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SCIENCE PROCESSING OVERVIEW David Le Vine Aquarius Deputy PI 07 July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE PROCESSING OVERVIEW David Le Vine Aquarius Deputy PI 07 July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE PROCESSING OVERVIEW David Le Vine Aquarius Deputy PI 07 July 2009

2 Data ProductDescription Level 1AReconstructed unprocessed instrument data Level 1B*Geolocated, calibrated radiometer sensor units acquired at 0.12 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Geolocated, calibrated scatterometer sensor units acquired at 0.18 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Level 2AGeolocated, calibrated radiometer and scatterometer sensor units at 1.44 s sample at the surface, corrected for Faraday rotation, antenna pattern, atmosphere and sky reflections. Level 2BGeolocated SSS from L2A at 1.44 sec. Roughness correction (TB) from Scatterometer. Level 3Time-space objectively analyzed SSS on a standard Earth Projection with150 km smoothing scales; 7-days and monthly. Data Definitions Data Files * RFI and Glitch detection filters

3 Aquarius/SAC-D CONAE L1A: Formatting Ephemeris/Time Geolocation Average: 1.44 sec RFI Filter L2B File SSS Retrieval To L3 Geophysical Algorithm Remove Sky APC Faraday Rotation Propagate to Surface TB at surface Science Ground Processing Flow Diagram L2A: Scatterometer Geophysical Algorithm Calibrated Sigma0 Average Gain Glitch Detector Calibration Counts  TA Temp correction Radiometer Calibration TA To L2B File Faraday Rotation Alternative: IGS L2A L2B: Wind or ΔTB Ancillary Data NCEP and SST Solar Flux IGS Land Mask Galactic Background Flags L1B: Scatterometer Calibration RFI / Ice Flags TB surface L1B To L2B File Cal/Val AVDS Cold Sky L2B

4 Aquarius/SAC-D CONAE L1A: Formatting Ephemeris/Time Geolocation Average: 1.44 sec RFI Filter L2B File SSS Retrieval To L3 Geophysical Algorithm Remove Sky APC Faraday Rotation Propagate to Surface TB at surface Science Ground Processing: L2A: Scatterometer Geophysical Algorithm Calibrated Sigma0 Average Gain Glitch Detector Calibration Counts  TA Temp correction Radiometer Calibration TA To L2B File Faraday Rotation Alternative: IGS L2A L2B: Wind or ΔTB Ancillary Data NCEP and SST Solar Flux IGS Land Mask Galactic Background Flags L1B: Scatterometer Calibration RFI / Ice Flags TB surface L1B To L2B File Cal/Val AVDS Cold Sky L2B Implemented blocks

5 Science Documentation Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents: ATBD Radiometer: –L1B: Geolocation Delivered –L2A and L2B: SSS Retrieval Algorithm Delivered (Update, January, 2008) Revision : October, 2009 Scatterometer –L1 and L2: Due May, 2010 Level 3: Gridding –Delivered Data ProductDescription Level 1AReconstructed unprocessed instrument data Level 1BGeolocated, calibrated radiometer sensor units acquired at 0.12 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Geolocated, calibrated scatterometer sensor units acquired at 0.18 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Level 2AGeolocated, calibrated radiometer and scatterometer sensor units at 1.44 s sample at the surface, corrected for Faraday rotation, antenna pattern, atmosphere and sky reflections. Level 2BGeolocated SSS from L2A at 1.44 sec. Roughness correction (TB) from Scatterometer. Level 3Time-space objectively analyzed SSS on a standard Earth Projection with150 km smoothing scales; 7-days and monthly. Data Files

6 Radiometer Flags RFI: Wentz/Ruf –Based on algorithm by C. Ruf –Code provided by F. Wentz –Input: Calibrated radiometer TA Rain: Wentz –Flags rain in main beam and corrects for liquid water –Input: NCEP rain and/or MWR –Status: research needed to use MWR and/or improve product Land:Wentz – Generates a weighted land fraction (land fraction weighted by the antenna pattern) – Input: Antenna patterns and orbit geometry Ice :Le Vine – Generates a weighted ice fraction – Input: Antenna patterns, orbit geometry and sea ice data (TBD) – Research needed to determine appropriate source of sea ice data. Wind Speed –Generates a flag level of wind (e.g. W 15 m/s) –Input: Same windspeed as used in the SSS retrieval (NCEP, MWR, or Scatt) Unusual TB –Compares measured TB with forward model and flags outliers –Input: Actual SST and reference SSS (e.g. smoothed Argo field, or HYCOM output) –Use TB at surface (but TB at TOA or TOI are also possible)

