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How democratic is the American Constitution?. Today… Review of the argument Your reactions to Dahl’s argument Prerequisites for democracy?

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Presentation on theme: "How democratic is the American Constitution?. Today… Review of the argument Your reactions to Dahl’s argument Prerequisites for democracy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How democratic is the American Constitution?

2 Today… Review of the argument Your reactions to Dahl’s argument Prerequisites for democracy?

3 Dahl’s argument The Constitution is not a sacred text Ours is no better than other democratic systems Our system does not live up to modern democratic standards

4 How is our Constitution undemocratic? Slavery No guarantee of suffrage—left up to states Insulated from popular control Senate Judicial review No clear allowance for regulation or taxes

5 Why is our Constitution undemocratic? Politics of ratification

6 How has the Constitution become more democratic over time? Expansion of suffrage Abolition of slavery Changes to election of Senators

7 Other democratic systems aren’t like ours! Unitary, not federal Unicameral (not bicameral) legislatures No judicial review Parliamentary not separated system PR not Plurality

8 Plurality vs. Proportional Representation PLURALITY Just need one more vote than next candidate to win a seat in legislature Favors two parties PR Party gets seats in legislature proportional to the percent of the vote it received Favors multiple parties

9 Our democracy is no better than other democracies Stability Individual rights Responsiveness Equality and policy outcomes

10 U.S. Compared to other Democracies US in top third US in middle third US in bottom third Economic Growth X Women's cabinet representation X Popular support for executive X Budget deficits X Unemployment X Family policy X Inflation X Women's parliamentary representation X Rich-poor ratio X Energy efficiency X Welfare state index X Social expenditures X Voter turnout X Foreign aid X Incarceration rate X


12 On a scrap of paper, answer the following questions. (Put a question mark if you don’t know the answer….) 1. What is a primary election? 2. How long is the term in office for a member of the House of Representatives? 3. Who is William Rehnquist? 4. Who is Dennis Hastert? 5. Which political party is more conservative? 6. What did President Bush talk about on Thursday? 7. What countries did the U.S. fight against in World War II?

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