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L ESSON 2 A website is a collection of different types of data, which can be anything like text, graphics, videos etc. combined together to provide.

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Presentation on theme: "L ESSON 2 A website is a collection of different types of data, which can be anything like text, graphics, videos etc. combined together to provide."— Presentation transcript:




4 A website is a collection of different types of data, which can be anything like text, graphics, videos etc. combined together to provide some kind of useful information. Types of Website 1. Portal Website 2. News Website 3. Informational Website 4. Business/Marketing Website 5. Educational Website 6. Entertainment Website 7. Advocacy Website 8. Blogs Website 9. Wiki Website 10. Content Aggregator Website 11. Social Network Website 12. Search Engine, Directories, Yellow Pages and Portals Website

5 C OMPUTER E THICS C OMPUTER E THICS It is the responsoble use of computers and computer networks. Netiquettte Netiquettte (Net etiquette) Netiquette, or etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet. 1. Real People Exist Behind The Computers 2. Protect Your Privacy 3. Avoid Spamming

6 Software Piracy Computer Viruses/Worms Plagiarism Hacking File Privacy Intellectual Property Rights Copyright Information Privacy The Republic Act 10175: Anti-Cybercrime Law 1. Illegal Access 2. Illegal Interception 3. Data Interference 4. System Interference 5. Misuse of Device 6. Cyber-squatting 7. Computer-related Forgery 8. Computer-related Fraud 9. Computer-related Identity Theft 10. Cybersex 11. Child Pornography 12. Unsolicited Commercial Communications 13. Libel

7 1.Protection from Internal Threats 2.Hardware Theft 3.Non-Criminal Security Threats 1.Work with your IT department 2.Use strong passwords 3.Don’t enable the Save Password option 4.Use network file shares instead of local file shares 5.Lock your computer when you leave your desk 6.Use password protection on your screensaver 7.Encrypt files containing confidential or business critical files

8 MANILA, Philippines — Almost 9 out of 10 Filipino Internet users have been victimized by cybercrime or a malicious activity on the Internet at one time or another, the Department of Justice (DOJ) primer on facts and trends about cybercrimes committed in the country, said on Tuesday. The primer on Philippine cybercrime has been prepared by the DOJ as part of its advocacy program to prevent abuses in cyberspace as the legality of the new law against cybercrime is being deliberated in the Supreme Court. In October 2012, the implementation of the new Cyber-crime Prevention Act of 2012 was suspended by the high tribunal for four months until Feb.6 following 15 petitions seeking for the law to be declared unconstitutional wholly or partially. The high court is set to hear on Jan.15 oral arguments on the law that became controversial because of its provisions that included the criminalization of online libel.

9 In the three-page primer presented in a question and answer format, the DOJ said that cybercrime has become “one of the fastest growing crimes globally.” In the Philippines, the primer quoted a 2010 report of the security software firm Symantec that as many as 87 percent of Filipino internet users (nearly nine out of 10) were identified as victims of crimes and malicious activities committed online. These included being victimized in activities such as malware (virus and Trojan) invasion; online or phishing scams; sexual predation; and services in social networking site like Facebook and Twitter. From 2003 to 2012, the Anti-Transnational Crime Division (ATCD) of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) looked into 2,778 referred cases of computer crimes from government agencies and private individuals nationwide.

10 1. Keep your computer current with the latest patches and updates. Keep your computer current with the latest patches and updates. 2. Make sure your computer is configured securely. Make sure your computer is configured securely. 3. Choose strong passwords and keep them safe. Choose strong passwords and keep them safe. 4. Protect your computer with security software. Protect your computer with security software. 5. Protect your personal information. Protect your personal information. 6. Online offers that look too good to be true usually are. Online offers that look too good to be true usually are. 7. Review bank and credit card statements regularly. Review bank and credit card statements regularly.


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