7 Flags Continued 1 Sun1: Mean Sun; Le Vine –Computes TA due to sun and issues a level (Green, yellow, red) to indicate potential contamination – One flag for direct and one for reflected ray – Input: Noon time solar flux from Air Force RSTN station at Sagamore Hill plus antenna patterns Sun2: Solar Flare; Le Vine –Computes TA due to solar flares and issues a level (Green, yellow, red) to indicate potential problem –One flag for direct ray and one for reflected ray. –Input: RSTN data on solar microwave bursts at L-band. Sun3: Illuminated Ocean; Le Vine –Indicates times when small scale roughness may cause reflected sun to enter near the main beam. –Three level flag –Input: Wind speed plus static look up table (this is will be computed using fixed parameters as a function of wind speed using two scale model for the rough surface) Moon: Le Vine –Computes TA due to the Moon and issues a flag when the reflected ray approaches boresight (twice each month) –Flag with three levels –Input: Static look up table based on orbit ephemeris Galactic: Le Vine –Computes the contribution of radiation from the galaxy scattered into the mainbeam. –There level flag –Input: Wind speed and SST and reference SSS. Rough surface and smooth surface look up table.

8 Flags Continued 2 Gain Jump: Piepmeier –Identifies gain glitches –Yes or No –Input: Radiometer output

9 Ancillary Data Land Mask: RSS or GSFC data base –1/12 deg resolution (GSFC/MODIS at 1 km) –Either mask is acceptable. The difference should not matter. Galactic Background : Avialable at the Aquarius website – Sun: The Air Force Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN) provide solar flux –Mean Value : USAF_NOON_FLUX/ USAF_NOON_FLUX/ –Flares: Atmosphere (pressure, temperature and humidity profiles): –NCEP GFS GDAS (Operational Product with a 6-9 hour delay) –One degree resolution: Atmosphere: total liquid water –NCEP GFS GDAS (Operational product with 6-9 hour delay) –One degree resolution: –Also: MSP (SSM/IS brightness temperature from Remote Sensing Systems) –Also: MWR and/or GPM ?.

10 Ancillary Data: Cont Sea Surface Temperature: –NCEP OISST product (Reynolds) –Daily at 0.25 degree resolution – Sea Surface Winds: NCEP GDAS (Operational Product with a 6-9 hour delay) – –Also: MWR and/or Scatterometer Sea Ice (Concentration, extent and age) –TBD: GSFC team (Le Vine) to research and define optimum product –Goal is to have a flag for ice contamination (weighted beam fraction) –Candidates: NOAA/MMB or NSIDC (DMSP product) Daily (1-2 days delay; 12.7 km MMB or 25 km NSIDC) (registration or subscription) Ionosphere: Earth Magnetic Field –International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) –Code: Ionosphere: Total Electron Content –IGS rapid product –

11 Backup

12 Data ProductDescription Level 1AReconstructed unprocessed instrument data Level 1BGeolocated, calibrated radiometer sensor units acquired at 0.12 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Geolocated, calibrated scatterometer sensor units acquired at 0.18 second instrument cycle; Averaged and retained at 1.44 seconds. Level 2AGeolocated, calibrated radiometer and scatterometer sensor units at 1.44 s sample at the surface, corrected for Faraday rotation, antenna pattern, atmosphere and sky reflections. Level 2BGeolocated SSS from L2A at 1.44 sec. Roughness correction (TB) from Scatterometer. Level 3Time-space objectively analyzed SSS on a standard Earth Projection with150 km smoothing scales; 7-days and monthly. Data Definitions Data Files

13 Schedule and Milestones Simulated Data –Radiometer June 15: Tests file to Ground System (Done) June 30: One week of data July 1 – Aug 15: Continue sending data until complete (one year simulated) –Scatterometer July 1: Test file delivered (under review; updated July 31) End of August: Start generation of 1 yr of simulated data (completed mid-September) End of October: Deliver code for L2 algorithm February 2010: L2 processor update Radiometer Software Update: October 30 –Mods to Geophysical algorithm Move APC Add galactic background (smoothed map) –Complete radiometer calibration (Counts to TA) June 30: Code & data delivered from instrument team to science team October 30: Code delivered by science team to ground system. –Add Flags Updates to ground system and RSS as available All flags ready to implement by October 30 Things Remaining to be Added –Gain glitch filter –Roughness model for reflected galactic background –Sun correction when in daylight and when backscatter occurs from small scale roughness –Land correction (Land fraction will be flagged but no correction in the October code)

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