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Rerun of essentials of week 1-3 Protein structure analysis, comparison, and prediction.

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1 Rerun of essentials of week 1-3 Protein structure analysis, comparison, and prediction

2 Structure comparison Structure relates to function. Structure comparison has the same role as sequence alignment: transfer of information. Done with structures, though, the transfer of information has much higher quality.

3 Non-bonded interactions Lennard-Jones potential Coulomb potential

4 Protein details Torsion angle Ramachandran plot

5 Action = Reaction Ramachandran plots for Glu and Asp found in loops. Who is who and why? Keep in mind that SFB is Bioinformatics 1 for the mature scientists …

6 Hydrogen bonds Paradoxically, hydrogen bonds are bad for the Folded Unfolded equilibrium (assuming we call folded good and unfolded bad…). Why?

7 Salt bridges Salt bridges work over a longer distance than other interactions (Coulomb goes with 1/r^2). So, salt bridges are easier to engineer than hydrogen bonds. This example shows a hydrogen bonded salt bridge. Salt bridges work less well in high salt solutions. (why?).

8 Cys-cys bonds Cysteine bridges are used for stability by small proteins, or by toxins that have to escape the innate immune system. Free cysteines are dangerous for a protein, so paired cysteines either don’t mutate or mutate in tandem. They either work thermodynamically by destabilizing the unfolded form, or kinetically by keeping surface loops from unfolding locally.

9 Accessibility Buried hydrophobic surface is worth about 20 J/Å2 (and don’t forget that there are two surfaces touching each other)… So, one carbon fully buried is worth 2*20*4*π*1.8 2 ~3200 J/Mole ~ 1kCal/Mole (again using Belgium calculus, that is)





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