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Chemistry in Motion 246th American Chemical Society National Meeting September 8-12, 2013 Indianapolis, IN Transportation Energy Environment The problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry in Motion 246th American Chemical Society National Meeting September 8-12, 2013 Indianapolis, IN Transportation Energy Environment The problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry in Motion 246th American Chemical Society National Meeting September 8-12, 2013 Indianapolis, IN Transportation Energy Environment The problem ……. and the solution

2 Petroleum 35.3 Natural Gas 23.4 Renewable Energy 7.7 Transportation 27.0 72 3 3 94 12 3 % of source % of transportation Energy Use in Transportion 2009, Quadrillion Btu 1 quad = 172 million barrels of oil (8 to 9 days of U.S. oil use) 50 million tons of coal (2% of annual U.S. electricity use) 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas (~4% of annual U.S. natural gas use). Total U.S. Energy Use (2009) = 95 quads Transportation Accounted for 28% Petroleum Accounts for 94% of Energy Used for Transportation

3 Energy and Transportation: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21 st Century National Research Council Report, 2003 Transportation Challenges  Vehicle mass reduction: use of new materials to improve fuel efficiency  PMSE, POLY, CATL, INOR, TOXI  Reduced material cost of proton exchange fuel cells  PMSE, POLY, CATL, INOR, ORGN, FLUO  Hydrogen generation, transportation and storage infrastructure  ANAL, COLL, FUEL, INOR, ORGN, PHYS, CHAS, ENVR  New, less expensive and more selective chemical catalysts  CATL, INOR, ORGN, ANAL,

4 Energy Challenges  Significant increases in energy efficiency of fossil fuels and chemical specificity of fossil fuel utilization (reduce CO 2 and other harmful exhaust.  FUEL, CATL, ORGN, INOR, ANAL, TOXI, PHYS  Develop infrastructure for conversion of natural gas to H 2 and environmentally clean liquid fuels.  CATL, INOR, ORGN, PHYS, ANAL, PMSE, POLY, COLL  Management of atmospheric CO2 levels: requires capture and sequestration  GEOC, PHYS, POLY, PMSE, ORGN  Large increase in field efficiency (ratio of field capacity and theoretical field capacity) is needed to realize potential of biomass  BIOL, BIOT, ACRO, FUEL,  Development of cost-effective photovoltaics for direct production of H 2 and electricity.  PHYS, PMSE, POLY, ORGN, INOR, ANAL,  Breakthroughs in energy storage technologies.  PMSE, POLY, PHYS, INOR, ORGN, COLL, CHAS, TOXI

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