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Scientific motivations for microcalorimeters Luigi Piro IASF/INAF (Roma)

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific motivations for microcalorimeters Luigi Piro IASF/INAF (Roma)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific motivations for microcalorimeters Luigi Piro IASF/INAF (Roma)

2 Microcalorimeter roadmap in Italy Microcalorimeters are identified as one of the primary R&D activity in the strategic plan for HE Astrophysics jointly prepared by IASF,INAF & INFN in response to a call on a HE space plan from ASI

3 The Italian collaboration on TES INFN-Uni Genova (F. Gatti et al): TES development, manufacturing and tests. –Facilities for TES manufacturing, cryogenics; –Personnel: 5 researchers, 3 technicians IASF-Roma (L. Piro et al) : implementation of TES for X-ray astronomy, calibrations, simultations, trade-off studies. –Facilities for TES measurements (cryogenics, clean room..) –Personnel: 3 researchers, 1 technician IFN-(CNR/Roma) (R. Leoni, G. Torrioli et al.): SQUID readout: design, prototype manufacturing, tests –Facilities for SQUID manufacturing –Personnel: 4 researchers A project for TES development by IASF-Roma & Uni-Genova has been recently approved by the Minister of Uni, Research & Tech + Descartes prize (IASF): budget of about 0.6 Meuro in 3 year collaboration with Uni-Roma I (P. De Bernardis et al.) on TES for microwave astronomy

4 Microcalorimeters roadmap in Italy IMBOSS 20NN? (ISS) The first X-ray all-sky survey with high resolution spectroscopy GRB X-ray cosmology: - GRB probing the early Universe - Missing baryons at z<2 (WHIM in emission) - Origin of hot diffuse components in our Galaxy ESTREMO (Extreme Physics in the transient and evolving cosmos) ~>2012 The first observatory with very high resolution X-ray Spectroscopy and Fast repointing The formation of primordial galaxies in the early universe Evolution of metals GRB WHIM & Dark Matter Extreme physics in compact objects XEUS ~>2015

5 ESTREMO Extrem phySics in Transient and Evolving cosMos

6 HistoryHistory The concept of Next Generation GRB Observatory (NG- GRBO) born in a meeting on EXIST in 2000 in US Sister satellite led by European partners to perform very fast ( 1 min) follow-up observations of GRB & transients localized by EXIST Cosmology with GRB with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy microcalorimeter (+FIR detector) Discussed in two meetings in 2003 in Rome (with participants from Mi, Bo, Pa), in the Netherlands (SRON), and Turin with Alenia Spazio + potential interest from Finland Included as target mission in the strategic plan for HE Astrophysics jointly prepared by IASF,INAF & INFN in response to a call on a HE space plan from ASI

7 Mission unique capabilities The mission is based on the combination of a wide field instrument, a narrow field instrument and fast pointing, i.e.:  Fast (<1 min) follow-up observations with  High resolution X-ray spectroscopy (De=2-4 eV in the 0.1-10 keV range) and  High sensitivity X-ray polarimetry devices  of independently localized X-ray transient phenomena in the sky with a wide field monitor in the X/hard-X range. Each one is the state of the art in the field and the combination is a unique and unprecedented feature of this mission with respect to other missions currently planned or in development phase.

8 Scientific goals Estreme objects in our Universe characterized by very large energy release over short time scale (minutes-hours): Gamma-ray Bursts, Massive Black Holes, Neutron stars, Supernovae explosions, Flare stars Evolution of the Universe: the new X-ray cosmology by using the brightest and most distant explosions, the Gamma-Ray Bursts

9 Catching big and rapid flares means: –very large release of energy under estreme conditions – that your instrument is 10-100 times more sensitive than for persistent sources

10 Fast pointingHigh-res spectroscopy Polarimetry SWIFT(2004) √ ASTROE-2 (2005) √ NEXT(2009?) √ ? ESTREMO (2012) √√√ XEUS (2015) √

11 Extreme physics (I): GRB Identify the progenitor through the study of pre- ejected material (spectroscopy) Disentangle the origin of the fireball and gather clues on the origin of the central engine (X-ray polarimetry) Identify and study the origin of soft GRB (X-ray flashes) Study the origin of X-ray precursors and their connection with progenitor Search for the so-called Orphan X-ray afterglows, I.e. the predicted vast population of GRB with the jet pointing away from our line of sight

12 Iron features GB970508 (Piro et al 1999) GB010220 (Watson et al 2002) GB990705 (Amati et al 2000) GB000214 (Antonelli et al 2000) GB991216 (Piro et al 2000) GB980828 (Yoshida et al 1999)

