data Standards – PSI framework Spanish Consortium Bioinformatics pipeline Mass Spectra Raw dataMzMl/TraML Protein/Pepti des Search Engines MzIdentml Quantitation Vendor/Free software MzQuantml Data Reporting – ProteoRed MIAPE Web toolkit MIAPE MS/MSI PRIDE Data Reporting – with stable release MIAPEQuant PRIDEQuan¿? Data validation and submission ProteomeXchange

5 External repositories Development of bioinformatic environment: Spanish HPP will join the different resources to provide an unique enquiring system PAtlas NProt GPMDB PRIDE UProt Upcoming Proteomics results Data standards submission (ProteomeXchange) + + Emsembl

6 Summary 1.Data standards (just a quick view) 2.Trusted pipeline 3.Starting! 4.Other search engines

7 Trusted pipeline Mass Spectra.mgf Identification Mascot Output file mzIdentML MIAPE Generation MIAPE MSMIAPE MSI

8 Trusted pipeline MIAPE MSMIAPE MSI PRIDE Generation PRIDE XML Stats (MIAPE Extractor) Charts and Reports Check and View PRIDE

9 Summary 1.Data standards (just a quick view) 2.Trusted pipeline 3.Starting! 4.Other search engines

10 Starting (1) Step 1) Element to achieve: Peak lists (acquired data). Issues: Several data formats (mgf, wiff, pkl, etc). Different Software packets. Translators. Goal: MGF file or mzML. Translators MSConvert, OpenMS, ABSciex MS Data Converter, CompassXport, ProCon.

11 Starting (2) Step 2) Element to achieve: Identification of Proteins and Peptides. Issues: Have your own Mascot Server. Release 2.3 in advance Other search engines (check section 4). Goal: Submit to Mascot peak list obtained in step 1.

12 Starting (3) Step 3) Element to achieve: Mascot results formatted as mzIdentML Issues: Version 2.3 is rather slow. It is not possible to do using batch mode. Goal: mzIdentML.

13 Starting (3)

14 MIAPE Generation 1.GO to ProteoRed MIAPE web toolkit site. 2.Click on Create MIAPE  Automatic 1.Download the application (Java application). 2.Run the application

15 MIAPE Generation

16 PRIDE Generation


18 PRIDE Visualization

19 PRIDE Submission

20 Exchanging through the cloud

21 MIAPE Extractor

22 A hopefully universe ProteoRed MIAPE repository MPWTK mzML mzIdentML MPWTK MIAPE Extractor PRIDE XML A B C

23 Summary 1.Data standards (just a quick view) 2.Trusted pipeline 3.Starting! 4.Other search engines

24 Other Search Engines Phenyx: Waiting new patch to save the results in a straighforward manner. Similar to Mascot export. X!Tandem: Full integrated thorugh X!Tandem results files. Sequest: It is possible to save the results formatted as mzIdentML through ProCon tool (runnable from Windows XP OS). We need some feedback from Sequest users. OMSSA: Not integrated, but it is possible to use mzIdentML-Parsers

25 Questions

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