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2015 VITA Global Networking Breakfast Connected World Trade Mark Matsumoto & Miguel Olivares.

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1 2015 VITA Global Networking Breakfast Connected World Trade Mark Matsumoto & Miguel Olivares

2 The convergence of Old School and New School Communication and speed of business irreversibly changed; circa 1990 fax was novel and now WhatsAPP, WeChat, Viber dictate instant communication with clients Buying/Selling at a click of a mouse-identifying products, finding new customers in cyberspace, 24/7 Human relationships are paramount- building trust still key Businesses must be adaptable- today we might be exporting our product, tomorrow it might be we outsource and begin importing that same product and exporting our core expertise to our supplier

3 World Population(2014) Top 1015-2437-46 1. China15. Egypt37. Canada 2. India16. Germany38. Uganda 3. United States17. Iran39. Morocco 4. Indonesia18. Turkey40. Peru 5. Brazil19. D.R. Congo41. Malaysia 6. Pakistan20. Thailand42. Uzbekistan 7. Nigeria21. France43. Saudi Arabia 8. Bangladesh22. UK44. Venezuela 9. Russia23. Italy45. Nepal 10. Japan 24. Myanmar/Burma 46. Afghanistan

4 2. Market Research A road without a map, a map without a road. The whole reason behind effective market research is to determine where your product will sell. Understand your domestic and international competitors. Understanding customer needs/ identifying new trends. Determining your price competitiveness. (How much do you charge your distributor?)


6 Internationalized Site- Cisco. Notice how all relevant information is on one page without scrolling, and pages are designed according to language.

7 Website localization-different than translation ETEC China California ETEC

8 Search Engines We all know Google however… Baidu is the main search engine in China Naver is most popular in South Korea Yandex -Russia

9 Content rich blog posts drive traffic- see search results!

10 How blogs elevate search result


12 The search funnel- the real numbers

13 Facebook Marketing Engaging targeted client group Promoting Events

14 China E-Commerce Your business future will be impacted- 1 Trillion in Sales by 2019-Forester Research

15 Mobile e-commerce exploding 8% of all e-commerce transactions will be made on a mobile device in 2015- $41 billion dollars! Moreover, more than 40% of China e- commerce post Buy/No Buy Posts on social media

16 DHGate- Cross Border E- Commerce Platform in China


18 Building relationships virtually

19 19 Case Study Online to Offline Deal, Small to Big Business Case 1 Online orders received from Small Orders: 5 For reference only Buyer countries: Belgium, Netherland, Romania, South Africa Offline orders from an Israeli buyer: -1 st order: 20 pieces -2 nd order: 100 pieces -Become the company’s sales agent in Middle East after 4 months

20 Product Modification: Foreign products that desperately need a new name. Would you wash your laundry in Barf? (Made in Iran) Would you drink Pee Cola? (Made in Ghana) Or how about tasting a Fart bar? (Made in Poland)

21 IPR-virtual world) Have you tried “Bucksstar Coffee”, eaten at a McDuck, or worn Numa’s? Everybody can be affected, not just well known brands and names. Captain America and a wrestler vs. Spiderman..? Batman…?

22 Stay connected with us! We would like your comments and input- 2 nd version of ECW, actually Intl. Trading in the Connected World coming out early 2016 Share your stories of what works, doesn’t work in the connected world,

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