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We want to make two promises to every child: We will teach you to read and we will help you to be a reader.

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Presentation on theme: "We want to make two promises to every child: We will teach you to read and we will help you to be a reader."— Presentation transcript:

1 We want to make two promises to every child: We will teach you to read and we will help you to be a reader

2 Research –Richard Allington ‘’ Kids need to read a lot if they are to become good readers.The evidence on this point is overwhelming.’’ ‘’They need access to books that entice them,attract them to reading.’’

3 Parents - Talk about books with your children What do you think will happen next? I think the cat will run away when he sees the dog because that’s what cats do – what do you think? Cinderella is very kind isn’t she?

4 Readiness to read..has more to do with book,story,and print experiences that occur before school entry than with drill on any subset of skills or achieving at any particular age.

5 Prior knowledge – Understanding about the things being read The importance of prior knowledge to comprehension and communication is included in virtually all modern theories of reading. ( Anderson&Anderson, 1984, Pressley,Wood&Woloshyn, 1992, Spivey,1996 )

6 Home reading and 85% 85% of what we read should be easy 15% of what we read should be challenging (to be encountered at school in instructional teaching) 0% of what we read should be too hard

7 Summary Help your child become a reader by Making sure he/she has access to books Modelling reading at every opportunity Discuss what the text is about Talking about the world– build concepts Allowing him/her to build reading mileage with easy/familiar texts

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