13 Soft X-ray lines The GRB-SN connection furtherly confirmed by the detection of He/H-like Mg, Si, S, Ar metal lines blueshifted at v/c=0.1 in the afterglow spectra of GRB011211 (by XMM, Reeves et al 02), GRB020813 (by Chandra, Butler et al 03) and GRB030227 (by XMM, Watson et al 03)

14 New window: X-ray cosmology with GRB –Identify high-z GRB and their primordial host galaxies –Study the evolution of metals & star formation with z –WHIM & dark matter

15 GRB as cosmological probes Map the metal evolution vs z Simulations of X-ray edges produced by metals (Si, S, Ar, Fe) by a medium with column density NH=5 10 22 cm -2 and solar-like abundances in the host galaxy of a bright GRB at z=5., as observed ESTREMO with an observation starting 60 s after the main pulse and lasting 60 ksec Fe Si S Ar

16 Dark matter & WHIM: X-ray forest  Structure simulation from Cen & Ostriker (1999) Simulations of WHIM absorption features from OVII as expected from filaments (at different z, with EW=0.2-0.5 eV) in the l.o.s. toward a GRB with Fluence=4 10 -6 as observed with ESTREMO (in 100 ksec). About 10% of GRB (10 events per year per 3 sr) with 4 million counts in the TES focal plane detector

17 Comparison of main parameters for WHIM absorption line detection at 0.5 kev for this and present and future missions ESTRE MO XMM/R GS Chandra/ LETG Con- X/grat XEUS1 Aeff*  100010010300030000  10.1 11 EE 21.5112 S/S0201111 M10.00015010300015.000 The relative fluence S/S0 of the afterglow is derived assuming a decay slope of 1.3, with an integration of about 100 ksec, starting at 60s for this missions and at 11 hrs for the other missions. M is the factor of merit = Aeff*  S/  E for line detection: EW min = K  /k  M, when K  is the number of s required for the detection (K  =5)

18 WHIM in emission area@0.5area@0.5 keV (cm -2 ) Ä E (eV) FOV(arcmi n) S/S XMM S/N/S/N XM M XMM(pn) 13006025 x 2511 Chandra 26010018 x 180.10.05 XEUS 30000(1;50)(1x1;5x5)0.04;12;1 Con-X 500023x30.051.5 DIOS 100220000.256.7 ASTRO-E2 35062.9x2.90.0030.025 ESTREMO 1000270(280)0.1 (0.4)2.5 (10)

19 Core Science II Fast high resolution (De=2 eV) spectroscopy and polarimetry of transient events (<few hrs) –Type I bursts (eq.of state of NS) –Giant outburst (duration of few minutes) from galactic BH (e.g. Cyg X-1) and fast (<1day) BH transients – SGR&AXP: afterglows –Plasmoid emission from microquasars –Fast transients: CV –Classical Novae –Flare stars –SN explosions - AGN(Sey-like & BLLazars): outburst lasting < 1 day

20 Type I superbursts

21 Equation of state of Neutron Stars (baryon vs exotic matter) XMM-Grating spectrum summed over about 28 faint type I bursts (about 10.000 cts in total) Detection of redshifted absorption lines from ionized O and Fe with z=0.35: gravitational redshift on the NS surface (Cottam et al Nature 2003) ESTREMO: 100 more cts for a type I; 10.000 more cts in superburst

22 Requirements & Instruments Localization and study of prompt GRB & X-Ray transients –Localizator: range from a few keV (need to catch X-ray flashes and transients)- 100 keV (SWIFT: >15-20 keV) – 2-3 arcmin resolution; –FOV: ¼ sky: 100 bright GRB per year (bright means at least 100000 cts in NFI follow-up observation) and a similar number of transient sources. Sensitivity: a few mCrab –Possible Technology: CdZnTe, Si,.. –Extended capabilities/options: Lobster-type (soft X-ray positions, faint events), Si (low energy extension, superior energy resolution)

23 Requirements & Instruments (II) -Autonomous fast follow-up 10-100 seconds following the transient position from on-board x-ray localizator (a la swift) - X-ray optics > 1000 cm2 (x10 SWIFT/XRT) -TES microcalorimeters (DE<2 eV at 1 keV, efficiency near to 100%) AND KHz count rate (to observe Crab-like sources!!) -1 Crab= 20.000 cts/s -40 GRB per year with 300.000 cts, 10 per year with 3.5 10 6 cts -FOV >9’ (e.g. 8m foc.len. -> 26”mm-1 -> 8’diameter for 500u pixel ; if 4m -> 16’ (or reduce pixel size): trade off with resolution, count rate, optics resolution. For a Crab-like source (assuming a max. cnt/rate per pixel =1000 cts/s) need at least 10 px per PSF element -X-ray polarimeter

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