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Element Elements and Compounds Lithium and Sodium Structure of Atom Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined.

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Presentation on theme: "Element Elements and Compounds Lithium and Sodium Structure of Atom Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined."— Presentation transcript:

1 Element Elements and Compounds Lithium and Sodium Structure of Atom Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Objectives: Occurrence, extraction, properties and Uses of Lithium. Occurrence, extraction, properties and Uses of Sodium. The s-Block Elements

2 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum The s-Block Elements Lithium Lithium is the first member of the alkali metal family. It is the least dense of all metals. Diagonal Relationship and Irregularity Lithium and Sodium

3 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Occurrence of Lithium The abundance of lithium in the Earth's crust is estimated to be about 0.005 percent. Lithium and Sodium The most common ores of lithium are spodumene, lepidolite and amblygonite. Lithium is also obtained from saltwater.

4 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom 1) Conversion of Lithium into Lithium chloride 2) Electrolysis of Lithium chloride The s-Block Elements Extraction of Lithium Lithium and Sodium The ore is heated at 1373 K to convert into less dense form. It is then washed with sulphuric acid at 523 K and leached with water to give lithium sulphate monohvdrate (Li 2 SO 4.H 2 O). It is then treated with sodium carbonate solution and HCI, which gives insoluble lithium carbonate and finally lithium chloride. The extraction of Lithium from its minerals involves two steps: Conversion of Lithium into Lithium chloride:

5 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Extraction of Lithium Lithium and Sodium Dry lithium chloride is fused with potassium chloride in the ratio of 55: 45 respectively. The process takes place in the electrolytic cell. Potassium chloride is added to lower the temperature and to increase the conductivity of Lithium chloride. Electrolysis of Lithium chloride :

6 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom Properties of Lithium The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Lithium is a very soft, silvery metal. Being smallest in the size of the elements of group-I the values of its melting point, boiling point and ionization enthalpy are the highest.

7 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom Lithium is used as an alloying agent, in synthesizing organic compounds, and is added to glasses and ceramics. The s-Block Elements Uses of Lithium Lithium and Sodium Its high electrochemical potential makes it useful for battery anodes. Lithium greases are used in military, industrial, automotive, aircraft, and marine applications. It is used as reducing agent.

8 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Sodium It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal and is a member of the alkali metals. Lithium and Sodium

9 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Occurrence of Sodium Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Sodium metal, being very reactive, is not available free in and exists in numerous minerals such as rock salt, chilie salt petre and borax.

10 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Extraction of Sodium The industrial production of sodium is carried out via Down cell by electrolysis of sodium chloride melted at 1123 K.

11 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Physical Properties of Sodium Freshly exposed, sodium has a bright, silvery luster that rapidly tarnishes, forming a white coating of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate.

12 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Chemical Properties of Sodium Reactivity towards dioxygen Reactivity towards water Reactivity towards dihydrogen Reactivity towards halogen

13 Element Elements and Compounds Extraction of Sulphur Non-metals Compounds A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined with one another in a fixed proportion. Water, sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, methane etc are the examples of compounds. Mineral Coal and Mineral Oil Petroleum Structure of Atom The s-Block Elements Lithium and Sodium Uses of Sodium Sodium used as reducing agent, as liquid coolant in atomic reactor, as vapour in sodium light and in dyes industry.

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